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advice on dating a hot girl?

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I have a really attractive girlfriend, this is unique for me. Its not that I normally date ugly girls, its just that I usually happen to date middle of the pack girls. (6's or 7s) girls who are decent looking (e.g. okay/good looking but usually not the hottest girls in the room)


But with my new GF (dating for about six months and the new car smell is starting to wear off so to speak) I humbly suggest I am a little out of my league. She fits the category of "The Hot Girl", all the guys at her workplace drool over her including one who I think has crossed the line, and when we are out its not uncommon to see guys blatantly checking her out or making obvious passes. To add to my trouble she enjoys the flattery & being at the center of attention - she dresses sexy, spends a lot of time getting ready always trying to look her best and is herself quite bubbly/flirty with most people.


As any red blooded male this is starting to get on nerves a bit, I have strictly avoided playing the jealousy card (even though that jealousy probably expresses what I am feeling to a tee) getting jealous or bitchy would make me look insecure. My current strategy is to feign ignorance and trying to make her good friends and co-workers think I'm a cool guy, you know like an everyman/ backslapper politician who is real easy going.


Obviously I know feeling sympathy for a guy who posts at a message board claiming: "woe is me I am dating a hot girl, and I just don't know what to do". But I prefer you think of me as a die hard bills fan who recently just happened to luck out and date a really attractive GF, I want to keep this going like a run in vegas or something.


Also feel free to flame/insult away as any post this lame deserves more than a few verbal barbs, but if anyone has decent advice feel free to contribute. So far my my ideas have been fairly simple e.g pre-emptive break up (George Costanza), start being a dick to everyone she works with/under cutting them by picking out their flaws and making fun of them when they are not around (not my personality but I can put on a facade), or just start blatantly flirting more with her GFs or some my friends that are girls and see if that does anything.




I like your style. You're humble about this.......I've been in this situation with a very hot chick and with one who thought she was very hot (and apparently had a lot of guys convinced, too). In my case, it pretty much ended badly. It's the flirty part that I would be worried about. That just says too much in my opinion.......The one I should have married was the one who was hotter (or at least as hot) as the one who thought she was all that, but she didn't know it. She never flirted with anyone. That type is a keeper, but you never know it till it's gone.

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Personally, I think if you need advice on how pick up on chicks from some dude who has to where a giant douchey hat to get attention you have no shot.......unless you win the lottery.

I thought he was talking about the movie, with Robert Downey Jr. and Molly Ringworm.

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How many inputs does she make available to you? Thats the only way to assess her sincere interest in you. I always employ a simple statistical analysis:


1 orifice or less - passing interest

2 orifices - moderate interest

3 orifices - serious interest

4 or more orifices - emotional hootenanny

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