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Peters On Pup List For a Quad Injury


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New Eagles LT Jason Peters admitted at his introductory press conference that he didn't know he gave up more sacks than any left tackle in the league last year. Peters' 11.5 sacks allowed was worst among blindside tackles. "That’s the first time I’ve heard that stat," he said. "I don’t recall giving up that many. If they charged me with that many, so what?"




Sounds pretty reasonable to me. A reporter ambushed him with a stat which sounded all wrong to him. Because it WAS wrong. The "sacks allowed" stat is essentially a guess. Anyone who uses it either doesn't know about football or hates Peters.


Anyone reasonable looking at the videos would put Peters as responsible for between 5 and 8 sacks last year. And most of them came towards the beginning of the year.


Peters had been told at meetings which sacks he was responsible for. He knew that the Bills, who knew the blocking assignments, unlike the bozo who guessed up that stat, had held him responsible for far less sacks.


So when he says that that's the first time he's heard the stat, well, of course. It's not official. He'd been listening to the Bills, who actually knew what he should have done. When he says that he didn't recall giving up that many, that's because he hadn't given up that many.


And when he says "If they charged me with that many, so what," he is clearly saying "so what" to the people who charged him that many, not to the sacks themselves.


It's as obvious as can be.

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Oh, I'm sure we can start this fun discussion all over again the next time he has a hangnail, or allows a "sack" in non-contact drills, or anyone mentions the Bills' current depth chart at LT.


Can't wait. :blink:




You're killing me, Lori. Funny stuff.

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Yet again making unsubstantiated claims.


You take a quote that says that a guy was briefly distracted, and you change it into the fact that he wasn't focused on football.


Molehill, meet mountain. Everybody is distracted at times. It's part of being human. The reason you are angry or surprised is that you hate Peters.


It is NOT reasonable to say that he wasn't focused. It IS reasonable to say that he wasn't PERFECTLY focused, and I would agree with you if that is what you were trying to say. But as usual, you saying something that is explainable doesn't fit your agenda, so you take what he actually said and multiply it by a factor of 10 and say it like it is a fact.


And there is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that he didn't want to be in Buffalo. As has been showed again and again, the most likely explanation is simply that Buffalo offered him less money, then Philly offered him more, and that's why he left Buffalo, that he simply knew (and he was indeed correct) that he could get market value elsewhere.



I know I'm not changing your mind. You have decided that you hate Peters and will say anything to attack him. That's fine. I'm just making sure that the neutral and reasonable people who read this thread understand what Peters actually said. Logical people, once they see what he actually said, know that it was reasonable.


And when shown that there is no proof of any kind that Peters wanted to leave Buffalo, they understand.

Yeah ok. Jason, is that you? It speaks volumes that you would defend this kind of athlete with about 44 posts in a row. I prefer to take a liking to athletes that respect the game, others and themselves a little more than Jason Peters. The guy is a dud, period.


Keep making excuses to defend this tool, while ignoring the obvious. Usually when you have to defend a person that everyone is ripping on, there is usually something to that don't ya think? I don't hate Peters. I'm a pretty mellow person. But will I root against him? You bet, because it's funny to see a guy play like schitt, and then not only have people like you defend his poor play, but then listen to him evaluate his own poor play.


Excuse, after excuse, after excuse. If Peters had the work ethic to match his self ego, he'd be the next Jackie Slater. Instead he'll be a guy that plays 13 games a year, and always thinks he's being slighted by someone.


He's a tool.

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No, your actually normal. A very small minority try to act sophisticated and domesticated enough to seem like they have their schitt together in life and try to make you feel bad for hating Peters. Treat those people like they are professors at Columbia University or Cal Berkely or some other wacko school. But fear not bbb, you are in line with 90% of Bills fans. You know, not wishing death, but certainly hoping that a fat, lazy, tub of goo, eats his way into being miserable in Philly!


Good start so far! But hey, most of us who know him well, knew this would happen.




Thanks, all - not sure if I'm still a bad person with the ex girlfriend thing!

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Yeah ok. Jason, is that you? It speaks volumes that you would defend this kind of athlete with about 44 posts in a row. I prefer to take a liking to athletes that respect the game, others and themselves a little more than Jason Peters. The guy is a dud, period.


Keep making excuses to defend this tool, while ignoring the obvious. Usually when you have to defend a person that everyone is ripping on, there is usually something to that don't ya think? I don't hate Peters. I'm a pretty mellow person. But will I root against him? You bet, because it's funny to see a guy play like schitt, and then not only have people like you defend his poor play, but then listen to him evaluate his own poor play.


Excuse, after excuse, after excuse. If Peters had the work ethic to match his self ego, he'd be the next Jackie Slater. Instead he'll be a guy that plays 13 games a year, and always thinks he's being slighted by someone.


He's a tool.



Um, not everyone is ripping on Peters. It's you and two or three other guys, and all of you have soaked your shirts with slaver.


It says just as much about you, more in fact, that you are absolutely steaming with hate. I don't hate anyone that much. Hitler, maybe. Mussolini, a 10% chance. I don't care if you root against him. You say you're a mellow person, and I'm willing to believe it, but you sure couldn't tell by looking at your behavior here. It's just attack after attack after attack, but go ahead, whatever.


Hating a guy is one thing. Coming onto the boards and screaming your hatred time after time after time is another. But when you hate him so much that you're willing to twist his words again and again and blithely misquote him and say he said things that he simply didn't say, well, it's pitiful, frankly.


And most likely, he IS the next Jackie Slater. Impossible to know, but it's a decent guess. He never thought he was being slighted by anybody till he was one of the two or three best LTs in football and was being paid as the 32nd best. This isn't something that has happened again and again. He was unhappy and frustrated about his salary once. It lasted a long time, I grant you, but it was a reasonable gripe.


But again, hate Peters, go ahead, I don't really care. But misquote him ... say he said things he simply didn't say, and I'll be here to make sure that more reasonable folks see the actual quote and see how far you're twisting his words.

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My greatest fear is that the above statement reflects a prevalent attitude among Buffalo sports fans. It's analogous to the other thread where some people are hoping that Mike Williams' comeback attempt with the Redskins fails.


Unfortunately Doug Flutie, Dominick Hasek, and Michael Peca all know how quickly some Buffalo sports fans can turn on players. I only hope that it's not as prevalent as I fear...and that it is no different than how other fans in other cities react towards former players who left imperfectly.


I'd hate to think of my hometown as consisting of lots of petty, small-minded, ignorant people. I hope it's only a small, vocal minority who express these sorts of views.


And Danny Briere.

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Um, not everyone is ripping on Peters. It's you and two or three other guys, and all of you have soaked your shirts with slaver.


It says just as much about you, more in fact, that you are absolutely steaming with hate. I don't hate anyone that much. Hitler, maybe. Mussolini, a 10% chance. I don't care if you root against him. You say you're a mellow person, and I'm willing to believe it, but you sure couldn't tell by looking at your behavior here. It's just attack after attack after attack, but go ahead, whatever.


Hating a guy is one thing. Coming onto the boards and screaming your hatred time after time after time is another. But when you hate him so much that you're willing to twist his words again and again and blithely misquote him and say he said things that he simply didn't say, well, it's pitiful, frankly.


And most likely, he IS the next Jackie Slater. Impossible to know, but it's a decent guess. He never thought he was being slighted by anybody till he was one of the two or three best LTs in football and was being paid as the 32nd best. This isn't something that has happened again and again. He was unhappy and frustrated about his salary once. It lasted a long time, I grant you, but it was a reasonable gripe.


But again, hate Peters, go ahead, I don't really care. But misquote him ... say he said things he simply didn't say, and I'll be here to make sure that more reasonable folks see the actual quote and see how far you're twisting his words.

Yes I wish people would understand that it was not even him it was his agent, who told him, hold out and I will get you a boatload of money next year. Peters never publicly said anything. All he did wqas follow his agents advice... to his eventual great benefit.


If it wasn't for his agent, Russ would be happily still effing him in the backside.


Don't hate the man, hate the system and the Bills FO.


I wish Peters success this year right up until we face him in the SB.

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Chuck Hughes, with the Lions, was the guy who died on the field. Thomas Herrion, a 49er, died after a preseason game. St. Louis Cardinal J.V. Cain died at training camp.


Remember the Vikings lineman who died at training camp a few years ago? Korey Stringer, I think? And what about Daryl Stingley's death from pneumonia and heart disease complicated by the paraplegia he got on Jack Tatum's hit. Never walked again. The ME listed his death as an accident (i.e. the eventual result of the hit).


And this is ignoring all those guys who end up homeless and brain-damaged from the repetitive head trauma. Remember Mike Webster, one of the best centers ever? Horrendous brain trauma. The guy used to stun himself with a taser because it was the only way he could get to sleep with the horrible chronic pain all over his body. Used to call his family or friends almost every day because he couldn't find his way home. Died at 50.




There are hundreds and hundreds of those guys. Andre Waters committed suicide at 44. He had extensive brain damage, it was discovered. From football, undoubtedly


Lyle Alzado died from cancer related to his extensive use of steroids, which he took to survive in the NFL. At one point, they removed a lump of scar tissue from his butt the size of a grapefruit. From the injections.


You think these guys DON'T risk their lives every day? Think again.


Take a look at the stats. NFL players have greatly curtailed life spans, on average. Do directors of Parks and Recreation Departments have the same problem?



get a freaking life you twerp. these guys know the freaking risks.


are you freaking kidding me . did you ever play a freaking sport in your life. freak accidents can happen in volly ball and you could be paralized.


if you had half a brain you would understand aside from their love of the game these guys play for one thing. millions and millions of dollars.


if i was physically gifted i would gladly take that chance myself. a few guys died and thats terrible but its the way it is. like i said freak things happen.


personally i hope this rat gets hurt every single week. he is a me first unloyal rat who could care less even about his own teammates. all this piece of crap cared about was himself.


the bills were the only team willing to take a chance on this piece of sh-t and made him what he is today. a rich freaking as-hole and how did he repay them he turned dog on his team and his teammates. i perspnally hope he blows out both knees and his achillies.


go ahead call me narrow minded and all your other BS but screw you and peters.


he screwed all the bills fans ,his team and teammates. for those of us who live and die for this team and actually go to the game every week thats a big deal.


guys like you make me want to puke.

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My greatest fear is that the above statement reflects a prevalent attitude among Buffalo sports fans. It's analogous to the other thread where some people are hoping that Mike Williams' comeback attempt with the Redskins fails.


Unfortunately Doug Flutie, Dominick Hasek, and Michael Peca all know how quickly some Buffalo sports fans can turn on players. I only hope that it's not as prevalent as I fear...and that it is no different than how other fans in other cities react towards former players who left imperfectly.

I'd hate to think of my hometown as consisting of lots of petty, small-minded, ignorant people. I hope it's only a small, vocal minority who express these sorts of views.

The dude you're replying to is from Virginia. Don't even start that small-minded Buffalo sh-- again, I'm sick and tired of that crap. Not everyone that posts on this board is from Buffalo, so don't lump everyone together!!!!

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Typical. Jason Peters is a piece of garbage. I don't care how bad our line is this year, it'll get better w/in the next few years... I'm so glad he's gone.




Yeah, our history in the last, what, 12 years shows that. It will definitely get better soon.


I hope so, but we haven't managed a good line in a very long time. Getting rid of our best player because he wanted about 10% more than we were willing to give him strikes me as a bad way to start towards that goal.

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Typical. Jason Peters is a piece of garbage. I don't care how bad our line is this year, it'll get better w/in the next few years... I'm so glad he's gone.


Be careful with the bolded statement. The Bills OL is a work in progress after three seasons of rebuilding. People have been saying they'll get better for most of this decade.


The objective when you rebuild is to not have to rebuild anymore. You don't trade established (and yes, even talented) veterans for draft picks and hope to field a good team. Younger, in most cases means not as good. Someone will go out and cite the Ryan Clady's, Matt Ryan's, and Joe Flacco's of the league, but they remain the exception.


If the OL is bad or below average, it's going to be a long season.

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peters went undrafted in spite of playing at a big SEC program. everyone knew his talents but no one drafted him, why? because he' a lazy punk who's as dumb as a rock.


he's going to get dinged up and suck for philly sooner or later. bank on it.

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Guest dog14787
Be careful with the bolded statement. The Bills OL is a work in progress after three seasons of rebuilding. People have been saying they'll get better for most of this decade.


The objective when you rebuild is to not have to rebuild anymore. You don't trade established (and yes, even talented) veterans for draft picks and hope to field a good team. Younger, in most cases means not as good. Someone will go out and cite the Ryan Clady's, Matt Ryan's, and Joe Flacco's of the league, but they remain the exception.


If the OL is bad or below average, it's going to be a long season.



I understand were your coming from, but our O-line never did live up to expectations. Plus, its not like we had much of a choice in the matter anyway as far as Jason Peters is concerned. It is what it is, and if I had to look at it as trading Peters for Wood I will make that trade any day of the week.


Revamping the O-line is going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise,


I billieve

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peters went undrafted in spite of playing at a big SEC program. everyone knew his talents but no one drafted him, why? because he' a lazy punk who's as dumb as a rock.


he's going to get dinged up and suck for philly sooner or later. bank on it.




Um, yeah, sure. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that his coach kept playing him as a 328 pound tight end. That probably had nothing to do with it.



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Wow, 10 posts from midnight to 1 AM defending Peters. You're right Thurm, there is definitely NOT a Jason Peters fan club here. And you are certainly NOT it's president. :blink:


Yeah, and each season we were out of playoff contention by then.

The problem with that is he was just traded to a team that has routinely made the playoffs this decade.

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Yes I wish people would understand that it was not even him it was his agent, who told him, hold out and I will get you a boatload of money next year. Peters never publicly said anything. All he did wqas follow his agents advice... to his eventual great benefit.


If it wasn't for his agent, Russ would be happily still effing him in the backside.


Don't hate the man, hate the system and the Bills FO.


I wish Peters success this year right up until we face him in the SB.

I'm sure his agent told him to hold out. I seriously doubt however that his agent told him to eat like a pig, get fat lazy & out of shape while holding out. If Peters had any work ethic, he would have been working out on his own & reported in shape & ready to play.

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Dude, you are a fool. I hope Peters plays terrible the rest of his career. He had a great opportunity with the Bills, and he Sh-t on us. We gave him the chance of a lifetime, and he decided not to play his hardest for us. He should be ashamed of himself. As an athlete not to give his all on every play. There is NOTHING worse. To root for a guy like him after he shunned us. You call yourself a Bills fan? Peters is a piece of garbage, and I am sooooo glad he is gone. He thought he was the team. He was one piece of the puzzle and nothing more. Good riddance.


Dude, you can't read, can you? Where did I say I was a Jason Peters fan? All I said was that it was pathetic to say any injury of any player in the NFL is "hilarious."


For the record, I hope Peters sucks for the Eagles this year, (although I doubt that he will), while Eric Wood and Andy Levitre combine to make the Bills line tougher then it's been in 15 years. I'm especially rooting for Wood, since the Bills drafted him with one of the picks they got from Philly in the Peters' trade.


But I don't want the guy to get injured. I don't wish injuries on any NFL players. If that makes me a "fool", then fine by me.

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