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RIP Sydney Pollack

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One of the great directors of all-time.


Three Days of the Condor


Out of Africa

Absence of Malice

The Way We Were

The Firm

The Interpreter

The Electric Horseman

Jeremiah Johnson

The Yakuza

They Shoot Horses Don't They


Produced numerous other great films, a terrific actor, known as a great guy.


Truly one of the best.



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Didnt he produce that recount movie that premiered on hbo this week?

Yep. "Recount" (although I have no idea if it will be any good or not). He produced or Executive Produced numerous terrific films, too, like --


Michael Clayton

Searching for Bobby Fisher

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Flesh and Bone

Sliding Doors

Sense and Sensibility

The Quiet American

The Talented Mr. Ripley


even King Ralph :oops:


It's funny, but the only comedy he ever directed was Tootsie, thought to be one of the best comedies ever made.

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Remember that he not only directed "Tootsie", he played Dustin Hoffman's agent as well.


That scene between Pollack and Hoffman in drag at the Russian Tea Room is one of the funniest ever.


RIP, Sydney.

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One of the great directors of all-time.


Three Days of the Condor


Out of Africa

Absence of Malice

The Way We Were

The Firm

The Interpreter

The Electric Horseman

Jeremiah Johnson

The Yakuza

They Shoot Horses Don't They


Produced numerous other great films, a terrific actor, known as a great guy.


Truly one of the best.




That's very sad. He was a great actor/director. BTW, I agree with those who say Tootsie was one of the funniest movies ever.



Michael Dorsey: Are you saying that nobody in New York will work with me?

George Fields: No, no, that's too limited... nobody in Hollywood wants to work with you either. I can't even set you up for a commercial. You played a *tomato* for 30 seconds - they went a half a day over schedule because you wouldn't sit down.

Michael Dorsey: Of course. It was illogical.

George Fields: YOU WERE A TOMATO. A tomato doesn't have logic. A tomato can't move.

Michael Dorsey: That's what I said. So if he can't move, how's he gonna sit down, George? I was a stand-up tomato: a juicy, sexy, beefsteak tomato. Nobody does vegetables like me. I did an evening of vegetables off-Broadway. I did the best tomato, the best cucumber... I did an endive salad that knocked the critics on their ass.





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"Sydney Pollack is out."



That was a line from an old clip of Not Necessarily The News, where they had a video of Fidel Castro talking w/ some advisors and changed the audio to make it sound like he was doing the casting of a film of his life.


A great director has left us, but what a body of work he has left us w/. Rest in peace.

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Sydney made a great cameo, in one of the final episodes of the "Sopranos". He was the prison hospital orderly who was giving Johnny Sac medical advice. RIP!


Yea, that was hysterical. He was in there because he caught his wife with another man and killed her.


He directed Sean Penn & Nicole Kidman in "The Interpreter"

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That's very sad. He was a great actor/director. BTW, I agree with those who say Tootsie was one of the funniest movies ever.



Michael Dorsey: Are you saying that nobody in New York will work with me?

George Fields: No, no, that's too limited... nobody in Hollywood wants to work with you either. I can't even set you up for a commercial. You played a *tomato* for 30 seconds - they went a half a day over schedule because you wouldn't sit down.

Michael Dorsey: Of course. It was illogical.

George Fields: YOU WERE A TOMATO. A tomato doesn't have logic. A tomato can't move.

Michael Dorsey: That's what I said. So if he can't move, how's he gonna sit down, George? I was a stand-up tomato: a juicy, sexy, beefsteak tomato. Nobody does vegetables like me. I did an evening of vegetables off-Broadway. I did the best tomato, the best cucumber... I did an endive salad that knocked the critics on their ass.





Thanks for posting this dialogue from Tootsie, I absolutely love this scene. No question one of the greatest comedies ever made.

RIP Sydney Pollock, the movie industry has lost a great one.

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