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new rule: people who talked to Aaron Schobel today now only allowed to win.

i win.



Ok, I win. Aaron and I are great friends in fact he called me last night to discuss whether he should retire or not and then again this morning. I told him whatever you do let JW know. :worthy:


(I'm not really friends with Aaron)

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I time traveled into the future and talked to Aaron's disembodied head in a jar- he said he really regrets missing the Bills amazing 2010 Super-bowl winning season- and like the Bills I win- and anyone who post after this loves toe jam and peanut butter sandwiches.

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I time traveled into the future and talked to Aaron's disembodied head in a jar- he said he really regrets missing the Bills amazing 2010 Super-bowl winning season- and like the Bills I win- and anyone who post after this deserves to win and I will bow down to them as my master.


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