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advice on dating a hot girl?

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Some goofy friggin advice in this thread and some that is decent.


I am not, and never have been, the jealous type. My attitude has always been, if she can do better...go for it. That means I can do better as well.


Its all about your own self-confidence. Feel good about yourself, you are banging a real hot chick (according to you, a pic would verify). She seems to want/need the attention of others...so what. Don't make an issue out of it, she may be just trying to get a rise out out of you/push your buttons/ or test your self-confidence. I have no idea since I don't know the girl.


I know that women find people who are confident in themselves (not !@#$-type cocky, but confident) to be sexy. I also would not want to be best buddies with her guy friends from work/guys hitting on her in the bar etc. Hot girls don't get hit on randomly as much as you think, their looks intimidate most guys. Thats why many hot chicks end up with uglier guys, the ugly guy showed enough confidence to hit on them (either that or a fat wallet).


Man up & be confident. Ignore the bull and you will be better off.

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Not if you do a good job of keeping things interesting.





Very good advice! Don't let looks overpower you, sometimes that's all they have. Sometimes they have both, but that should only help you gain your focus more!


Any Mystery fans here?



When I first saw the Pickup Artist, I was convinced none of that crap could possibly work. But man, whatever he tells those losers really, honestly, actually works. It blows my mind. The one-line openers and how to approach "sets." It sounds so incredibly lame, but I've even borrowed from the "method." Its all a game, and Mystery realizes that.


To your questions, I'd say, do your best to roll with it. Every guy is gonna wanna hit on some girl. You, at one point, were that guy. It happens, we find girls attractive. If you get pissed off it only hurts your cause. One of my best friends literally dragged his girlfriend out of the bar and went home cause he "couldn't take deuchebag guys hitting on my girlfriend." Well, deal with it.


Also, I agree with above posts. What do you have in common? What's her interests, career goals, etcetera. Do what makes you guys happy away from the club scene. You can even do the bar thing without Gotti-collar-popped-roid rage-over tan d-bags around. Go see a good band at Mohawk Place. Go to Allentown for a drink and a good band or two. The Wine Thief on Elmwood is classy and chill, no pressure. The Botanical Gardens is a great date spot. Does she like chocolate? Take her to Butterwood. There's a laundry list of stuff to do outside of lame Chippewa bars. Seriously.

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When I first saw the Pickup Artist, I was convinced none of that crap could possibly work. But man, whatever he tells those losers really, honestly, actually works. It blows my mind. The one-line openers and how to approach "sets." It sounds so incredibly lame, but I've even borrowed from the "method." Its all a game, and Mystery realizes that.


To your questions, I'd say, do your best to roll with it. Every guy is gonna wanna hit on some girl. You, at one point, were that guy. It happens, we find girls attractive. If you get pissed off it only hurts your cause. One of my best friends literally dragged his girlfriend out of the bar and went home cause he "couldn't take deuchebag guys hitting on my girlfriend." Well, deal with it.


Also, I agree with above posts. What do you have in common? What's her interests, career goals, etcetera. Do what makes you guys happy away from the club scene. You can even do the bar thing without Gotti-collar-popped-roid rage-over tan d-bags around. Go see a good band at Mohawk Place. Go to Allentown for a drink and a good band or two. The Wine Thief on Elmwood is classy and chill, no pressure. The Botanical Gardens is a great date spot. Does she like chocolate? Take her to Butterwood. There's a laundry list of stuff to do outside of lame Chippewa bars. Seriously.

Don't take girl advice from a dude that gets his from some douche on MTV named Mystery. :rolleyes: Seriously.

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Who is Mystery?

Personally, I think if you need advice on how pick up on chicks from some dude who has to where a giant douchey hat to get attention you have no shot.......unless you win the lottery.

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Personally, I think if you need advice on how pick up on chicks from some dude who has to where a giant douchey hat to get attention you have no shot.......unless you win the lottery.


Thanks. The last time I watched MTV, The Real World San Francisco was still on.

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Say, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?


Care to come look at my etchings?


Wow, is it hot in here or what?





really, that's all i got


You blew it man, you ALWAYS open with "what's your sign, baby", chicks dig it.

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Say, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?


Care to come look at my etchings?


Wow, is it hot in here or what?





really, that's all i got


Seriously, I don't even get the cheesy pick up lines. More like a cold shoulder. :rolleyes:

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Seriously, I don't even get the cheesy pick up lines. More like a cold shoulder. :lol:


If I told you - you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me? :rolleyes:


that's the cheesiest I got.

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Say, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?


Care to come look at my etchings?


Wow, is it hot in here or what?





really, that's all i got


That's so 1977. The new closer is, "Wanna come back to my place for some Wii bowling?" Either that, or "Wanna go in halves on a bastard?"

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Personally, I think if you need advice on how pick up on chicks from some dude who has to where a giant douchey hat to get attention you have no shot.......unless you win the lottery.


Actually, his giant hat is nowhere near as pathetic as all the Affliction/Tapout/Ed Hardy rosary tattoed pasted haired freaks who all think they are legit MMA fighters.


If you actually watched Mystery, just even once, he's a big advocate against buying girls drinks. In fact, he oftens "opens a set" by offering the girl to buy HIM a drink. It's on VH1, same network as T.O., not MTV.





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Sounds like you are insecure about the relationship and looking for a way out. Anyone who dates a hot girl needs to understand that guys will always try to hit on her or check her out no matter who is on her arm. It's the nature of the game. If you feel your relationship is getting stale or boring it's up to you to spice it up. She is the hot girl and could find a new guy within a day if she really wanted to.


IF she has become more flirty with others around you recently I would be worried. It probably means you are not paying enough attention to her. You don't have to do much to keep her interested. Try new things in the bedroom, give her a foot massage, do something you hate but she loves, etc.... The key is to do more without looking like you are trying to do more.

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Actually, his giant hat is nowhere near as pathetic as all the Affliction/Tapout/Ed Hardy rosary tattoed pasted haired freaks who all think they are legit MMA fighters.


If you actually watched Mystery, just even once, he's a big advocate against buying girls drinks. In fact, he oftens "opens a set" by offering the girl to buy HIM a drink. It's on VH1, same network as T.O., not MTV.





Yeah those guys are ALSO giant douchebags.

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