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Server Update...


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I don't know if we can remain with our current host due to their pricing. I have found a couple of reliable, highly recommended hosts who have much better pricing. However, this obviously requires us to change hosts, yet again, and we would have to deal with all the accompanying headaches w/ regards to domain name transfer, downtime to set the server up, etc...


Is everyone set to deal with these headaches, should we move forward w/ this?


It's the off season might as well ! But make sure it is up and running before the draft or wait until after the draft !

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A couple people have asked my about this. I have set up an easy way for people to make contributions. Just go to your control panel and click the "Make a Donation!" link on the left hand side. That gives a couple of options to choose from. Thank you for your support!


If there is not a preset amount that floats your boat - just PM me for our direct paypal account/mailing address.


Scott, I am sorry. I didn't know about this, and I will send my check on the way to work tomorrow.


Consider this post a bump for the not so computer savy posters who appreciate this board as much as I do, and have for many years. When the pain eases from the tuition bills that set us back, I hope to one day make a much bigger donation.


In any event, please accept thanks from a long time poster and long time pain in the ass. :beer::wallbash:

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Reminds me of a story someone told me. He had a call about a server at a small company being almost out of hard drive space. Goes and looks at it. Since it was a small company, there should be no reason they would even be close to out of space, based on how big the drives are and they hadn't had it more than one year. Turns out whoever installed it, set it up so they could log into it remotely and was using it as an FTP server for pirated movies.



You've no idea! This is very dead on. I've worked at a hosting (one of the large public ones) for almost ten years now. During the course of our existence, we've purchased a lot of companies... GB and GB and GB of hacked servers, porno MPGs, and cracked copies of photoshop.


More often than not, it's a problem with the individual web hosting customer on a shared platform. Some dipstojan with a website about cats leaves his password as 'password' or something like that.


Most message board software is horribly inefficient and painfully slow. Are there still shops out there that let you outsource the message board portion? That may be the way to go.



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Most message board software is horribly inefficient and painfully slow. Are there still shops out there that let you outsource the message board portion? That may be the way to go.





in the end - whether someone else hosts it or we do - we consume a lot of resources and we will pay for it one way or another. Sure, we can pass along the headache, but that will just be another line item on the bill!

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I say go for it now...it's good timing and getting it done before the draft will be a bonus. Outside of trading Spikes or trading for Briggs, I can't think of any other moves that would cause any hysteria around here, and if if that did happen, I think everyone could deal without the bitching vs ballwashing that would result anyway.


The draft on the other hand will be days of bitching vs ballwashing that I plan to fully take part in.

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It looks like we will be going with the following configuration:


Single Processor Dual Core Xeon 3060 - 2.4 GHz (Core2Duo) - 1 x 4MB cache


150GB SATA Raptor 10k Hard Drive

2000 GB per month Data Transfer

FreeBSD 6.2

10 Mbit pipe

20 GB secure backup space



although I flip back and forth on the OS and the hard drive...


This should be a significant upgrade over our current, glorified desktop machine (P4 2.4 GHz; 80 GB IDE drive, 200 GB data transfer for $140/month). I am hoping for 5-10x the performance... We'll see!

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well, the dirty deed is done. I placed the order. It should be up and running on Monday (although it will take some time for me to migrate the sites over)... They laughed when I told them our current server specs and promised that we will receive a substantial performance increase.


At least I can relax this weekend and stop evaluating freebsd, centos, and how it all plays with mysql and the various processors.... Talk about making your eyes bleed.


We should be ready by the Stanley Cup playoffs and certainly by the draft. Those will be awesome tests and I look forward to seeing us hammer this new rig and gauge what it is capable of....

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well, the dirty deed is done. I placed the order. It should be up and running on Monday (although it will take some time for me to migrate the sites over)... They laughed when I told them our current server specs and promised that we will receive a substantial performance increase.


At least I can relax this weekend and stop evaluating freebsd, centos, and how it all plays with mysql and the various processors.... Talk about making your eyes bleed.


We should be ready by the Stanley Cup playoffs and certainly by the draft. Those will be awesome tests and I look forward to seeing us hammer this new rig and gauge what it is capable of....

VERY NICE! :thumbsup:

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well, the dirty deed is done. I placed the order. It should be up and running on Monday (although it will take some time for me to migrate the sites over)... They laughed when I told them our current server specs and promised that we will receive a substantial performance increase.


At least I can relax this weekend and stop evaluating freebsd, centos, and how it all plays with mysql and the various processors.... Talk about making your eyes bleed.


We should be ready by the Stanley Cup playoffs and certainly by the draft. Those will be awesome tests and I look forward to seeing us hammer this new rig and gauge what it is capable of....



:thumbsup::worthy: :worthy:


Who's better than you, Fearless Leader?


:worthy: :worthy:

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wow thanx a lot scott, this will be great to see in effect... hopefully, this will keep the board "Rosened Free"


there is even more brown nosing in here than there is in the Greatest poster of all-time thread :worthy:


A Rosen free board.... Dare to dream! :thumbsup:

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Scott, many thanks to you for the tremendous time and efforts you put into TDB. Although I don't post often, I've been around here for a looong time and surfing to TBD is one of the first places I go to, almost every day...I'm impressed that you're been running all of these sites / traffic on the current setup you have. You run a great operation. GO BILLS!!

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