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read any good books lately?


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I usually read 5-10 books at a time.


Right now I am reading The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. It's an interesting look at our house of cards economy




I am also reading The Writing on the Wall by Will Hutton About our relationship with China



Power, Faith and Fantasy by Michael Oren A book on the history of America in the middle east



A Short History of Nearly Everything- Bill Bryson I am a big fan of Bryson and find him quite funny. I usually read a Bryson book along with the others to balance some lightness in my reading.



a few books on chess theory mostly covering the middle game- if anyone ever wants to play me in chess go to www.redhotpawn.com and give me a challenge- my screen name is Globetrekker


a few books on cooking techniques


I should be reading my What Color is Your Parachute book- but I find the other stuff more interesting


I just ordered the Truman book by David McCullough and I plan on reading the John Adams book after



I am always looking for new recommendations. Anyone read anything good lately?

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Currently reading an alternate history book called World War: In the Balance by Harry Turtledove. Aliens invade the Earth during WWII and the Allied and Axis powers have to work together to fight them. It's the first book in a four book series.

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Just popular trash at the bedside, recently. The chronic food and designer fashion name-dropper crime intrigue authors, on loan from the public library.


I did buy a Martha Grimes mystery this past Saturday - Richard Jury, Melrose Plant, Aunt Ardry...the usual characters so far. The title is "Old Wine Shades". So far so good.


Read a Fannie Flagg work a couple of months ago...Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!. I recommend it.

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Pastoralia by George Saunders - collection of short stories. very entertaining and funny. he has a couple other collections that are very good too.


Woman In The Dunes by Kobo Abe - I really love this book despite the fact that it is self-absorbed and slow. I had to read it again because the film (which I also love but had not seen in many years) just got released on dvd.


Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris - I didn't think I would like this, but it's very well written and funny.

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I'm on a AFA alumni kick as of late, so I recently read these two (as well as Kevin Everett's book).


Pretty decent book about the Misty pilots of the Vietnam war:




And an absolutely GREAT book about Lance Sijan (Academy grad, fighter pilot, POW, escapee, etc..) I can't recommend this book enough. Great book and kind of puts our daily troubles in perspective:



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Just finishing up Shelby Foote's Civil War narrative. If you are into that period of history he does a decent job...though he does lean to the south.


Shelby Foote leans a bit too the south? Yah think?? That guy couldn't get any more southern. I love his written stuff but I love the interviews with him (ie Ken Burn's The Civil War) more because I loved his southern drawl. Someone I would have loved to sit down and talk to about that war seeing it's one of my favorite times in US history. RIP Shelby.

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The best fiction I've read in years was The Terror by Dan Simmons.




It's about English explorers in the 1840's who attempt to find the Northwest Passage but are trapped in the ice and stalked by a monster. Very tense book; I loved every page.

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Just finished 'The Good Rat' by Jimmy Breslin. Interesting read based upon the testimony of a Jewish businessman who was "connected" in the trial against two corrupt NY policemen who did mob killings. Lots of tidbits thrown in about Gotti and other known mob characters. Donnie Brasco gets a mention.


Currently reading 'Standard of Honor', the second Knight Templar novel by Jack Whyte. Great author who did a fantastic job with King Arthur lore in his Camulod novels.

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Currently reading an alternate history book called World War: In the Balance by Harry Turtledove. Aliens invade the Earth during WWII and the Allied and Axis powers have to work together to fight them. It's the first book in a four book series.



Yeah, I enjoy those type of stories, and Turtledove is one of the masters. Guns of the South is good as well...

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