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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Cough up 60 million for 5 years and get Belichick (would probably take more, now that I think about it). Hate him all you want, but he's the best out there. If there's any way he would leave his current job, show that guy the money.
  2. What happened to the preseason game in Toronto? Wasn't that the agreement? One game each of preseason and regular season every year? Or was it 3 preseason and 5 regular season?
  3. No you didn't. Stats dumbed down like that don't mean anything. Perhaps you didn't notice, but the AFC east played the weak NFC west and AFC west last year. In any case, stats rarely tell the whole story. Here's a hypothetical scenario. A team not from either division plays all 8 of the teams in question this year at a neutral site. Anybody who knows anything about football would predict they would come out with a better record against the AFC east teams rather than the NFC east. Whenever I hear over-simplistic arguments like yours, it reminds me of a sick joke I once heard: "Statistically, 5 out of 6 people enjoy gang-rape...that doesn't make it right".
  4. I've said it from day one, the Bills should have paid Peters his money and kept him. If you were in his position (3rd highest paid player on the line, making 1/3 your fair mkt value) not many people would sit idly by. Spare me the nonsense about how you'd be happy making 3-4m a year. It's only natural to look at the 6-7 you are giving up. Another bonehead move that will become more apparent in the years to come. He will be making the Pro Bowl again while we sign the next Derrick Dockery equivalent for the same money Peters was asking for originally.
  5. Haha...not at all SDS. Just so you know, I'm gunning for that top spot...only a little over 10,000 people to jump. Cool avatar...hope that was before Kris Draper's kid crapped in the cup.
  6. Ah, so you are member #1, huh? Always wondered who it was.
  7. That was a really fun game. Didn't Anthony Hargrove absolutely destroy the poor guy on a sack or am I thinking of Cleo Lemon? The best part was the bomb to Evans from Edwards. Not sure why people think Edwards can't throw the deep ball, especially with tosses like that.
  8. You wouldn't trade him for anybody, yet he's a poor man's Hines Ward? So does that mean you wouldn't trade him for Ward either? This Josh Reed love is mind-boggling. He's mediocre at best. He's had success recently because of Edwards' penchant to throw short passes in favour of riskier ones, but the guy isn't anything special. If the offensive coaches had any creativity whatsoever, they'd try to get Parrish the ball more often. I know that's been the refrain for years now, but don't blame Parrish for it. He's right...they don't use him to the best of his abilities.
  9. He looks somewhat similar to Edward James Olmos from his American Me days. One of those "oh, that guy" actors: http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&s...t=0&ndsp=18
  10. I was at that game. They flexed it so it was a sunday nighter. Those extra hours of beer drinking actually had me convinced by game time that the Bills could pull off the upset. Early in the second quarter, it was 28-7 I believe. Quick way to get rid of your buzz, I tell ya. Roscoe Parrish made an amazing catch for the Bills' only touchdown that game. That guy has got untapped skills. He is right...they need to use him more.
  11. No, that was the 'well-manicured man' in the first movie. Cigarette Smoking Man died at the end of the series in the mountains. And the Bills haven't made the playoffs since. Miss that show, and I miss Bills football in January!
  12. I actually respect the fact that he's a classy guy and not an obnoxious ass like Rex Ryan, but unfortunately the bland personality we see through the media translates to his conservative approach to the game. He's a guy you want to see do well, but he just doesn't exude confidence. Although the players seem to like him, he doesn't seem to get the most out of them. I don't think the Bills are devoid of talent like some people do and a good coach would have got this team into the playoffs last year with that creampuff schedule. I hope he does well, but I don't see it happening.
  13. Give your headbashing a rest. That was not the Bills' pick. They finished 9-7 that year and Dallas chose Marcus Spears with Buffalo's first rounder. Demarcus Ware was their own pick.
  14. Can you download the games too or does it only stream them?
  15. link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnuxpy_CHCA
  16. Singing the US anthem at the game in Toronto: Leslie Nielsen...in his umpire uniform.
  17. I think it's to announce that their mascot Snowflake has been kidnapped.
  18. No. Marcus Spears = JP Losman. That still sucks though, but not as much.
  19. That's Tecmo Super Bowl to you. QB Bills is not impressed. hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
  20. Who cares? They are Canada's team and that's all that matters.
  21. Folks, the no huddle is not the same thing as the hurry-up. The reason for using it is not necessarily to have speedy drives, but to not allow the defense to make substitutions and adjust. If you look at the no huddle days of yesteryear with Kelly and co., they would run the play clock down to the single digits often.
  22. Good lord. Are you joking, or do you really think that was him making those calls?? In either case, it'd be great if you punched him out...I hate that clown too.
  23. If Whitner was to be traded, who would: a) hold slumber parties for the defense? b) guarantee the playoffs, then go the whole season without being noticed? c) be sammy morris' tackling dummy on gameday? d) spend all his time on facebook instead of perfecting his craft? He's too slow to catch quick rb's, too weak to tackle big ones, and too stupid to get interceptions (anyone remember the play early on at the jets this year?). The only reason people defend him is because he was the 8th overall pick, and is 'supposed' to be good. Newsflash, he's not. If you can't get anything for him, give him a set of pompoms and tell him to join the Jills, because cheerleading is the only notable thing he's done thus far in his career.
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