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What's for Easter Dinner ?


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After debating between ham, turkey and pot roast.......I decided to go with LASAGNA!





Always a good choice (you should taste MY lasagna).


Heading to my sister's right now to help get things ready. Ham AND Turkey, lasagna, and assorted other goodies. Plus my sis's excellent baked goods...yum.


Happy Easter to you and yours, cablebabe. Still wearing that halo well, I see,

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Turkey (it went into the oven at 11:00AM), Bob Evans' mashed potatoes, shredded green beans, asparagus tips, corn, biscuits, gravy, some chunks of cheap 2% cheddar, and Stouffer's microwave cinnamoned Harvest Apples.


Never had those apples before...they cost a buck.

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My wife and kids are in FLA on a family vacation that I had to skip at the last minute so I'm sitting here alone in 20F weather with 30 mph wind gusts and about 8" of snow.

But it's OK becasue last night I started marinating a Delmonico big enough to feed a family of 5. And in a couple more hours I'm going to pass it through a warm room and eat it before it stops lowing. No side dishes allowed and a few bottles of St. Pauli's to wash it down.


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Am I the only one who has "Easter Bunny" on Easter anymore? I can't believe all the ham an lasagna being eaten when a rabbit is truly the mascot of the holiday













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The young ladies made butter and baked yesterday. Made Easter Paska, schnitz pie, which is apple slices with butter and brown sugar, with crumbs on top, that is baked at 350 until juices bubble and carmalized. Made some strawberry and Elderberry pies as well, plus some gingerbread cookies for dunking. This morning they put the Ham in oven, and prepared the vegetables, carrots , broccoli, peas. potatoes. Put some apple cider and coffee on the table and this made everyone smile.

Oh they also made some ice cream, which is nice.

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The young ladies made butter and baked yesterday. Made Easter Paska, schnitz pie, which is apple slices with butter and brown sugar, with crumbs on top, that is baked at 350 until juices bubble and carmalized. Made some strawberry and Elderberry pies as well, plus some gingerbread cookies for dunking. This morning they put the Ham in oven, and prepared the vegetables, carrots , broccoli, peas. potatoes. Put some apple cider and coffee on the table and this made everyone smile.

Oh they also made some ice cream, which is nice.


What time is it where Millbank lives?




1823 B-)

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Mine's better.

Unless that was some really weird, odd-ball, off-color double entendre, in which case...mine's better.



Either way, I doubt it...but i suppose it is possible...but I really doubt it.

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