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Goodell won't reinstate Favre

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Because they won't let him compete for the QB job in Green Bay, and they'll only trade him to teams he doesn't want to play for. He's been backed into a corner. Whatever you think about Favre's wishy-washiness over retirement is irrelevant. The Packers should release him if they don't want him.


If he's playing "for the love of the game", then why would it matter where he's going to play?


Most will say that Favre wants to play for a contender, but I really don't know why a contender would feel that Favre will play like he did in 2007 (he was very good, until it counted the most), as opposed to the way he did in 2005 & 2006.

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Don, this was an excellent post and you make some great points. But why, then, if the Packers are ready to move on, do they not simply release Favre and allow him to continue his career elsewhere? This whole "we won't let him go to a team in our division" b.s. is what is keeping this from being a relatively simple matter.


The Packers are either willing to move on without Favre or they are not, but they want to also control where he goes if they don't want him -- that ain't right.



Bullseye! :unsure:


If I was a Packers fan, I would be pissed about the way Thompson and company have handled this situation. Favre deserves lots of criticism, but, at the end of the day (cliche), the Packers stand a better chance of winning a championship in 2008 with Favre, than they do Rodgers. Football is an intense sport, when you are as close as the Packers were last year (lets face it, they lost to a team that wasn't that much better than them, in the NY Giants), with a legendary QB who had one of his best seasons ever, you do whatever you can to keep that team together. What do the Packers owe Rodgers? This isn't cutting Drew Bledsoe after a miserable finish, where your team comes up one game short of qualifying for the playoffs. Your team was one bad pass from playing for a championship. To top it off, however you want to paint Favre (and I get it, everyone is sick of his act), he does have a right to play football, if he likes. The Packers are doing everything they can to take that right away from him.

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If he's playing "for the love of the game", then why would it matter where he's going to play?


Most will say that Favre wants to play for a contender, but I really don't know why a contender would feel that Favre will play like he did in 2007 (he was very good, until it counted the most), as opposed to the way he did in 2005 & 2006.



Big difference....the 2007 Packers team was far more talented than the two squads before that. Favre was the only playmaker those offensed had in 2005/2006...he took rediculous chances, when games were out of control. He showed last season, when there is talent around him, he can reign himself in.

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If he's playing "for the love of the game", then why would it matter where he's going to play?


Most will say that Favre wants to play for a contender, but I really don't know why a contender would feel that Favre will play like he did in 2007 (he was very good, until it counted the most), as opposed to the way he did in 2005 & 2006.

A contender usually has talent more along the lines of what the Packers did last year, versus 2005 and 2006. Are the Jets a SB contender with Favre? No.


And as for Favre costing the Packers the NFCCG, hardly. The running game was non-existent (Ryan Grant, who is holding-out for a huge new deal, had 29 yards on 13 carries). And the Giants' FG kicker, who made a 47-yarder in OT after Favre's 2nd INT, missed a 36-yarder at the end of the game that would have won it for them. And the Packers DID ultimately lose to the team that won the SB, and caused arguably the greatest upset in NFL history.

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The Packers are idiots? What am I missing here? Let's walk through this from the top....


Favre decided to retire when the season ended. He had been openly contemplating doing so for several seasons, seriously enough that the Packers spent a 1st round pick on Rodgers several years ago.


Then, in March, Favre changes his mind and tells them he wants to play. The Packers say "welcome back", and make all the necessary travel and other arrangements, only to have Favre change his mind again and tell them he's decided to stay retired.


So, the Packers have to move on. They draft a QB in the 2nd round, and another one later in the draft. They spend their entire offseason and minicamps retooling their offense to better suit the players currently on their roster, in particular Rodgers.


Now, essentially at the very last minute, after the Packers have spent millions of dollars making plans assuming Favre is no longer available, he jumps back in and says "I changed my mind. (again)"


How did you expect them to react? "Never mind we pissed away a 2nd round pick on a QB and spent our entire offseason preparing to move on without you." Get real. They're trying to run a business, and Favre is !@#$ing with them. Enough is enough.



What did the Packers management do wrong? Essentially nothing.

What did Favre do wrong? Pretty much everything.


Goodell, who is a businessman, recognizes that Favre has been outrageously unprofessional in how he has conducted himself in all of this, and is using his discretion to stall Favre's reinstatement for a few days/weeks hoping the matter can be resolved without further embarrassment to the league.

Favre has thought about retiring because he felt the Packers were not serious about fielding a winning team..........kind of like the Bills. The Pack drafted Rodgers because they felt he was a good value at the spot they picked him & Favre was over 30 years old. When Favre decided to come back, IF the Packers were serious about winning they should have welcomed him back with open arms.

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If he's playing "for the love of the game", then why would it matter where he's going to play?

Bingo. I'm not sure who else is interested, but if he's really about coming back because he loves to play, then take a trade to Tampa, to the Jests, to the Panthers, or whoever else is interested in him. I'm not advocating the Pack be vindictive about the whole thing and ship him to Oakland or the Fins, but I find it hard to believe that some middle ground can't be reached here.

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Bingo. I'm not sure who else is interested, but if he's really about coming back because he loves to play, then take a trade to Tampa, to the Jests, to the Panthers, or whoever else is interested in him. I'm not advocating the Pack be vindictive about the whole thing and ship him to Oakland or the Fins, but I find it hard to believe that some middle ground can't be reached here.

Favre has the right to VETO any trade. He is trying to force the Packers to release him so he can go to a team of his choice - the Vikings. The Packers have said Favre will not start in Green Bay, they have two options left, pay $12 Million for Favre to back up Rodgers or grant him his release.

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If he's playing "for the love of the game", then why would it matter where he's going to play?


Most will say that Favre wants to play for a contender, but I really don't know why a contender would feel that Favre will play like he did in 2007 (he was very good, until it counted the most), as opposed to the way he did in 2005 & 2006.

I hope you're just playing devil's advocate, because that's a silly statement. Of course a QB at the twilight of his career wants to play where he has a shot at returning to glory, and not for a rebuilding or talent-poor also-ran.


Favre was an All-Pro in 2007. There's no reason to believe his talents significantly deteriorated over the offseason.


If the Packers decided they didn't want Favre and took steps to move on, they should release him if they can't get a trade they like. Period.

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Favre has the right to VETO any trade. He is trying to force the Packers to release him so he can go to a team of his choice - the Vikings. The Packers have said Favre will not start in Green Bay, they have two options left, pay $12 Million for Favre to back up Rodgers or grant him his release.



Favre wants to stay in the NFC Noth, because, as he admitted in his "retirement" press conference, all of the game study was taking his toll on him, probably more so than the games. He wants to play in the division he is most familiar with. Also, rumour has it, while everyone thinks the Bucs are a natural fit for him, he and Gruden are not real tight.

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Favre has the right to VETO any trade. He is trying to force the Packers to release him so he can go to a team of his choice - the Vikings. The Packers have said Favre will not start in Green Bay, they have two options left, pay $12 Million for Favre to back up Rodgers or grant him his release.

Which proves this isn't about coming back for the love of the game and is just another example of it being all about Brett. Every year, the same BS -- "I might retire, I might not, maybe, maybe not" now he decides to retire, then a month later realizes he wants to play, unretires and wants to Pack to just give him up to a division rival? If I were the Pack I'd be telling Brett to piss off.


If he was really interested in coming back to play he would work with the Pack to find alternatives to his dream job in Minnesota.


I was a big fan of Favre's for a long time, but the last couple years have really tarnished his image, IMO.

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Bullseye! :unsure:


If I was a Packers fan, I would be pissed about the way Thompson and company have handled this situation. Favre deserves lots of criticism, but, at the end of the day (cliche), the Packers stand a better chance of winning a championship in 2008 with Favre, than they do Rodgers. Football is an intense sport, when you are as close as the Packers were last year (lets face it, they lost to a team that wasn't that much better than them, in the NY Giants), with a legendary QB who had one of his best seasons ever, you do whatever you can to keep that team together. What do the Packers owe Rodgers? This isn't cutting Drew Bledsoe after a miserable finish, where your team comes up one game short of qualifying for the playoffs. Your team was one bad pass from playing for a championship. To top it off, however you want to paint Favre (and I get it, everyone is sick of his act), he does have a right to play football, if he likes. The Packers are doing everything they can to take that right away from him.

Not picking on you Buftex.... but I've seen this statement by several posters. Why does Favre have a right to play football? Do I have this same right? Can any person that wants just show up and expect to compete for a starters job?


Now I know if I call a team, they wouldn't even answer the phone let alone consider bringing me in for a tryout. OTOH, Favre's call would get answered and many teams might want him. However, if team says no we don't want you, you can't force them to let you play. So, how does Favre have this right to play?


He retired. But ultimately he still has a contract with the Pack. So if re-instated, they'd have to make a decision - bring him in to camp (but that's zero guarantee he gets to play), release him, or trade him. From the sounds of it, all of those are bad for the Packers. They don't seem excited at all about releasing him or trading him. And no way could you have Favre on the bench with a clipboard. So their hope is for Favre to stay retired either through choice (see $25mill) or through the league not re-instating him.

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This whole debacle reminds me of an old song my Mom used to listen to. I forget who sang it, maybe Eddy Arnold or some old crooner like that. The song lyrics are "Please release me, let me go !" If you loved me, you would let me go !


Or something very close to that. Any google'rs out there want to find it ?

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Not picking on you Buftex.... but I've seen this statement by several posters. Why does Favre have a right to play football? Do I have this same right? Can any person that wants just show up and expect to compete for a starters job?


Now I know if I call a team, they wouldn't even answer the phone let alone consider bringing me in for a tryout. OTOH, Favre's call would get answered and many teams might want him. However, if team says no we don't want you, you can't force them to let you play. So, how does Favre have this right to play?


He retired. But ultimately he still has a contract with the Pack. So if re-instated, they'd have to make a decision - bring him in to camp (but that's zero guarantee he gets to play), release him, or trade him. From the sounds of it, all of those are bad for the Packers. They don't seem excited at all about releasing him or trading him. And no way could you have Favre on the bench with a clipboard. So their hope is for Favre to stay retired either through choice (see $25mill) or through the league not re-instating him.


Yes, you do have the same right, if somebody wants you to play for them. The Packers don't want Favre to play for them, and they won't let him play for someone else. They won't trade him, they won't let him even compete for a job on their team...you are right, he does have a contract with the Packers, to play football...so let him play, or at least, or compete for playing time. The Packers have made it clear, they won't do that. Under those circumstances, I don't think Favres' request for a release are all that unreasonable. If the Packers are so confident it what they have (an untested vetran QB, and two rookies), why be so worried about what team Favre plays for? Why not just say "okay Minnesota, you want Favre, here is what we want for him...". They can name their price. But they are afraid Favre will come back to haunt them. Too late, whatever they do at this point, he will haunt them.

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Schefter just reported on NFLN that Brett is now leaning towards retiring. Or staying retired. Guess that $20 million dollar offer is making him rethink things - funny how that works :blink:


Of course the story will probably have changed by the time the HOF ceremony is over...

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Which proves this isn't about coming back for the love of the game and is just another example of it being all about Brett. Every year, the same BS -- "I might retire, I might not, maybe, maybe not" now he decides to retire, then a month later realizes he wants to play, unretires and wants to Pack to just give him up to a division rival? If I were the Pack I'd be telling Brett to piss off.


If he was really interested in coming back to play he would work with the Pack to find alternatives to his dream job in Minnesota.


I was a big fan of Favre's for a long time, but the last couple years have really tarnished his image, IMO.

I think Brett wanted to come back & play for Green Bay. They surprised him by saying they would only take him back as a back up QB to Rodgers. The Packers should have welcomed him back with open arms. The pack was a game away from the Super Bowl last year. If I was the GM I would ask myself, who would most likely take me to the Super Bowl in 08 Brett or Aaron? Instead the Pack has told Brett to piss off, that is why he wants to go to another team. Of course Brett wants to go to a team he thinks has a chance to win it all, why would he want to go to a loser?

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Yes, you do have the same right, if somebody wants you to play for them. The Packers don't want Favre to play for them, and they won't let him play for someone else. They won't trade him, they won't let him even compete for a job on their team...you are right, he does have a contract with the Packers, to play football...so let him play, or at least, or compete for playing time. The Packers have made it clear, they won't do that. Under those circumstances, I don't think Favres' request for a release are all that unreasonable. If the Packers are so confident it what they have (an untested vetran QB, and two rookies), why be so worried about what team Favre plays for? Why not just say "okay Minnesota, you want Favre, here is what we want for him...". They can name their price. But they are afraid Favre will come back to haunt them. Too late, whatever they do at this point, he will haunt them.

Sorry, but you are wrong. Favre is under contract to them- a contract that he signed willingly. He is THEIR ASSET. Why would they hurt their own position by allowing him to go to Minnesota, Detroit or Chicago? That would be irresponsible on the Packers part!


He has to be willing to go to a team that they are willing to trade him to- thats just how it goes. If he didn't file his retirement papers, this wouldn't be an issue.


As Vince once said: "Bret screwed Bret" only this time, it is actually true

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I think Brett wanted to come back & play for Green Bay. They surprised him by saying they would only take him back as a back up QB to Rodgers. The Packers should have welcomed him back with open arms. The pack was a game away from the Super Bowl last year. If I was the GM I would ask myself, who would most likely take me to the Super Bowl in 08 Brett or Aaron? Instead the Pack has told Brett to piss off, that is why he wants to go to another team. Of course Brett wants to go to a team he thinks has a chance to win it all, why would he want to go to a loser?

Is the Pack a better a team with Favre at the helm and not Rodgers? Most likely, yes. Should the Pack have to deal with BRett's wishy-washy bullschitt every offseason, flip-flopping like a politician before finally making up his mind? No, I think that game has run its course. Essentially Brett screwed around, couldn't make a decision, then when he did the Pack moved on. So now he wants to play and the Packers are supposed to drop everything and welcome him or trade him to one of their division rivals? Awfully self-serving and egotistical, IMO.


Adam hit the nail on the head - Favre belongs to the Pack. He signed that contract and since the NFL put rules in place to prevent guys from trying to retire to get away from their current teams, he's stuck as the Pack's backup or he is staying retired. If you read my previous post you'd see that I never said the Pack should trade him wherever and he should just deal with it. I find it hard to believe that some middle ground can't be found - you're telling me the only team that wants Brett and the only one he'll accept a trade to is Minny? Then yes, tell him to piss off.

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Sorry, but you are wrong. Favre is under contract to them- a contract that he signed willingly. He is THEIR ASSET. Why would they hurt their own position by allowing him to go to Minnesota, Detroit or Chicago? That would be irresponsible on the Packers part!


He has to be willing to go to a team that they are willing to trade him to- thats just how it goes. If he didn't file his retirement papers, this wouldn't be an issue.


As Vince once said: "Bret screwed Bret" only this time, it is actually true

What was irresponsible on the Packers part is telling Brett he can not start for the Pack! The $12 million question is will the Packers be willing to pay that to Brett to sit on the bench & be a cancer in the locker room. If not Brett will get his wish & release.

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