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NFL Teams Without Cheerleaders?

Metal Man

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OK, I went to the Jills website (Jills Roster) and went through them all. I found 4 attractive out of 41. And none of those 4 I would go crazy over.


id be willing to bet if you were in a bar and almost any of them came up to you, you would not turn them down for taking them home that night.

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Nope. I was just trying to point out that when given the option for having a lousy NFL team versus no NFL team, the option is pretty clear for a football fan.


See, it's this thing called an analogy... ;)

Not a very good one IMO.

I am a football fan, but given the choice of watching a turd live or good football on TV, I'm on my couch.


This might be true though ...

I was just trying to point out that when given the option for having a lousy NFL team versus no NFL team, the option is pretty clear for a die hard Bills (or die hard homer) fan

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Not a very good one IMO.

I am a football fan, but given the choice of watching a turd live or good football on TV, I'm on my couch.


This might be true though ...

I was just trying to point out that when given the option for having a lousy NFL team versus no NFL team, the option is pretty clear for a die hard Bills (or die hard homer) fan


Way to miss the point entirely.


The analogy was meant to counter the notion that fans are supporting mediocrity, when in fact we are simply trying to enjoy the only real option at watching live professional football.


The alternative (not supporting it) would likely mean that the option to attend a game would eventually cease to exist (in practical terms that is; I like not having to travel a long diatnce to watch an NFL game in person). So again - eat a turd or starve, assuming live football is what you hunger for. I feel the analogy stands up quite well.


But if you want to stay home, more power to you.

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Way to miss the point entirely.

I don't think I missed the point at all. A football fan, I believe, wants to see a good game. A homer fan (Bills fan in the Buffalo area) might want to see the lousy team live instead of no team as you suggest. We disagree to be sure on the underlying issue but I doubt either of us is missing the point.



The analogy was meant to counter the notion that fans are supporting mediocrity, when in fact we are simply trying to enjoy the only real option at watching live professional football.

By doing the latter they achieve the former, intentional or not.


Wow, how did we get here from cheerleaders? ;)

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I noticed last night that there did not appear to be any cheerleaders for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

I knew that the Jets and Giants did not have them and I guess I always thought that was just some dumb Jersey thing. However after not seeing any shots of scantily clad women trying to rouse up Steeler fans during last night's broadcast I did a little digging this morning.

According to the internet there are seven NFL teams who do not have a cheerleading squad.









Anyone have any idea why this would be for any or all of these teams? Not that the Jills are anything special, but I would rather have semi-attractive cheerleaders than no cheerleaders at all.

Financial purposes? Weather? Disinterest? Maybe they want people to be more into the game than distracted by the cheerleaders? I have no idea bro'.

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I don't think I missed the point at all. A football fan, I believe, wants to see a good game. A homer fan (Bills fan in the Buffalo area) might want to see the lousy team live instead of no team as you suggest. We disagree to be sure on the underlying issue but I doubt either of us is missing the point.




By doing the latter they achieve the former, intentional or not.


Wow, how did we get here from cheerleaders? ;)


I'm still pretty sure you missed the point which is this:


It's better to have a local professional football team than to not have one, even if you are just a football fan with no specific allegiance to a given team.


I'm not saying you aren't entitled to that opinion, but I think you are in the minority for sure. I'd find it highly improbable that there are large numbers of sport fans that wouldn't want a professional franchise in their area, lousy or otherwise.

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I may in the minority here, buy I personally find it a little sad to see these grown women dancing around on the sidelines.


Cheerleaders in high school and college are as American as apple pie, but after college, it's time for these "dancers" to hang up their stilettos or find work pole-dancing. (Plus, their goofy Jills outfit makes it all the more embarrassing.)

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Ah the typical Buffalo type response. 'I would rather have a shi##y team than not have one' 'I would rather have ugly cheerleaders than not have them'.


And we wonder why Ralph doesn't feel the need to pay to improve this team?

I guess I'm a typical Buffalonian because I'd rather have the Jills than no cheerleaders. But that's just me.

When I am at a game I generally do not even know that the Jills are there except for when they do their little dance routines on the field. The concept is pointless really. If I want to see scantily clad semi-attractive women I will go to Fort Erie ;)

In my perfect world, there are scantily clad women everywhere I go. But again, that's just me.

Is it possible for there to be something dumber in 2009 than a cheerleader?

A male cheerleader? Not trying to be sexist or chauvinistic or whatever. Just sayin.

True, but they sure are nice to look at. :thumbsup:

I agree whole heartedly. NFL cheerleaders are generally very pleasant to the eyes.

Furthermore, all of the Jills are waaaaay out of the league of the average poster on TSW. ;)


Someone had to say it.

This is most likely true.

It would be an improvement for the Bills to get semi-attractive cheerleaders. :devil:

Which is why I'm composing an email to Russ Brandon right after I post this. It is his department after all isn't it?

Stay classy, TSW.

Don't you have to be classy in order to stay classy? That ship sailed a long time ago, if in fact it was ever in port.

I may in the minority here, buy I personally find it a little sad to see these grown women dancing around on the sidelines.


Cheerleaders in high school and college are as American as apple pie, but after college, it's time for these "dancers" to hang up their stilettos or find work pole-dancing. (Plus, their goofy Jills outfit makes it all the more embarrassing.)

As far as I know none of these woman had a gun to their heads. As far as I can tell they do it because they really enjoy it. So no, I don't find it sad. However I'm intrigued by your proposal to have them pole dance using the goalposts. That was the proposal right?


Hey I'm a pig, what can I say?

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They all look hot from the upper deck. ;)



ok wait a minute one thing is bashing on dj or ralph, but these are beauties. not only do they look hot from the upper deck, they look hot in person, in your bedroom, etc. etc.


and 4 out of 41???? i thought it was the other way around. 37 hot vs 4 basic. (these are pics by the way,i am pretty sure in person they are knockouts or close to being)


ps. i would really love to see some of you guys pose in a bikini. how good would you look?


i am sorry i had to post this. i just love women way too too too much. sorry about that!


go bills!

Go jills! (really glad our team is not one of those teams without a cheerleading crew/how sad)

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What I want to know is why every single pro cheerleading team has to wear those stupid boots.......College cheerleaders look so much better with the bare legs. I love college cheerleaders and could care less about pros.

Does this mean that when the Atlanta Falcon Cheerleaders are doing their thing for the network cameras that you avert your eyes? Just asking.

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