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Here's a Question for you Edwards hopefuls

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Suppose Edwards flops, just suppose, and that it becomes clear fairly early in the season that he's showing no improvement regarding the ability to lead the team's offense either downfield or into the end zone.


At what point do those of you supporting Edwards pull the plug permanently on the youngster?


Because in spite of my criticism for Edwards and insistence that he's never going to do anything here, partly for reasons of his own and partly for reasons having little to do with him, I still take the stance that you really need to give a QB a couple of solid full starting seasons to be fair.


Losman never got that, he got one. In '05 he and Holcomb were interchanged like pegs on an old time telephone switchboard. He had a shot in '06 where he outperformed Edwards by a long shot and with nearly a 2-to-1 TD/INT ratio at 17/9, yet the media and fans dismissed that in favor of the young Edwards who replaced him last season after just a handful of starts again. Clearly a Jauron thing since Edwards was their guy.


Edwards got the last half of last season and now starts this one.


So let's say that Edwards performs poorly again. He doesn't throw many TDs relative to even average NFL QBs, the team's red zone and scoring woes don't let up, etc.


At what point do you begin talking about replacement and with whom do you replace him?


As I see it the team, fans, and media now owe it to Edwards to give him at least two full seasons on his own before discarding hiim. That means through '09. But that hasn't been the pattern here outside of Bledsoe and he got way more time than necessary for a veteran with known issues.


I'm thinking if this happens, then most of those that support Edwards now will be the ones quick to pull the trigger on getting him out of there either during or immediately following the season. But IMO that's not fair in spite of the notion that I don't think he's ever going to amount to much in the NFL. IMO he, just like any QB, should be given an absolute minimum of two full starting seasons, which Losman did not get and what he did get was with a lesser cast of offensive talent than what Edwards has to work with.


Also, if this does happen, Losman isn't the guy to put in since we have all but burned our bridges with him, and honestly, he should leave after the way he's been treated here. So given an Edwards failure, what next and when? Who, Matt Baker?


Either way, we can't keep on giving QBs one season and parts of others. It's poor leadership.

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Suppose Edwards flops, just suppose, and that it becomes clear fairly early in the season that he's showing no improvement regarding the ability to lead the team's offense either downfield or into the end zone.


At what point do those of you supporting Edwards pull the plug permanently on the youngster?


Because in spite of my criticism for Edwards and insistence that he's never going to do anything here, partly for reasons of his own and partly for reasons having little to do with him, I still take the stance that you really need to give a QB a couple of solid full starting seasons to be fair.


Losman never got that, he got one. In '05 he and Holcomb were interchanged like pegs on an old time telephone switchboard. He had a shot in '06 where he outperformed Edwards by a long shot and with nearly a 2-to-1 TD/INT ratio at 17/9, yet the media and fans dismissed that in favor of the young Edwards who replaced him last season after just a handful of starts again. Clearly a Jauron thing since Edwards was their guy.


Edwards got the last half of last season and now starts this one.


So let's say that Edwards performs poorly again. He doesn't throw many TDs relative to even average NFL QBs, the team's red zone and scoring woes don't let up, etc.


At what point do you begin talking about replacement and with whom do you replace him?


As I see it the team, fans, and media now owe it to Edwards to give him at least two full seasons on his own before discarding hiim. But that hasn't been the pattern here outside of Bledsoe and he got way more time than necessary for a veteran with known issues.


I'm thinking if this happens, then most of those that support Edwards now will be the ones quick to pull the trigger on getting him out of there either during or immediately following the season. But IMO that's not fair in spite of the notion that I don't think he's ever going to amount to much in the NFL. IMO he, just like any QB, should be given an absolute minimum of two full starting seasons, which Losman did not get and what he did get was with a lesser cast of offensive talent than what Edwards has to work with.


Also, if this does happen, Losman isn't the guy to put in since we have all but burned our bridges with him, and honestly, he should leave after the way he's been treated here. So given an Edwards failure, what next and when? Who, Matt Baker?


You may want to check that. Edwards wasn't around in '06.


As for the rest, get back to me after his 31st NFL start. In the meantime I am fully confident he is going to do some of the dumbest things I've seen a QB do, he's not going to do some of the greatest things I've seen QBs do, and the rest of the offense is going to have to mature together as a unit as well. Takes time and patience. He's also going to show the glimpses that I've seen enough of to convince me he's going to make it in the league.



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I agree with a lot of what you just said. I think you give Edwards two seasons, and expect him to then be part of the reason that you are winning, not just doing what he can to not contribute to a loss. I do not agree with your analysis on losman however, as I feel he has had every opportunity to take the reins, he inherited a team and was given the job without question two seporate times, and couldnt produce. This is pointless to argue with you though seeing as how you are still a losman guy, where as i have given up hope on him, and buried my no 7 jersey in the back of my closet. Hopefully Trent shows consistant flashes of brilliance this season, like he did at times last season, see washington redskins game.

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Suppose Edwards flops, just suppose, and that it becomes clear fairly early in the season that he's showing no improvement regarding the ability to lead the team's offense either downfield or into the end zone.


At what point do those of you supporting Edwards pull the plug permanently on the youngster?


Because in spite of my criticism for Edwards and insistence that he's never going to do anything here, partly for reasons of his own and partly for reasons having little to do with him, I still take the stance that you really need to give a QB a couple of solid full starting seasons to be fair.


Losman never got that, he got one. In '05 he and Holcomb were interchanged like pegs on an old time telephone switchboard. He had a shot in '06 where he outperformed Edwards by a long shot and with nearly a 2-to-1 TD/INT ratio at 17/9, yet the media and fans dismissed that in favor of the young Edwards who replaced him last season after just a handful of starts again. Clearly a Jauron thing since Edwards was their guy.


Edwards got the last half of last season and now starts this one.


So let's say that Edwards performs poorly again. He doesn't throw many TDs relative to even average NFL QBs, the team's red zone and scoring woes don't let up, etc.


At what point do you begin talking about replacement and with whom do you replace him?


As I see it the team, fans, and media now owe it to Edwards to give him at least two full seasons on his own before discarding hiim. That means through '09. But that hasn't been the pattern here outside of Bledsoe and he got way more time than necessary for a veteran with known issues.


I'm thinking if this happens, then most of those that support Edwards now will be the ones quick to pull the trigger on getting him out of there either during or immediately following the season. But IMO that's not fair in spite of the notion that I don't think he's ever going to amount to much in the NFL. IMO he, just like any QB, should be given an absolute minimum of two full starting seasons, which Losman did not get and what he did get was with a lesser cast of offensive talent than what Edwards has to work with.


Also, if this does happen, Losman isn't the guy to put in since we have all but burned our bridges with him, and honestly, he should leave after the way he's been treated here. So given an Edwards failure, what next and when? Who, Matt Baker?


Either way, we can't keep on giving QBs one season and parts of others. It's poor leadership.


Man, oh man. You just don't quit, do you?


First of all, take off the fan shoes and understand that your contention of success/failure at the QB position is based on very very limited information: stats and the game footage provided as provided by network television.


To my knowledge, you're not a practice, you're not at film sessions, you're not a chalk talk, and you're not in the huddle. For all we know, Losman could be a raging a-hole who's talent couldn't support his attitude. For all we know, he got drunk at a bar and made out with Perry Fewell's wife. For all we know, he's a complete bonehead and just couldn't figure it out (I think this is probably the case).


Nobody in their right mind (YES, this includes Jauron -- though may be not Murlarkey) makes the final decision about a starting NFL QB in haste. For us to pretend to understand the minutia which contributed to said decision is a bit presumptive, don't ya think?


I guarntee Jauron did not look at stats when picking one over the other. He probably didn't look at Madden ratings either. He didn't have to. He knows his players a WHOLE lot better than any of us do.


So the likelihood of sacking Edwards after this season: highly highly highly unlikely.

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Suppose Edwards flops, just suppose, and that it becomes clear fairly early in the season that he's showing no improvement regarding the ability to lead the team's offense either downfield or into the end zone.


At what point do those of you supporting Edwards pull the plug permanently on the youngster?

The only way I would pull Edwards aside from injury is if his playing time is hurting his development- meaning that he is repeating mistakes and developing bad habits. To be honest, I wouldn't have played him for his first 2-3 seasons, keeping a veteran- be it JP or another quarterback. Most QB's should be developed out of the spotlight.

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Suppose Edwards flops, just suppose, and that it becomes clear fairly early in the season that he's showing no improvement regarding the ability to lead the team's offense either downfield or into the end zone.


At what point do those of you supporting Edwards pull the plug permanently on the youngster?


Because in spite of my criticism for Edwards and insistence that he's never going to do anything here, partly for reasons of his own and partly for reasons having little to do with him, I still take the stance that you really need to give a QB a couple of solid full starting seasons to be fair.


Losman never got that, he got one. In '05 he and Holcomb were interchanged like pegs on an old time telephone switchboard. He had a shot in '06 where he outperformed Edwards by a long shot and with nearly a 2-to-1 TD/INT ratio at 17/9, yet the media and fans dismissed that in favor of the young Edwards who replaced him last season after just a handful of starts again. Clearly a Jauron thing since Edwards was their guy.


Edwards got the last half of last season and now starts this one.


So let's say that Edwards performs poorly again. He doesn't throw many TDs relative to even average NFL QBs, the team's red zone and scoring woes don't let up, etc.


At what point do you begin talking about replacement and with whom do you replace him?


As I see it the team, fans, and media now owe it to Edwards to give him at least two full seasons on his own before discarding hiim. That means through '09. But that hasn't been the pattern here outside of Bledsoe and he got way more time than necessary for a veteran with known issues.


I'm thinking if this happens, then most of those that support Edwards now will be the ones quick to pull the trigger on getting him out of there either during or immediately following the season. But IMO that's not fair in spite of the notion that I don't think he's ever going to amount to much in the NFL. IMO he, just like any QB, should be given an absolute minimum of two full starting seasons, which Losman did not get and what he did get was with a lesser cast of offensive talent than what Edwards has to work with.


Also, if this does happen, Losman isn't the guy to put in since we have all but burned our bridges with him, and honestly, he should leave after the way he's been treated here. So given an Edwards failure, what next and when? Who, Matt Baker?


Either way, we can't keep on giving QBs one season and parts of others. It's poor leadership.


So you are not an Edwards "hopeful"? You don't hope he does well and helps our team?



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You don't pull him at all this season because everyone behind him is inferior. As long as he doesn't get hurt, he should take every snap. He's smart enough and has the athletic ability to learn from any mistakes that he makes.


IMO, you give him this season, and the debate is dead.

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The only way I would pull Edwards aside from injury is if his playing time is hurting his development- meaning that he is repeating mistakes and developing bad habits. To be honest, I wouldn't have played him for his first 2-3 seasons, keeping a veteran- be it JP or another quarterback. Most QB's should be developed out of the spotlight.

You mean, like the situation Aaron Rodgers was in. Sit behind a great QB and watch and learn from him until the team decides (weither their choice or not) that its your time to take over.

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Wow. Can't believe the daily discussions about Losman vs Edwards...after all, that's what this thread is about.


Again...We have two potential NFL starting QB's on our team. We need to find the best QB NOW.


Losman has proved that he melts down in the pocket too much, and Edwards showed flashes of pocket presence last year.


I'm not saying that Edwards will be an All Pro or anything like that, just we need to stop the JP experiment and move on. I bet if Trent was a 1st, or early 2nd round pick, we would not have these discussions.


Face it, JP is not what we had hoped for, and Trent showed us too much last year to not give him the chance.

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at least we know that after he is out of the nfl jp will never be wanting for a nice bag massage and balloon knot polish, not as long as krazykat can draw breath?


i'd give up on edwards if he is as bad as jp was in his second year.

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bad as jp was in his second year.

Which actually was his first, as Mr. Stain fails to point out, Edwards played as a true Rookie, JP did not. Edwards would have gotten the same yank job JP got his 2nd year had JP done anything with his chance last year. He imploded per usual, not once, but twice. But "he just didn't have a fair shot". As if pat, pat, pat sack is something you just "overcome". Wait, he's close, here it comes, all he needs is.....Heard that with Drew Bledsoe enough to know how that story ends up.


Why again does rooting for a Bills QB to be good make you a fan of the player more then the team?

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Man, oh man. You just don't quit, do you?


First of all, take off the fan shoes and understand that your contention of success/failure at the QB position is based on very very limited information: stats and the game footage provided as provided by network television.


To my knowledge, you're not a practice, you're not at film sessions, you're not a chalk talk, and you're not in the huddle. For all we know, Losman could be a raging a-hole who's talent couldn't support his attitude. For all we know, he got drunk at a bar and made out with Perry Fewell's wife. For all we know, he's a complete bonehead and just couldn't figure it out (I think this is probably the case).


Nobody in their right mind (YES, this includes Jauron -- though may be not Murlarkey) makes the final decision about a starting NFL QB in haste. For us to pretend to understand the minutia which contributed to said decision is a bit presumptive, don't ya think?


I guarntee Jauron did not look at stats when picking one over the other. He probably didn't look at Madden ratings either. He didn't have to. He knows his players a WHOLE lot better than any of us do.


So the likelihood of sacking Edwards after this season: highly highly highly unlikely.


Certainly Dick sees more than we do but you could say that about every coach we have ever had and every player. If because of that we aren't allowed to question, criticize and give our own opinions, we might as well shut this site down. Besides, given that Jauron fielded the worst offense in the history of the franchise, I am not yet inclined to defer to his judgment on all things under all circumstances.

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Certainly Dick sees more than we do but you could say that about every coach we have ever had and every player. If because of that we aren't allowed to question, criticize and give our own opinions, we might as well shut this site down. Besides, given that Jauron fielded the worst offense in the history of the franchise, I am not yet inclined to defer to his judgment on all things under all circumstances.

Lots of talent on those Bears and Bills offenses huh?

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You don't pull him at all this season because everyone behind him is inferior. As long as he doesn't get hurt, he should take every snap. He's smart enough and has the athletic ability to learn from any mistakes that he makes.


IMO, you give him this season, and the debate is dead.

I don't think we give him anything. He should be the starter for as long as he deserves to be. I am not a fan of the idea that we should use the regular season as just one long practice session to season our QB for the better days ahead. Whoever the coaches think gives us the best chance of winning each Sunday should be the starter. It is their judgment to make and if they are wrong, we will justifiably criticize them. Half way through the season, if we are out of the playoffs, Jauron better update his resume.


I am also not buying this stuff about being patient and all because our offense is so young. That is BS. Lee Evans is not a rookie and Peters is an all pro. Dockery is a vet who is getting paid like an all pro. Edwards saw tons of playing time last year in both preseason and in the regular season. Lynch is a veteran now. There is enough experience and talent on that offense to produce now. No more excuses.

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Which actually was his first, as Mr. Stain fails to point out, Edwards played as a true Rookie, JP did not. Edwards would have gotten the same yank job JP got his 2nd year had JP done anything with his chance last year. He imploded per usual, not once, but twice. But "he just didn't have a fair shot". As if pat, pat, pat sack is something you just "overcome". Wait, he's close, here it comes, all he needs is.....Heard that with Drew Bledsoe enough to know how that story ends up.


Why again does rooting for a Bills QB to be good make you a fan of the player more then the team?




Losman did in fact see the field during his rookie season. I believe his first pass attempt was a three yard shovel pass that landed square in arms of an unexpecting Patriots linebacker, who may have taken it to the house?


I remember thinking, well it can't get any worse!


Then he had his statistically mediocre first start against the then wet noodle Texans. And THEN he played in Tampa and ran out of the back of his own endzone.


Oh JP, if I didn't care so passionately about the Bills winning, you certainly would be entertaining!

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