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What kind of dog do you have?

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As a pup my Akita caught Parvo and almost died as well......I didn't something stupid and took him for a walk around the neighborhood too soon he must have picked up up there.....


I nursed that dog back to health by bottle by myself for a full week straight and took time off work to do it....he made it....now he is huge.....



Ours got it just a week or two after his final parvo vaccination (the three-part vaccine) and the vet said it's not uncommon for vaccines to take a little while longer to "take hold" in some dogs, something to do with antibodies passed on from the mother's milk or something like that. I can't imagine trying to take care of him at home - he was constantly vomiting and had what could only be described as "explosive" diarrhea. He was in the vet's office for four days, hooked up to IV's and had constant antibiotics running through him. It's not a cheap treatment either - most vets charge in the neighborhood of $1,000 to $1,500, depending on the length of hospitalization. Our vet was really good and worked with us and it cost us about $600 to get him stabilized. Not a fun week by any means, and we were lucky we caught it early and got his treatment started ASAP.


He's doing good now, weighs about 55 pounds and shows no ill effects from the sickness.

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As well documented in other posts, 9 year-old fawn-colored greyhound named Thurman. Thinks he's a 85-pound lap dog. Still has puppy-like bursts of energy where he tears around the back yard faster than shat-off-a-shovel, but mostly has earned the nickname world's fastest couch potato. Most only live to be 10 to 12 years old... can't imagine what it will be like when he moves the big dog-track in the sky... :beer:

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I've always liked those dogs...are they a handfull?



They need LOTS of excersise and thier fine. If you don't walk them or give them a job to do (like chasing squirrels or something) they'll drive you nuts...

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I have 2 basenji dogs.


Zoey who is 8 and Niko who is 1.


I lost Nigel(who is my avatar), last year, this week, at the age of 17. :thumbsup:


2 beagles - for bunny bustin'


and golden retriever/yellow lab for duck huntin'

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