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Whats red, white, blue & blows an 18-pt lead in the AFC championsh


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The Bills still haven't beaten them. It's not like the end of the seventies when the worm turned. It's more like the mid-seventies, where you had five years to go before it did.

So, if you had been a Bills fan in the mid 70s you would have been lauding the fins? I would have hated to attend a game at The Rich with you. "Now guys, don't hold up those nasty signs about the Dolphins, they deserve our respect and adoration."


If I understand your logic, we can't hate until we're consistently beating a team that at one time owned us? Now that I type that the word logic seems out of place.

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Yeah, maybe I have lost touch with my roots. Somewhere along the line I got sick of having to find consolation in rooting for others to fail. I rooted against the Steelers, Eagles, Patriots, Cowboys, whoever....to try and compensate for the fact that I haven't had a whole hell of a lot to root FOR.


Maybe that makes me a terrible fan. Maybe it means I've "lost touch with my roots". That's for you folks to decide I suppose. All I know is I love the Bills, and wish they could pull of what NE has so I could puff out MY chest about some success that MY team has had.


You just summed it up champ. Buck up and stop sucking form the Pats teet. My brother in law brags constantly about the Pats every Sunday. You put up with hearing 10 chowder heads blow Brady and Belichek. Can you guess where my first phone went to after the game? GO BILLS!!

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Why I hate the Patiots; by 5 Wide


Chapter One:



When an arm bar jersey lock is just a good clean block, you are the Patriots


When you tackle a receiver on a 52 yard throw, and it's a 5 yard illegal contact penalty, you are the Patriots


When you think your **** doesn't stink and you act accordingly, you are the Patriots


When your coach is a prententious prick who is bitter at life, you are the Patriots


When you spring an 86 yard kick return with a 4 blocks in the back: no flag, you are the Patriots


When your safety is the most notorious cheap shotter in the league, yet whines when he gets cut low, you are the Patriots


When ESPN inundates us with your face for 21 hours a day, you are the Patriots


When your fans are the most arrogant and self important fans to walk the earth, you are the Patriots


When a fumble isn't a fumble, it's a "tuck", you are the Patriots



That's why I hate the Patriots, and I'm glad they lost. CASE CLOSED

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just doing my job, ma'am.


:pirate::D :D


JSP: Raising the standards of pussification one post at a time.


You know what it is for some of us? We wear our team on our sleeve. Even when we suck, we wear our jersies or hats or sweatshirts, and when you do that, you invite comments. Lately, with good reason, it invites comments from Patsy fans. Now I hate hearing them as much as the next person, and Patsy fans are pretty obnoxious, but I have a choice: buck up or stop wearing my team on my sleeve. The latter isn't an option, at least for me, so forgive me if I watch a team in our division blow an 18-point lead by getting their ever-loving asses stomped for the entire second half of the game in which they were doing everything right.


I haven't been this happy since they blew a 21-point lead against a very crappy Dolphins team a couple of years ago, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stop just because someone thinks it's misplaced anger.

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That's just it. You've misdirected your anger.


Be angry at the organization that's been the failure, not jealous of the one that's been a success.



So ok...because we are happya bitter rival lost...does that always mean we are jealous?




We all know the Bills issues over the last several years. That is a different issue then loving the fact the Pats lose.

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:thumbsup: you brady, :pirate: !@#$ you belichick, :D you pats, and :D you entire city of boston

The amazing statements in that are that they had an 18 point lead and that they were IN the AFC championship. New England had a very mediocre team this year

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That's the ultimate in pussification.

Joe, you're a moron. Why do Bills' fans hate the Dolphins? Because we couldn't beat them over an entire decade. Why do Dallas fans hate the Steelers? Think 70s. That's what creates rivalries and "hatred" among teams and their fans. Maybe one day soon we'll have a good enough team to beat the Patriots, but pretending that you're "above" reveling in the NE loss rings a bit hollow.

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Joe, you're a moron. Why do Bills' fans hate the Dolphins? Because we couldn't beat them over an entire decade. Why do Dallas fans hate the Steelers? Think 70s. That's what creates rivalries and "hatred" among teams and their fans. Maybe one day soon we'll have a good enough team to beat the Patriots, but pretending that you're "above" reveling in the NE loss rings a bit hollow.


Don't get me wrong: I was rooting for the Colts.


But I have no more love for the Colts than the Patriots.

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I still think if the Patriots went to the super bowl just goes to show how tough the AFC East really is......Which in return would give Buffalo alot of respect.


They just did....by giving us the toughest schedule again next season :thumbsup:

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