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Good news for Alaskans - Palin resigning

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I can hear her now...


"Legislatures shouldn't go around doing things that governors are supposed to do because things shouldn't work that way....I can't go in

and pass laws because that would be something we wouldn't want....just like a football coach can march into the game to score touchdowns, we know he can't do that, don't we?"





:devil::lol: "Because, you know, a football coach has to keep his eye on the goal posts so his team can win! And God bless our troops when that happens."

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I would bet you as much money as you could get your hands on that every single member of the congress, republican or democrat or independent, thinks Joe Biden is intelligent.


You do understand that a person can be highly intelligent and make a untold number of gaffes and stupid statements and boneheaded decisions, don't you? Look at yourself.


If, however, you actually think that Joe Biden is not an intelligent person, you really are stupid.


For what it's worth, I think pretty much every Republican in Congress is an intelligent person. There are probably a few on both sides of the aisle that if I got to hear them more I wouldn't think so. The person I think is the least intelligent is Maxine Waters, but there may be others I think are more so. Sarah Palin is simply an uneducated, ill-informed, stupid person. She really is. That has ZERO to do with her personality, charisma, appeal, views, religion, ability to give a speech, or politics.


She cannot think like an educated, intelligent person, she has little knowledge of anything outside of her little cocoon. And it's not just from a couple times seeing her on TV. I have seen her speak probably 100 times. I have read a lot about her. I watched closely. In fact, the first time I saw her I liked her and thought she was great, was extremely impressed by how she handled the pressure of being on that stage, and thought wow, she has a lot going for her. Then I heard her speak and TRIED to watch her think and answer any question posed to her, even things she knew about, like energy in Alaska. She is stupid.


You seem to be oh so impressed by the current crop of ivy league educated lawyers turned politicians in Washington. Because as we all know by now, they've done such a bang up job for the American people. I mean, just look at that gem of a 9.5 unemployment rate and don't forget America's dazzling trillions of dollars in debt. Just imagine the mess our country would be in if we didn't HAVE all these "intelligent", ivy league educated lawyers turned politicians in Washington.


I've figured out why you're so fixated and threatened by that darn "stupid" Sarah Palin. It's starting to dawn on you that there might be a REAL political revolution (and not that fake "change you can believe in" load of crap) ahead. You can already imagine the possibilities of Americans throwing out all of these so-called "intelligent" bums you so admire, and start electing some folksy talkin' people with degrees from (gasp!)...small colleges.




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You seem to be oh so impressed by the current crop of ivy league educated lawyers turned politicians in Washington. Because as we all know by now, they've done such a bang up job for the American people. I mean, just look at that gem of a 9.5 unemployment rate and don't forget America's dazzling trillions of dollars in debt. Just imagine the mess our country would be in if we didn't HAVE all these "intelligent", ivy league educated lawyers turned politicians in Washington.


I've figured out why you're so fixated and threatened by that darn "stupid" Sarah Palin. It's starting to dawn on you that there might be a REAL political revolution (and not that fake "change you can believe in" load of crap) ahead. You can already imagine the possibilities of Americans throwing out all of these so-called "intelligent" bums you so admire, and start electing some folksy talkin' people with degrees from (gasp!)...small colleges.




God, you're stupid. :pirate:

Of course I don't believe Ivy League automatically means you're intelligent. George Bush went to Yale.

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God, you're stupid. :pirate:



Keep fighting the good fight Kelly. I'm afraid it's going to be a long four years for you, trying to explain why the liberals are so darn intelligent while they're driving our country off a cliff.




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I've figured out why you're so fixated and threatened by that darn "stupid" Sarah Palin. It's starting to dawn on you that there might be a REAL political revolution (and not that fake "change you can believe in" load of crap) ahead. You can already imagine the possibilities of Americans throwing out all of these so-called "intelligent" bums you so admire, and start electing some folksy talkin' people with degrees from (gasp!)...small colleges.


I like folksy smart people but Palin? Can we please find a better standard-bearer for this political revolution than a religious zealot who doesn't read the newspaper?!

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Keep fighting the good fight Kelly. I'm afraid it's going to be a long four years for you, trying to explain why the liberals are so darn intelligent while they're driving our country off a cliff.




There is a much, much greater chance of you driving yourself off a cliff, or someone forcing you over a cliff, than your scenario. I am happy as hell with who is in charge right now. And I'd bet you anything you want that basically the same people will be in charge next year at this time, and the same party and the same President will be re-elected to the White House in 2012.

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George Bush went to Yale.


That's why she has so many of the Washington republicans panties in a bunch over her. The Washington establishment in both parties are petrified of a truly monumental shift in the political arena, where people start voting in "ordinary" and "average" Americans with "lousy" educational credentials like Sarah Palin. I think there's a very real anger towards these DC lawyers turned politicians. No matter how much they try and dismiss her right now, I think she's a perceived threat to everybody. It's amazing to me how much venum she is able to extract from people who don't like her. The reaction is so over the top.


For the record, I liked what she had to say during the last election but I'm not ready to support her for President. I like what Palin represents as far as wanting to vote for a REAL Washington outsider who will shake the you-know-what out of that place.

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That's why she has so many of the Washington republicans panties in a bunch over her. The Washington establishment in both parties are petrified of a truly monumental shift in the political arena, where people start voting in "ordinary" and "average" Americans with "lousy" educational credentials like Sarah Palin. I think there's a very real anger towards these DC lawyers turned politicians. No matter how much they try and dismiss her right now, I think she's a perceived threat to everybody. It's amazing to me how much venum she is able to extract from people who don't like her. The reaction is so over the top.


For the record, I liked what she had to say during the last election but I'm not ready to support her for President. I like what Palin represents as far as wanting to vote for a REAL Washington outsider who will shake the you-know-what out of that place.

I'd agree with you if it didn't seem like she absolutely lost her mind somewhere between Ted Stevens IAP and the first campaign stop. The Sarah Palin of today is not the Sarah Palin that won the governorship of Alaska.

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I like what Palin represents as far as wanting to vote for a REAL Washington outsider who will shake the you-know-what out of that place.


This, I agree with. I just don't want it to be her. She's a scary kook who I wouldn't trust with the keys to the country.

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This, I agree with. I just don't want it to be her. She's a scary kook who I wouldn't trust with the keys to the country.

I totally agree with that. I would love to see a total outsider shake the crap out of Washington, even if it were a conservative. No way it's her anyway.

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This, I agree with. I just don't want it to be her. She's a scary kook who I wouldn't trust with the keys to the country.

I would agree with this as well, she wouldn't be my republican nominee, personally I think Romney is the man for the job, too bad he has the charisma of a Ben Stein.

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And flip-flops more than Zelig.

I don't care about the flopping, That to me is just changing your opinion because thats what the situation dictates itself for one to do, unless your John Kerry, then you're just a P#ssy :pirate: . What I am concerned about is the economy, and that guy has a good understanding of how money works, much better than the economically challenged bunch of bafoons that are up on capitol Hill today.

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I don't care about the flopping, That to me is just changing your opinion because thats what the situation dictates itself for one to do, unless your John Kerry, then you're just a P#ssy :pirate: . What I am concerned about is the economy, and that guy has a good understanding of how money works, much better than the economically challenged bunch of bafoons that are up on capitol Hill today.


You mean the guy in favor of state-run universal health care, same sex marriage, and who raised his state budget by 23% in his four years and over a billion every year he was there?


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God, you're stupid. :pirate:

Of course I don't believe Ivy League automatically means you're intelligent. George Bush went to Yale.




Keep fighting the good fight Kelly. I'm afraid it's going to be a long four years for you, trying to explain why the liberals are so darn intelligent while they're driving our country off a cliff.





Ummm, driving us off a cliff? They are trying to turn the anvil that fell off the cliff under Bush into an airplane. Taint easy dude, taint easy.


That's why she has so many of the Washington republicans panties in a bunch over her. The Washington establishment in both parties are petrified of a truly monumental shift in the political arena, where people start voting in "ordinary" and "average" Americans with "lousy" educational credentials like Sarah Palin. I think there's a very real anger towards these DC lawyers turned politicians. No matter how much they try and dismiss her right now, I think she's a perceived threat to everybody. It's amazing to me how much venum she is able to extract from people who don't like her. The reaction is so over the top.


For the record, I liked what she had to say during the last election but I'm not ready to support her for President. I like what Palin represents as far as wanting to vote for a REAL Washington outsider who will shake the you-know-what out of that place.


Ronald McDonald is a Washington outsider too but I wouldn't want him anywhere near the Presidency or even a McDonald's within five miles of the Whitehouse. JMO


A page from Sarah Palin's secret diary has been discovered.


No one understands me. It’s like I’m speaking some Eskimo dialect or something. Andrea Mitchell follows me all the way to Kanakanak Beach and I get a French manicure and set up this huge photo op for her, even though she spooked the salmon.


Todd and me are in our cool fishing bibs. Piper’s helping out on the boat. It’s an amazing day that shows how our Creator favored my beloved Alaska, gatekeeper of the continent, and makes a great shot for all the network reporters up here to milk. This progresses me away from my image as some kind of flaky “rogue diva” and back to my image as a tough huntin’ and fishin’ gal.

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You mean the guy in favor of state-run universal health care, same sex marriage, and who raised his state budget by 23% in his four years and over a billion every year he was there?


I don't care about same sex marriage or abortion, these are non issues for me, in regards to the other issues you just mentioned, state-run health care, I'm opposed to it, but that is what his constituents wanted and they had been trying to work that out for many years before he had stepped into office. It's going to be very difficult to agree with every single issue, but for me he seems to be the most qualified out of the bunch in what it is that I am looking for. Which is a fiscally conservative, moderate who has the intelligence to be able to react to situations in a decisive manner.


Btw, how in the world did you find that website? :pirate:

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I don't care about same sex marriage or abortion, these are non issues for me, in regards to the other issues you just mentioned, state-run health care, I'm opposed to it, but that is what his constituents wanted and they had been trying to work that out for many years before he had stepped into office. It's going to be very difficult to agree with every single issue, but for me he seems to be the most qualified out of the bunch in what it is that I am looking for. Which is a fiscally conservative, moderate who has the intelligence to be able to react to situations in a decisive manner.


Btw, how in the world did you find that website? :devil:

I found it in a link from a conservative website that was relentlessly badmouthing Romney for being a crappy conservative. :pirate:

It did seem to provide facts that showed he wasn't at all fiscally conservative.


I think Romney is an intelligent, informed, pretty good guy and speaker. Unfortunately, he's a crappy campaigner and ultimately a crappy politician because he is WAY too willing to say what people want to hear and change his position to fit whatever he thinks at the time will make himself look the best. All pols do this to an extent, and like you said, I don't mind when any politician changes his mind if he finds new information or comes to a different conclusion over time.


But when you do it too often, and IMO he did it way too often, suddenly it's the boy who cried wolf and virtually no stand you take can be taken seriously. I think he ruined a pretty good future in the party.

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