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Peters On Pup List For a Quad Injury


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My greatest fear is that the above statement reflects a prevalent attitude among Buffalo sports fans. It's analogous to the other thread where some people are hoping that Mike Williams' comeback attempt with the Redskins fails.


Unfortunately Doug Flutie, Dominick Hasek, and Michael Peca all know how quickly some Buffalo sports fans can turn on players. I only hope that it's not as prevalent as I fear...and that it is no different than how other fans in other cities react towards former players who left imperfectly.


I'd hate to think of my hometown as consisting of lots of petty, small-minded, ignorant people. I hope it's only a small, vocal minority who express these sorts of views.


We're reaping the brilliance of the psychologists/educators social experiment of the past half century... :doh:

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Jason Peters got injured, just like Marcus Stroud did during his first stretching excercise of training camp this year. Just like our brand new star rookie safety Byrd did, and nobody even knows how he got hurt. Just like Stevie Johnson did in the third practice of training camp.


It is pretty lame and pathetic to get happy about an injury for any player in the NFL. These guys literally risk their lives every time they step on the practice field or game turf. :doh:


I'm sure there are some idiot Cowboys fans who would love to see T.O. go down with a quad injury too. Talk about a case of sour grapes on roids. Please grow up and wait until at least the end of the season to see if you can celebrate Peters' sucking for the Eagles fair and square, healthy but not being as good as they thought.



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We're reaping the brilliance of the psychologists/educators social experiment of the past half century... :doh:



I have no idea what that is supposed to mean... and suspect that you don't either, outside of an unfocused desire to make a political point where none can sensibly made. If that pleases you, then more power to you.


Frankly, I have no idea why anyone should have any positive feelings about any player once he no longer plays for the team one follows. That does not mean one has to wish them ill (I do not wish any of them ill personally, even if I feel no need to root for them to succeed). These are strangers making millions playing a game, and they have no connection to us at all.

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Chuck Hughes, with the Lions, was the guy who died on the field. Thomas Herrion, a 49er, died after a preseason game. St. Louis Cardinal J.V. Cain died at training camp.


Remember the Vikings lineman who died at training camp a few years ago? Korey Stringer, I think? And what about Daryl Stingley's death from pneumonia and heart disease complicated by the paraplegia he got on Jack Tatum's hit. Never walked again. The ME listed his death as an accident (i.e. the eventual result of the hit).


And this is ignoring all those guys who end up homeless and brain-damaged from the repetitive head trauma. Remember Mike Webster, one of the best centers ever? Horrendous brain trauma. The guy used to stun himself with a taser because it was the only way he could get to sleep with the horrible chronic pain all over his body. Used to call his family or friends almost every day because he couldn't find his way home. Died at 50.




There are hundreds and hundreds of those guys. Andre Waters committed suicide at 44. He had extensive brain damage, it was discovered. From football, undoubtedly


Lyle Alzado died from cancer related to his extensive use of steroids, which he took to survive in the NFL. At one point, they removed a lump of scar tissue from his butt the size of a grapefruit. From the injections.


You think these guys DON'T risk their lives every day? Think again.


Take a look at the stats. NFL players have greatly curtailed life spans, on average. Do directors of Parks and Recreation Departments have the same problem?


No one FORCED these guys to play. They assume the risk themselves when THEY opted to step on the field.



I ride a motorcycle. I accept the risk myself.

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OK. I can see that this was my fault for not making myself clear. When I asked for a link, I meant that I wanted a link where, as LV-BILLS said in his quote above "He admitted to maybe not playing as hard because he wasn't being paid enough..." You know, a link that would prove his point. Sorry for not spelling that out.


The link you provided, FINGON, DOESN'T quote Peters in that way. Read it again.


Peters is quoted as saying "“I was thinking about it sometimes," he said. "If you get beat on a play and you think about your contract. It doesn’t affect me that much. I thought about it some early in the year but later on in the year it wasn’t a big deal.”

That IN NO WAY is admitting that (as LV=BILLS said) "He admitted to maybe not playing as hard because he wasn't being paid enough." He just didn't say anything like that.


Florio clearly misinterprets Peters in the article. And so do you, FINGON, and anybody else who says Peters admitted something which he obviously didn't.



So now, how about a link which actually shows what LV-BILLS said, and you obviously believe, FINGON? Oh, you can't. Because he never admitted any such thing.

Dude, seriously, that bolded quote above is just as bad. Are you kidding me? If this was even on this guy's mind, he's a putz. He wasn't focused on football, and didn't want to be here.


If this is the player you would like to feel good about, great. To me, he's a loser. That whole attitude he displayed is disgusting. I'm not sure any of you ever played organized sports in your lives (which is doesn't seem like), but Peters is the type of teammate that any captain would most likely want to punch right in the face.


This guy ate his way out of being a TE. He got his contract re-done a couple of times in Buffalo, and acted like an !@#$ with multiple years left on his deal.


Yeah, let's all feel happy, cheery for this man. :doh:

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I can't listen to them for long either, but I switch over from NPR (no, really!) when they are on a boring story on my way back from dropping my son at school. Today I got lucky.


And I have a crush on Rhea Hughes, but that is another issue. :lol:


Linky I'd do her! :doh::lol:



Different strokes, my Bills brother. Then again, I have only lived here for six years, so I have not gotten tired of the accent yet.




I listen to 1050 AM ESPN out of NY nowadays. They increased their signal strength, and it comes in clear now in the Lehigh Valley.


My mom lives in Allentown. My Grandparents are from the Lehigh Valley too! :lol:

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i'm sure in ancient times, some really cool gladiators were crowd favorites for a while, but then, ultimately, the crowd gave 'em the thumbs down and cheered when he got mauled by the---what, a lion?

To be REALLY pedantic but the thumbs down in ancient times was a good thing, it meant for the victor to put aside his blade. The thumbs up meant he was to thrust the blade up into the defeated gladiator's body.


As for Peters. The ONLY thing I care about for Peters now is for him to play his socks off, be an all-pro again, and earn the Bills a better draft pick that they would have done otherwise.

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More info on Peters - and others. They're dropping like flies in Lehigh. Seems Shawn Andrews is a much bigger concern for them than Peters is.


Also a nice blurb on how the PUP List counts vis-à-vis the active roster:

"Injured players had to be placed on the active PUP list yesterday (their first day of practice) or they would not have been eligible for the reserve PUP list at the start of the season. The six players can be removed from the PUP list at any time during training camp. If they are eventually placed on the reserve PUP list, they are not eligible to play for the first six weeks of the regular season and do not count against the opening-day 53-man roster."

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Pro Bowl Peters? :doh:


Guess we won't be missing the bum all that much after all.


Wonder if he gets voted to Hawaii if he sits on the IR list all season?



You can dream I guess...you know...sitting back and wishing for players to get hurt as our fans become more hypocritical by the MINUTE and keep earning a bad reputation as fans...and we still suck and go 8-8, and then the next player who leaves is scum, rinse and repeat....

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You can dream I guess...you know...sitting back and wishing for players to get hurt as our fans become more hypocritical by the MINUTE and keep earning a bad reputation as fans...and we still suck and go 8-8, and then the next player who leaves is scum, rinse and repeat....


That's a sign of improvement :doh: but really it's gonna be funny when Peters proves a bunch of these people wrong and has a great year.

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You can dream I guess...you know...sitting back and wishing for players to get hurt as our fans become more hypocritical by the MINUTE and keep earning a bad reputation as fans...and we still suck and go 8-8, and then the next player who leaves is scum, rinse and repeat....


WTF you talking about?


"Wishing for players to get hurt?" Where'd you get that nonsense?


All I said is the guy's a bum - which he demonstrated last season by dogging it all year 'cause the Bills didn't cave in to his petulant demands.


Guy's got a $60M contract with $24M guaranteed - what does he care about playing football?

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That's a sign of improvement :doh: but really it's gonna be funny when Peters proves a bunch of these people wrong and has a great year.

$60 Million contract, $24Million guaranteed - I'd say he's already having a great year! Guy can buy a helluva lot of Arby's with that scratch.


Too bad he probably won't have that great a year on the football field, but he's the Eagles' problem now.


ProBowl Peters


New Eagles LT Jason Peters admitted at his introductory press conference that he didn't know he gave up more sacks than any left tackle in the league last year. Peters' 11.5 sacks allowed was worst among blindside tackles. "That’s the first time I’ve heard that stat," he said. "I don’t recall giving up that many. If they charged me with that many, so what?"

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"If you get beat on a play and you think about your contract."



That to me sounds like he's admitting to not playing as hard and not caring about his play. He didn't even know he'd given up 11.5 sacks. He just didn't care. He can say he gave 100% on every play but that contradicts his own words. 2+2=4.



Well, you have spelled it out pretty clearly. If "That to me sounds like he's admitting to not playing as hard and not caring about his play..." you are simply reading more into it than is actually there. People who hate people do that.


He didn't say the contract thing was in his mind for the whole game. Or even for more than a second. He certainly didn't say that he was trying to think about it. Nothing there says he didn't give 100%. If you think anyone works for 3 hours without unrelated stuff popping into his head for a second or two, you don't understand human thought or human behavior. And that is all that he has admitted here.



“That’s the first time I’ve heard that stat," Peters said Sunday during his first press conference as a member of the Eagles. "I don’t recall giving up that many.


"If they charged me with that many, so what?" Peters said. "I’m an Eagle now. If I give up 11.5 sacks, I’m only human. I’m going to give 100 percent on every play.”[/i]


That to me sounds like he's admitting to not playing as hard and not caring about his play. He didn't even know he'd given up 11.5 sacks. He just didn't care. He can say he gave 100% on every play but that contradicts his own words. 2+2=4.



No, he didn't know he had given up 11.5 sacks, because he hadn't. That bullcrap stat is not official, and it was presented to him as if it were a fact when it is a guess. If you look at the vids of the plays, without knowing the blocking assignments, it would be reasonable to assign 5 - 8 sacks to Peters. The guy threw a nonsense stat at him. Of course he didn't know. Undoubtedly, the Bills, who tell the players each week which plays were each guy's responsibility, and who knew what the blocking assignments were and who blamed some of the coverage sacks on the QB, as is reasonable, not the OL, had Peters down for somewhere between 5 and 8.


And again, there's nothing there about not playing hard or not caring. "I'm only human" is not admitting that you didn't try hard. Not even close.


He says "I don't recall that many." Because there weren't that many.


Then he says "If they charged me with that many, so what?" It's pretty clear that he's saying "so what" to the fact that they charged him that many, not the sacks themselves. It's right there in the sentence. Reading it any other way is simply showing that your hatred of Peters is overcoming your logic.

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Guest dog14787
WTF you talking about?


"Wishing for players to get hurt?" Where'd you get that nonsense?


All I said is the guy's a bum - which he demonstrated last season by dogging it all year 'cause the Bills didn't cave in to his petulant demands.


Guy's got a $60M contract with $24M guaranteed - what does he care about playing football?



Stay focused Senator, any distractions could prove to be costly. I trust that you have been practicing your 100 yard dash.



I'm about to start negotiations with our secret benefactor ( through twitter) to see what kind of compensation can be arranged for you and I.



We will split it 60% myself ( brains) 40% You (balls)



I'll be counting on you Senator, we will all be counting on you. :thumbdown:

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WTF you talking about?


All I said is the guy's a bum - which he demonstrated last season by dogging it all year 'cause the Bills didn't cave in to his petulant demands.

100% agree, the guy's a bum, Bills drafted him as a TE, and then they turned him into an OL, had the Bills give up on him as a TE, maybe he never plays a game in the NFL, so how does he show his gratitude for the team that relaunch his career, he holds out on a contract that was still paying him millions, zero class, zero team spirit, 100% bum, period.

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Jason Peters got injured, just like Marcus Stroud did during his first stretching excercise of training camp this year. Just like our brand new star rookie safety Byrd did, and nobody even knows how he got hurt. Just like Stevie Johnson did in the third practice of training camp.


It is pretty lame and pathetic to get happy about an injury for any player in the NFL. These guys literally risk their lives every time they step on the practice field or game turf. :thumbdown:


I'm sure there are some idiot Cowboys fans who would love to see T.O. go down with a quad injury too. Talk about a case of sour grapes on roids. Please grow up and wait until at least the end of the season to see if you can celebrate Peters' sucking for the Eagles fair and square, healthy but not being as good as they thought.


go to your room. absolutly lame post. get a freaking life. risk their lives,LOL. just go away!!!!!!!!!!!!

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