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Jacobs/Delaware North - full page add

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Still stand by my sources that the Bills will be sold to the Jacobs family and the deal is already in place.


Thought it was interesting that the only corporation in the Buffalo News taking a full page ad honoring Ralph was the Jacob's Family and Delaware North.

I remember in the 70s the 12 year old Jacobs kid took a hammer to his babysitters head. Nice bludgeoning incident, very Halloween.


I wonder if he is still in the loony bin.

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I remember in the 70s the 12 year old Jacobs kid took a hammer to his babysitters head. Nice bludgeoning incident, very Halloween.


I wonder if he is still in the loony bin.



I was thinking about that the other night. I was watching Channel 2 news at 10, and a story about the Jacobs Family's acquisition of some resorts in Australia preceded the weather report by Kevin O'Connell. I couldn't help but wonder what O'Connell was thinking as he started the weather. The victim in the "hammer" attack was a relative of O'Connell's - I believe his sister.


I have never heard anything bad about the Jacobs family that isn't associated with a hammer, but I must say that the recent Chris Jacobs fundraiser for a seat on the Buffalo School Board rubbed me the wrong way. I know there are reasons for holding the fundraiser, but he's about the last guy in town who needs the bucks.

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I was thinking about that the other night. I was watching Channel 2 news at 10, and a story about the Jacobs Family's acquisition of some resorts in Australia preceded the weather report by Kevin O'Connell. I couldn't help but wonder what O'Connell was thinking as he started the weather. The victim in the "hammer" attack was a relative of O'Connell's - I believe his sister.


I have never heard anything bad about the Jacobs family that isn't associated with a hammer, but I must say that the recent Chris Jacobs fundraiser for a seat on the Buffalo School Board rubbed me the wrong way. I know there are reasons for holding the fundraiser, but he's about the last guy in town who needs the bucks.

I believe she survived but was quite badly hurt.


Rich kid though, I think they sent him away for a couple of years was all.

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how great would it be that Ralph announces this will be his 50th and final season, because he is selling the team to the Jacobs who are committed to keeping his team in Buffalo. Since as long as the Bills stay in Buffalo, Ralph Wilson's legacy will live on as well.

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I remember in the 70s the 12 year old Jacobs kid took a hammer to his babysitters head. Nice bludgeoning incident, very Halloween.


I wonder if he is still in the loony bin.

wow--dont remember that one..well..sometimes you just gotta move on..awful tho

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how great would it be that Ralph announces this will be his 50th and final season, because he is selling the team to the Jacobs who are committed to keeping his team in Buffalo. Since as long as the Bills stay in Buffalo, Ralph Wilson's legacy will live on as well.


I think Ralph's legacy is safe and enshrined forever irrespective of whether the Bills remain in Buffalo.

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Still stand by my sources that the Bills will be sold to the Jacobs family and the deal is already in place.


Thought it was interesting that the only corporation in the Buffalo News taking a full page ad honoring Ralph was the Jacob's Family and Delaware North.


DNC runs the concessions at the Ralph. Wilson is their client. Not saying he would not buy the team but there are very good reasons to schmooze Wilson that don't have anything to do with buying the team.

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Still stand by my sources that the Bills will be sold to the Jacobs family and the deal is already in place.


Thought it was interesting that the only corporation in the Buffalo News taking a full page ad honoring Ralph was the Jacob's Family and Delaware North.

Actually, the Buffalo Snooze also has a full-page congratulatory ad, so maybe Mr. Wilson already has a deal with Warren Buffett? :D


Not saying that your sources are wrong, but given that Jacobs withdrew his bid to own the Browns over 10 years ago due to cost, one has to wonder is he's willing to 'pony up' $750M today...


Browns got too rich, so Jacobs cashes out

The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) | September 2, 1998| Copyright|


For Jerry Jacobs, the bottom line has always been that if a deal doesn't make any cents, it doesn't make any sense. With that in mind, Jacobs, owner of the Boston Bruins and the FleetCenter, gave up his bid to become the owner of the Cleveland Browns yesterday.


"I pulled out of it," said Jacobs, who was in Boston on Bruins business. "The more I looked at it, I realized that I was not going to be the highest bidder. I had a number in my mind that I thought would make sense. But the longer this process took, the more I realized that my number wasn't good enough...



And just for all the folks that think Ralph Wilson is cheap, here's how Bruins fans feel about Jeremy Jacobs' largesse...


'More concerned with maximizing hotdog sales in third period blowouts rather then putting together a Stanley Cup contending team for his championship hungry fans has finally caught up to the greedy Jacobs.'


Link - Please Sell The Bruins



I'm not sure that any one Western New Yorker has the financial strength to acquire and own the Bills - it would probably take a consortium of individuals, hopefully with some proviso in the purchase agreeing that guarantees the team stays in WNY.


One thing we can all take some comfort in - Ralph was one of only two owners who opposed, and voted against, the relocation of the Browns to Baltimore, even though he and Art Modell were close friends...


It was a financial windfall for the NFL, and owners approved the move, 25-2. Buffalo and Pittsburgh were the only negative votes. The problem, from Wilson's perspective, was Cleveland fans never were given a final, fair chance to keep the team. He put that issue ahead of his friendship with Modell.


Of course, when it comes to franchise relocation, Wilson has walked the walk in Buffalo. He has stayed in Western New York and fought to compete, via regionalization of the franchise.


link - Ralph Wilson: Football lover and fighter (Buffalo News)



So the Torontonians who may actually think they have a shot at 'stealing' our Bills, and the taunting trolls - who stop by TSW under ever-changing pseudonyms to display their ignorance - can consider that if there is a way for Mr. Wilson to reach out from beyond the grave to keep the team in Buffalo, his loyalty to Buffalo and Bills fans will prevail.


But for today - CONGRATULATIONS, RALPH!!!!!




19 and 0 baby!!!!! :thumbdown:

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Wrong Jacobs

No. I'm pretty sure that it's the right Jacobs.


Louis Jacobs is the family patriarch. His two sons are Jeremy and Max Jacobs. Jeremy Jacobs is The Delaware North Companies. Max Jacobs is his brother. Seth Jacobs is the son of Max. He was the one who allegedly assaulted Mary Kate O'Connell.


Don't quote me on this buy I'm pretty sure.

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It was a financial windfall for the NFL, and owners approved the move, 25-2. Buffalo and Pittsburgh were the only negative votes. The problem, from Wilson's perspective, was Cleveland fans never were given a final, fair chance to keep the team. He put that issue ahead of his friendship with Modell.


Of course, when it comes to franchise relocation, Wilson has walked the walk in Buffalo. He has stayed in Western New York and fought to compete, via regionalization of the franchise.


I read this the other day too and it struck me as a HUGE deal. Men like Ralph do not change their stripes and I believe that today's enshrinement only solidifies for him the "correctness" of his position over the years. I have always been very skeptical of Jim Kelly's vague pronouncements about a consortium of buyers but maybe, just maybe, Ralph has something up his sleeve that will protect his family yet "do the right thing" for the city of Buffalo. If nothing else, Ralph got into the Hall of Fame for being the conscience of the league, and I think he has intentions of contiuning this pattern after he passes.

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