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Swine flu back at it...blamed for 60 deaths


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Jesus H. Christ!!!! We have a confirmed case in Arapahoe County, Colorado!!!!


I'm gonna die of pig flu!!!!! :doh:


I'm really tempted to go running down the street screaming "OH MY GOD, SWINE FLU!". They did have 2 kids in the hospital a couple blocks away earlier this week who were confirmed cases. The media would love it. Who knows, maybe the swine flu would actually be credited for it's first true kill in the US if I accidentally ran into traffic.

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Jesus H. Christ!!!! We have a confirmed case in Arapahoe County, Colorado!!!!


I'm gonna die of pig flu!!!!! :doh:


It's been nice knowing ya. Maybe it's better that you pass away before another Bills season. :lol:


Give it another try. Worked for me.


All I get is the damn hompage! :doh:



.......or he could have Googled it like NJSUE should have! :unsure:


Why in the hell should I do your work for you!!! :doh:

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I'm really tempted to go running down the street screaming "OH MY GOD, SWINE FLU!". They did have 2 kids in the hospital a couple blocks away earlier this week who were confirmed cases. The media would love it. Who knows, maybe the swine flu would actually be credited for it's first true kill in the US if I accidentally ran into traffic.


It's like the media is holding up a big sparkly object (called H1N1J5Q7 or "pig flu") for all the mouth breathers to gawk at.


It's been nice knowing ya. Maybe it's better that you pass away before another Bills season. :doh:


Good bye cruel world... :doh:


Please feel free to start up a silent thread or an RIP thread in my honor and also get the fund raising efforts started for a paver now!

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As someone who is severely immuno-compromised (due to renal transplantation), I have a rather unique interest in this matter, since it's ususally my kind that die first.


As others have pointed out, with the exception of Mexico, we have not seen a massive mortality rate for "healthy" people as of yet. It's still too soon to panic or blow this off as hype, I think we have to wait and see. Personally, until >50% of those healthy people who contract this flu strain start to croak, I'll be underwhelmed by the sensationalism. It could be (lets all hope this is the case) that this flu is just more easy to catch and is transmitted quicker, rather than deadlier than the average yearly flu virus.


But that shouldn't stop the Sheeple from trampling each other to buy up the hand sanitizer at CVS:




>50%??? :flirt:


I'm not panicking over the flu - far from it, this is so far extremely over-hyped, and no one not a public health professional should be honestly worried about it at this point. But there's only a handful of diseases that are person-to-person transmissible and have a >50% case mortality rate: Ebola, rabies, AIDS, pneumonic and septicimic plague. Not even bubonic plauge - i.e. the Black Death of the 14th century - has a 50% case mortality rate.


If you're only starting to worry at that point, you've long since stopped paying attention. Even 5% mortality would be a nightmare. The case mortality rate in Philly in 1918 was only 2%, with a 50% disease incidence rate, and that caused public services in the city to break down. That's why the WHO's in a tizzy: Mexico City's got about a 4% mortality rate, but a morbidity rate so far of a hundredth of a percent. Change that morbidity rate to 50% (not impossible for the flu, which is what they're afraid of), and you've got 400k dead in half a year.


But the WHO gets paid to extrapolate worst cases from current events. So does the media, for that matter. Difference is, it's responsible when the WHO does it, but panic-mongering to pull a rating when the media bastards do it.

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Head for the hills folks, they are claiming someone in good ol Bemus Point has it.




(found it interesting the case is listed as "probable" but the headline says "has")






... and let the mayhem back home begin.

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So has any non-hispanic died from this yet? I'd be curious to see if the regular flu has a higher mortality rate in hispanics. You know, these are little details that the media never bothers to look up or present.

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So has any non-hispanic died from this yet? I'd be curious to see if the regular flu has a higher mortality rate in hispanics. You know, these are little details that the media never bothers to look up or present.


I know. Not trying to stereotype, but just living in and around Mexico City is an UNDERLYING health risk unlike almost another place on the planet.


Something zapped me on Tuesday and I was sick and off of work 2.5 days... Common flu symptoms but NO fever, or sore throat... I went to the doc and they said it was a bad stomach virus.


I still have to be careful becuase as a youth I was diagnosed with JRA and there seems to be certain things that fires it up. Back in 1994 I got zapped by something and it turned into pneumonia... My pneumonia cleared up but I was having all kinds of symptoms associated with my underlying past issues with juvenile rheumatory arthritis... Funny becuase it "burned" itself out after about 8 months.


Doesn't help either when your child comes home with a note saying that Fifth Disease (B19 virus) is floating around too!

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I know. Not trying to stereotype, but just living in and around Mexico City is an UNDERLYING health risk unlike almost another place on the planet.


I wasn't trying to hint at the difference in the state of health down there, even though it's a major issue here. For many diseases, there is a difference between races. I think it would be funny if hispanics did in fact have a higher mortality rate from the flu. All this panic reporting would be even more idiotic up here in the US, well, for the non-hispanics anyway.

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Head for the hills folks, they are claiming someone in good ol Bemus Point has it.




(found it interesting the case is listed as "probable" but the headline says "has")






... and let the mayhem back home begin.

They ran a banner at the top of A-1 in yesterday's OTH: SWINE FLU MAY BE IN CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Bold black type with a red shadow. Very eye-catching.

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I wasn't trying to hint at the difference in the state of health down there, even though it's a major issue here. For many diseases, there is a difference between races. I think it would be funny if hispanics did in fact have a higher mortality rate from the flu. All this panic reporting would be even more idiotic up here in the US, well, for the non-hispanics anyway.


Another note... If 1918's (flu) was a swine derivative, why was that called "Spanish Flu?" What is up with that? :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Did you see where Mexico was blaming Asia?

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>50%??? :thumbsup:


I'm not panicking over the flu - far from it, this is so far extremely over-hyped, and no one not a public health professional should be honestly worried about it at this point. But there's only a handful of diseases that are person-to-person transmissible and have a >50% case mortality rate: Ebola, rabies, AIDS, pneumonic and septicimic plague. Not even bubonic plauge - i.e. the Black Death of the 14th century - has a 50% case mortality rate.


If you're only starting to worry at that point, you've long since stopped paying attention. Even 5% mortality would be a nightmare. The case mortality rate in Philly in 1918 was only 2%, with a 50% disease incidence rate, and that caused public services in the city to break down. That's why the WHO's in a tizzy: Mexico City's got about a 4% mortality rate, but a morbidity rate so far of a hundredth of a percent. Change that morbidity rate to 50% (not impossible for the flu, which is what they're afraid of), and you've got 400k dead in half a year.


But the WHO gets paid to extrapolate worst cases from current events. So does the media, for that matter. Difference is, it's responsible when the WHO does it, but panic-mongering to pull a rating when the media bastards do it.


Yeah, I pulled that figure out of my ass, but the point is, until normally healthy people start dying like crazy, this is nothing but hype. Be careful, but don't panic...

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