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JP's Presser Conference

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I just watched JP's press conference on BB.com, and each time I see the man talk, he makes me so proud that he is our quarterback. The guy seems to bleed Buffalo red, white, and blue. He takes his job seriously, always looking to improve. Yet, he has a kid-like quality / naiveness (is that a word?) about him. I know that many of us were frustrated with him in the beginning, but it is awesome to see how he has grown and I can't wait to see what he grows into as a QB and person. I am pumped for the next season, already, and we haven't even had the draft! Let's get it on!! :thumbsup:

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I just watched JP's press conference on BB.com, and it each time I see the man talk, he makes me so proud that he is our quarterback. The guy seems to bleed Buffalo red, white, and blue. He takes his job seriously, always looking to improve. Yet, he has a kid-like quality / naiveness (is that a word?) about him. I know that many of us were frustrated with him in the beginning, but it is awesome to see how he has grown and I can't wait to see what he grows into as a QB and person. I am pumped for the next season, already, and we haven't even had the draft! Let's get it on!! :thumbsup:



I will need specific details from the presser. OHH I CANT WAIT!! HERE WE GO PRESSER HERE WE GO!!



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Yup, love JP's attitude as well. But can stop using the word 'presser' for the phrase 'press conference'. How about PR or PC instead.

too confusing....


PC can mean:


Patrol Craft [ship type]

Peace (in) Christ

Peace Corps

PerCent; PerCentage

Personal Computer [Apple and IBM want you to believe a specific kind]

Photo Copy [being sent to individual or organization name that follows]

Player Character [see NPC]

Police Constable

Politically Correct

PolyCarbonate [A plastic material]

Post Card

Post Cibum [Lat: after meals]

President's Choice [a popular brand name in Canada]

Primary Center

Printed Circuit

Privileged Character

Privy Council

Production Control

Program Counter

Progressive Conservative party [Canada]

Publications Committee


while PR can mean:



Problem Report

Public Relations

Puerto Rico

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too confusing....


PC can mean:


Patrol Craft [ship type]

Peace (in) Christ

Peace Corps

PerCent; PerCentage

Personal Computer [Apple and IBM want you to believe a specific kind]

Photo Copy [being sent to individual or organization name that follows]

Player Character [see NPC]

Police Constable

Politically Correct

PolyCarbonate [A plastic material]

Post Card

Post Cibum [Lat: after meals]

President's Choice [a popular brand name in Canada]

Primary Center

Printed Circuit

Privileged Character

Privy Council

Production Control

Program Counter

Progressive Conservative party [Canada]

Publications Committee


while PR can mean:



Problem Report

Public Relations

Puerto Rico


Party Central

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In response to the original post - highjackers aside - I agree that JP's presence is much improved and is very exciting to see. He didn't fall into the traps of criticizing McGahee, and he handled the new offensive line questions quite well. Also, I actually believe him when he speaks! I think this is due to the fact that he doesn't use canned answers in every situation. Hell, I wasn't even bothered by him referring to himself in the third person, because he said: "It's time for J.P. and Lee to start voicing their opinion a little bit to some guys". I think that sentence alone speaks volumes about what we can expect in terms of team atmosphere.


It's a hell of a way off from: "This is my team" from Deadslow.

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too confusing....


PC can mean:


Patrol Craft [ship type]

Peace (in) Christ

Peace Corps

PerCent; PerCentage

Personal Computer [Apple and IBM want you to believe a specific kind]

Photo Copy [being sent to individual or organization name that follows]

Player Character [see NPC]

Police Constable

Politically Correct

PolyCarbonate [A plastic material]

Post Card

Post Cibum [Lat: after meals]

President's Choice [a popular brand name in Canada]

Primary Center

Printed Circuit

Privileged Character

Privy Council

Production Control

Program Counter

Progressive Conservative party [Canada]

Publications Committee


while PR can mean:



Problem Report

Public Relations

Puerto Rico


Geez. I changed the title just for you guys. Consider it my way of compromising.


I thought if I used a cool word like "presser", as do the in-the-know Buffalo media types, I would get more credibility in my post. I know how revered the Buffalo media is around these parts...


Oh, and PC equals probable cause. Just ask the Cincinnati Bengals :blink:

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Geez. I changed the title just for you guys. Consider it my way of compromising.


I thought if I used a cool word like "presser", as do the in-the-know Buffalo media types, I would get more credibility in my post. I know how revered the Buffalo media is around these parts...


Oh, and PC equals probable cause. Just ask the Cincinnati Bengals :blink:

You know what NG stands for don't you?


We're just funnin around. I agree, JP is saying the right things. Hopefully a better O-line and another year under his belt will equate to wins. (Just don't aske Bungee to do the math, he has difficulty with 5th grade questions)

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I'm still nervous about JP's abilities. But an optimistic nervous. Very hopeful, and almost.. almost confident in him.


Its about the same way I feel about Marv as GM.


THAT'S IT. That's the greatest avatar that I've ever seen, and probably the greatest use of Photoshop since it's inception.

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Yup, love JP's attitude as well. But can stop using the word 'presser' for the phrase 'press conference'. How about PR or PC instead.


Know weigh. Oui knead two bee their four The Oper Gamer's Gater wiff tickers inn toe. End know won kin leaf there two, than. <_<

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