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Last post wins!


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Boring, but I guess I have to. . .


Im a 'next gen' Bills fan. 24 years young and living life large!!!!

These kids today! They don't know tough we had it. I had to wear a banana hammock until they won a game. And they went 0-8. I was rocking that !@#$ing tiny little strap well into November!

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Good for you ... It's good to be young and living large.

Yea while all these "Young kids" are out partying im thinking about what country I am going to visit next.


I think I will go to my roots and go to Italy. Plus I want to see the sinking city of Venice!


These kids today! They don't know tough we had it. I had to wear a banana hammock until they won a game. And they went 0-8. I was rocking that !@#$ing tiny little strap well into November!


Yea, sorry about that one. . . That was my fault. :oops:

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These kids today! They don't know tough we had it. I had to wear a banana hammock until they won a game. And they went 0-8. I was rocking that !@#$ing tiny little strap well into November!

Back in my day, we'd have to listen to modems screeching when we connected over dial up! And if you wanted porn, you could start and finish pleasuring yourself before that picture finished downloading!


Last post. I will just start new topic when something exciting comes up.

We don't need to know when you get it up with your wife.

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I just finished re-reading this entire thread from start to finish (as I do every day) and I’ve come to the conclusion that much of what has been posted is less than essential. As a result, I have provided a concise summary below...




Summary: I win


Meanwhile in Florida there are riots happening for a recount on the "Gringo Wins" campaign due to half the state not being able to tell what time it is. . .

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Meanwhile in Florida there are riots happening for a recount on the "Gringo Wins" campaign due to half the state not being able to tell what time it is. . .



That would be the northern half

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Getting ready for a gaggle of the wife's cousins to show up tomorrow for eats and beers. Anyone who agrees that I am the winner of this thread is invited.

Shoot, guess I can't stop by. Please provide pictures of any single female cousins and maybe I'll change my mind.

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