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T.O. and A-Rod

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Why do people insist on using words that they cannot spell?


Mysteries of life, my friend, mysteries of life....


Everybody knows that more taxpayer money for colleges, civil servants and unions will solve such problems.


Get with the program and pay your taxes. (Insert the hands-on-hips smiley that we don't have).

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Everybody knows that more taxpayer money for colleges, civil servants and unions will solve such problems.


Get with the program and pay your taxes. (Insert the hands-on-hips smiley that we don't have).

Must you make everything an Obama rant?



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Why is the public so (enfatuated) infatuated with these two guys?


Its the same reason everyones is infatuated with the President, Madonna, Tiger Woods etc, etc, etc People love to talk about the most popular people then they like to dig up the most dirt on the most popular people to knock them off of thier pedicel that we put them on in the first place becuase as much as we want someone on a pedicel it reminds us of how deficient we are and we dont want to me reminded so we need to show them they are no different then us.


I would say with the exception of Tiger Woods in the modern era of popularity everyone that has rsien to fame will be in some way shape or form attempted to be risen to shame as well.

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What the fug is a pedicel?


Damn you TBD tards !


It's a narrowing of/within an animal or its body part, like having a "wasp-like waist". Probably pretty easy to get knocked off a pedicel or pedestal.

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What the fug is a pedicel?


Damn you TBD tards !



If I may extend this thread just a bit further, and answer the OP, I think that the question of why people make such a big deal about particular celebrities is related to the orthographical problems pointed out by myself and others. Many people who spell badly, especially on message boards, will argue that such details are irrelevant. But it is precisely that inability or unwillingness to concern oneself with the details of a particular sport or subject that lead people to focus only on some immediately visible representative of that subject. If one takes the time to think, to analyze, to understand, one can see that baseball is much more than A-Rod, just as football is much more than TO. One has to care enough to learn, and then learn enough to know, to be able to separate the important from the trivial and transitory. It all starts with the basic details; there are no short cuts.


Go Bills!

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