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If Rush was buying our Bills instead of the Rams...


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eff rush limbaugh and his hateful, divisive schtick.


and now he's out there "blaming the left" for being ousted. sorry rush, i dont think the left made you into an a-hole that a lot of people cant stand.


he has every right to say whatever he wants. but to cry about people not liking him after he says it, is such a puzzy way out. he says inflammatory things because a large part of this nation is dumb enough to eat it up without putting any of their own thought into it. he's cashing in on lazy brains. if he's upset that people dont like him after he "plays his role" maybe he should just take a bottle full of his pain meds and cry himself to sleep.

My guess is that he loves the attention he's getting over this

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My guess is that he loves the attention he's getting over this


of course he is. it couldnt have worked out better for him and his radio show that he got bounced. he's already trying to rally the right by "warning" people that this is a result of "Obama's America". and of course ignoring the fact that, jsut as he has the right to say a bunch of stupid ****, people have the right to disagree and shun him for it.



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of course he is. it couldnt have worked out better for him and his radio show that he got bounced. he's already trying to rally the right by "warning" people that this is a result of "Obama's America". and of course ignoring the fact that, jsut as he has the right to say a bunch of stupid ****, people have the right to disagree and shun him for it.



The funny thing is that more liberals listen to him than conservatives, which explains a lot.......

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eff rush limbaugh and his hateful, divisive schtick.


and now he's out there "blaming the left" for being ousted. sorry rush, i dont think the left made you into an a-hole that a lot of people cant stand.


he has every right to say whatever he wants. but to cry about people not liking him after he says it, is such a puzzy way out. he says inflammatory things because a large part of this nation is dumb enough to eat it up without putting any of their own thought into it. he's cashing in on lazy brains. if he's upset that people dont like him after he "plays his role" maybe he should just take a bottle full of his pain meds and cry himself to sleep.

oh paleeeese :wallbash:


I'd be happy as hell if he bought the Bills, the guy is a winner and has passion and thats something we've been sorely lacking. Too bad the Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world race bait just like they did with the Duke Lacrosse boys and help stop this man from being an NFL owner.


It's ok for JayZ to go off on a racist rant, but of course, since he's black and he can do that. We've got such a hypocritical double standard here its just pathetic.

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I am incredibly offended that an arrogant, white bigot, who regularly and publicly denigrates an entire community of people because they aren't wealthy or privileged enough for his tastes, would ever be allowed to own an NFL franchise. The league needs to take action against that pompous-ass hater who callously feeds the masses cheap, substandard garbage year after year, but instead they induct him into the Hall of Fame.

I'm quite frankly surprised that nobody here picked up on the fact that I was referencing Ralph Wilson in this post. To those who jumped in with the knee-jerk assumption that this meant Rush Limbaugh, or suggested in some convoluted way I meant Al Franken, I hope this goes to show that you need to think before you type.


You see, what the frothing zealots overlooked was the fact that my final sentence referenced this person being inducted into the HOF, which I presumed would be more than enough clue to reveal the subtle, humorous dig I was taking at people who try to blindly demonize without first considering the hypocrisy of their words.


I hope those of you who dove right in without thinking learned something, but I suspect you'll just get overheated and try to justify your actions as perfectly reasonable.

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Great point. Considering his comments in the past such as:


(to a black caller) ''Take that bone out of your nose and call me back"


and ''Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"


I wonder how free agents would respond to coming to a team owned by him.


My guess is money talks and they would come, but at a premium.


TOTALLY IGNORANT post above. This article may help you see the light, but I doubt it.



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oh paleeeese :wallbash:


I'd be happy as hell if he bought the Bills, the guy is a winner and has passion and thats something we've been sorely lacking. Too bad the Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world race bait just like they did with the Duke Lacrosse boys and help stop this man from being an NFL owner.


It's ok for JayZ to go off on a racist rant, but of course, since he's black and he can do that. We've got such a hypocritical double standard here its just pathetic.

Who insinuated that its ok for JZ to go on a racist rant? I didn't see that anywhere

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eff rush limbaugh and his hateful, divisive schtick.


and now he's out there "blaming the left" for being ousted. sorry rush, i dont think the left made you into an a-hole that a lot of people cant stand.


he has every right to say whatever he wants. but to cry about people not liking him after he says it, is such a puzzy way out. he says inflammatory things because a large part of this nation is dumb enough to eat it up without putting any of their own thought into it. he's cashing in on lazy brains. if he's upset that people dont like him after he "plays his role" maybe he should just take a bottle full of his pain meds and cry himself to sleep.

This is so awesome, and you know why it's so awesome? Because there are countless idiots out there with TV cameras and radio mics right in front of their pieholes, and they're all saying the same thing that you say here. The problem is, they're all repeating racist quotes that have been repeatedly proven over the past two days not to exist. And yet everyone keeps quoting them because it supports their insatiable desire to paint him as "hateful" and "divisive."


Rush is fat. Rush is a druggie. Rush is a racist. Rush says James Earl Ray should get a medal. Blah, blah, blah, blah...all the way to the freaking bank. It starts with the White House coming down on him, it trickles into idiots like Olbermann and Tingles and Madcow going after him, it tinkles down to message board guys like yourself going after him...and Rush owes his immense success to all of you. :wallbash::doh:


It's quite possibly one of the funniest parts of reading the kind of stuff you repeat from the media. Keep up the good work.

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This is so awesome, and you know why it's so awesome? Because there are countless idiots out there with TV cameras and radio mics right in front of their pieholes, and they're all saying the same thing that you say here. The problem is, they're all repeating racist quotes that have been repeatedly proven over the past two days not to exist. And yet everyone keeps quoting them because it supports their insatiable desire to paint him as "hateful" and "divisive."


Rush is fat. Rush is a druggie. Rush is a racist. Rush says James Earl Ray should get a medal. Blah, blah, blah, blah...all the way to the freaking bank. It starts with the White House coming down on him, it trickles into idiots like Olbermann and Tingles and Madcow going after him, it tinkles down to message board guys like yourself going after him...and Rush owes his immense success to all of you. :wallbash::doh:


It's quite possibly one of the funniest parts of reading the kind of stuff you repeat from the media. Keep up the good work.

Actually, I hope they stop!

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TOTALLY IGNORANT post above. This article may help you see the light, but I doubt it.




Your post does exactly what the article accuses others of doing, but in reverse... stating something is NOT a fact when it is. This supposed "proof" you have does NOT prove that any of the quotes he posted were false... they aren't in the article ANYWHERE!!


Who's ignorant again?? :wallbash:


Ohh, snopes.com says Rush MADE the statement about the bone AND Jackson and admitted saying it:




APOLOGIZE to the man for calling him ignorant. Please, we're all waiting.

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oh paleeeese :wallbash:


I'd be happy as hell if he bought the Bills, the guy is a winner and has passion and thats something we've been sorely lacking. Too bad the Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world race bait just like they did with the Duke Lacrosse boys and help stop this man from being an NFL owner.


It's ok for JayZ to go off on a racist rant, but of course, since he's black and he can do that. We've got such a hypocritical double standard here its just pathetic.

Excellent comparison. The difference between the two is that Rush's comments are fabricated and JayZ can say whatever he wants publicly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFbWjG5_48E


Now I'm not offended by what JayZ said and I don't think it should stop him from purchasing the Knicks but the double standard couldn't be more evident.

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Your post does exactly what the article accuses others of doing, but in reverse... stating something is NOT a fact when it is. This supposed "proof" you have does NOT prove that any of the quotes he posted were false... they aren't in the article ANYWHERE!!


Who's ignorant again?? :wallbash:


please, someone throw this boy a life jacket, he's drowning in stupid

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This is so awesome, and you know why it's so awesome? Because there are countless idiots out there with TV cameras and radio mics right in front of their pieholes, and they're all saying the same thing that you say here. The problem is, they're all repeating racist quotes that have been repeatedly proven over the past two days not to exist. And yet everyone keeps quoting them because it supports their insatiable desire to paint him as "hateful" and "divisive."


Rush is fat. Rush is a druggie. Rush is a racist. Rush says James Earl Ray should get a medal. Blah, blah, blah, blah...all the way to the freaking bank. It starts with the White House coming down on him, it trickles into idiots like Olbermann and Tingles and Madcow going after him, it tinkles down to message board guys like yourself going after him...and Rush owes his immense success to all of you. :wallbash::doh:


It's quite possibly one of the funniest parts of reading the kind of stuff you repeat from the media. Keep up the good work.



I was watching ESPN First Take today specifically to get their take on the Rush story and Marcellus Wiley went into a huge rant ending in calling rush "racist radio" while Skip and the ESPN host just nodded in agreement.


I was like, wtf????????


I've stumbled onto Rush's show occasionally (not a big fan of blustering style) and I've never heard racism. I've heard a TON of liberal bashing, but never did I here racism. I remember hearing him talk about how it's the democrats who are the one's holding back minorities with their policies. He's shtick, he's full of bluster, he's an entertainer, he's an agitator, but as far as I know he's not a racist. If he were, he would not have a radio show. Where is the evidence of this?????


But because people like Marcellus Wiley say it's so then it's just accepted as a fact. To me, it totally smacks as the left's giant opportunity to paint him (and hopefully all the other conservative talkers) as racists. So now in light of the fact that Rush has been shut out of consideration due to fake reports of racism, it's time that the part owner of the Nets, that "m!@#$ f!@#$n'" racist Jay-Z steps down...



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please, someone throw this boy a life jacket, he's drowning in stupid




READ. He called Dr. Dankenstein IGNORANT, and provided an article that was no proof at all. Rush ADMITTED saying BOTH statements!!


Can I be any clearer!?!? :wallbash:

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The rumor that George Soros was also involved in the ownership group has turned out to be false. The new report is that Marshall Faulk is stepping in to take Limbaugh's place.


Other than the fact that Limbaugh has lots of dough, I can't really understand his interest in co-owning an NFL franchise. First of all, the NFL has a salary cap (pay limits!) and revenue sharing (wealth redistribution!), which both fly in the face of his support of unregulated capitalism. Also, he'd be a co-owner, and a minority owner at that to Checketts, which means he would either need a consensus (groupthink!) or give primary control to Checketts. Also, Limbaugh would have to deal with the Players Union.. a UNION!


Actually, I find that last bit kind of funny. I'm willing to be that the majority of NFL players consider themselves to be "Republicans" because of the tax bracket they fall in, not based on any well thought-out ideological stance, yet don't connect the fact that unions are enemy #3 on the GOP hit list (after "illegals" and "ACORN"). Unions are fine if you're a millionaire, it's just the blue-collar folks that are socialist scum for belonging.

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when did i ever say it was ok for jay-z to go on a racist rant? where did Al Sharpton or Jay-z even come from in this discussion? the thread is about Rush. whats your point in bringing them up? "Oh, you think my guy is stupid, so you must think this guy I hate is great!"?


i agree that Al Sharpton is an idiot who has done more to set his people back than help them out.


and i also believe that Rush Limbaugh is the white Al Sharpton.


but neither Al Sharpton, nor Jay-z, are who we are discussing here with regards to owning a team. Rush got involved and this is the type of scrutiny that happens when you put yourself in that position after clearly defining your opinions.


i wouldnt want Rush or Al Sharpton owning the Bills. so now what?


you guys ASSume that because I spoke against Rush I MUST be on "the other side". its not that clear cut. im not part of your "conservative vs liberals" game. stop jumping to stupid conclusions just because you have an "us vs them" mentality.

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This is so awesome, and you know why it's so awesome? Because there are countless idiots out there with TV cameras and radio mics right in front of their pieholes, and they're all saying the same thing that you say here. The problem is, they're all repeating racist quotes that have been repeatedly proven over the past two days not to exist. And yet everyone keeps quoting them because it supports their insatiable desire to paint him as "hateful" and "divisive."


i dont need to find specific quotes. i see first hand down here in the south, people that listen to him every day and directly interpret what he says into hateful and racist ideals. i hear it at work almost every day. whether he says something directly or not, what he is saying is being UNDERSTOOD to mean something pretty evil. whether that is his fault or not, its what has lead to his popularity and wealth.


i also have a HUGE problem with the reverse racism down here. rappers are partly to blame for it as well. i have to deal with it on a regular basis and it is infuriating.


what did i say that pissed you off so badly? i called him exactly what he is. he makes a living being a propagandist. he takes one hard, extreme side and sticks to it to the point of ridiculousness. i understand that there are people on the opposite side who do the same thing.


the fact that you cant agree that both or ANY extreme view is ignorant and short-sighted is kinda scary.

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