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is Sunday's game televised?

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I'm sure this has been hashed out here already but I can't find the info anywhere. I have DirecTV but neither NFL Network nor the Ticket seem to be showing it. Any ideas?



You were overlooking the obvious, Grasshopper.


If you have Directv, you can alawys use your remote and search function. Just put in keyword "NFL" and you'd see all the upcoming events.


I also have mine set to Buffalo Bills so it records automatically. Works great, except that I have to keep deleting the old movie "Annie Oakley", starring Barbara Stanwyk.

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Pre Season and Post Sesaon NFL games were NEVER part of the NFL ticket package.


You would think that they could at least show Pre Season games.


The HOF game is a seperate issue because it's a Nationally aired game.



The Sunday Ticket, is for, well.... Sundays!


Unlike the regular season, the preseason games are not included in the multi-billion dollar contract between networks and the NFL.


There are a small number of games that make it onto the networks in preseason, such as games in London, HOF, and some Monday night warm-ups, etc., but most are carried by local affiliates (WKBW-TV for instance) and therefore can have no connection to the Directv package.


Even so, the games are generally spreadout from Thursday through Saturday, with minimal scheduling conflict, and with those sprinkling of national broadcast preseason games, and a few live broadcasts on the NFL network, a good portion can be viewed live anyway. Many that can't be seen live, can be viewed the same day/night on a delay basis. I can usually hold off for a couple of hours before I start Jonsing. Very few are behind by more than a couple of days. It's still only an exhibition. I enjoy the games more from a scouting perspective than for the competative angle - which barely exists in those contests.

So. to me, it's not that big a deal if I have to wait a day or two.


At least we are able to see all the Bills preseason games at some point within that weekend. We know the first two, maybe more, we'll be able to see live.


It wasn't that long ago, maybe 3 or 4 years, that we could only read box scores or see local Buffalo TV's website highlights. I believe we were able to see 3 of the 4 live last year.


The good news is that starting this weekend, we'll have a chance to see fresh Bills action every week (except for the bye) past New Year's day. What's to complain about?

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Pre Season and Post Sesaon NFL games were NEVER part of the NFL ticket package.


You would think that they could at least show Pre Season games.


The HOF game is a seperate issue because it's a Nationally aired game.


Don't get me started... just spend $239,- for gamepass HD and they arent bloody showing the preseason/hof games... &^$%&^$$%^@#I8 #@#$&** $&&$&**@

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I'm sure this has been hashed out here already but I can't find the info anywhere. I have DirecTV but neither NFL Network nor the Ticket seem to be showing it. Any ideas?

you live in a cave or what it's on NBC at 8:00 P.M. in Buffalo chanel 2 WGRZ in Rochester chanel 10 WHEC and in Corning chanel 18 WETM. :thumbsup::o

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You were overlooking the obvious, Grasshopper.


If you have Directv, you can alawys use your remote and search function. Just put in keyword "NFL" and you'd see all the upcoming events.


I also have mine set to Buffalo Bills so it records automatically. Works great, except that I have to keep deleting the old movie "Annie Oakley", starring Barbara Stanwyk.






Man, do I feel stupid. I did not even know we could do that with DirecTV, and I've had it for 8 years, and the HD box for 2.

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Man, do I feel stupid. I did not even know we could do that with DirecTV, and I've had it for 8 years, and the HD box for 2.


I think that's only with the DVR. That's one of the greatest features of the thing. You have a particular interest, say "snow shovels" for instance, just put in "snow shovels" and it will automatically record everything with that phrase, if you want it to.



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