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Has anyone heard what Ralph thought of his draft?

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I'm sick of all the negative comments about Ralph. You people who poke fun at the guy are azzholes and can go !@#$ yourselves with a splintery 2x4. He's a great man, a WWII veteran, and founder of the Buffalo Bills. He's kept the Bills in buffalo and deserves our respect and reverence, not mocking or any of the other dumbass comments the mongoloids here make.


So enough of that crap. Filter yourself before you act like a douche.

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No names, no HIPPA violations, just consider it a very reliable source.

What the hell do you mean no names? You said it was Mr. Wilson. If it is true, whoever told you or your source violated the very essence of the HIPPA laws.


While you might believe you're accurate, your story has to be false. Medical professionals understand leaking any info like this would certainly ruin their careers.

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I'm sick of all the negative comments about Ralph. You people who poke fun at the guy are azzholes and can go !@#$ yourselves with a splintery 2x4. He's a great man, a WWII veteran, and founder of the Buffalo Bills. He's kept the Bills in buffalo and deserves our respect and reverence, not mocking or any of the other dumbass comments the mongoloids here make.


So enough of that crap. Filter yourself before you act like a douche.


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if its true, its really awful.


I am one of those who question the way Mr. Wilson is 'protecting his legacy' with the Bills.


But this kind of misfortune you never wish on your worst enemy. Hopefully its untrue, and hopefully Ralph is fully healthy. Love him or hate him, imagine him holding a lombardi trophy with a huge smile next to a bunch of celebratory Buffalo Bills. He kind of deserves it.

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I'm sick of all the negative comments about Ralph. You people who poke fun at the guy are azzholes and can go !@#$ yourselves with a splintery 2x4. He's a great man, a WWII veteran, and founder of the Buffalo Bills. He's kept the Bills in buffalo and deserves our respect and reverence, not mocking or any of the other dumbass comments the mongoloids here make.


So enough of that crap. Filter yourself before you act like a douche.


Right on, bud.

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No names, no HIPPA violations, just consider it a very reliable source.


Ralph fractured his shoulder and was treated in Fl. I heard that the doc that took care of him noted his dementia and did not think he could make any legit decisions. Don't kill the messenger. This is just what I heard.


No HIPPA violations? If the doctor noted his findings and those findings were later discovored by unauthorized personel and made known by/to your "reliable source" then you have the very epitome of a HIPPA violation. Medical records that can contain readily identifiable patient records are mandated by HIPPA to be protected from ANYONE WITHOUT AUTHORIZED accesse to those records.


You're either full of crap on this report, your reliable source is full of crap, or a violation of HIPPA as occurred.



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Not to doubt you Buftex, but the media must have been alerted of this. I would think that they are holding off on reporting about it.



I think that the Wilson family is very private, and wanted to deal with this on their own, before making it public.

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explain yourself or are you just being a total @sshole?


What's there to explain? I thought she was the head o-line scout, before being promoted to Vice President/Assistant Director of College and Pro Scouting. I really didn't say anything classless or anything the could be construed negatively. What don't you explain yourself?

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