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Whats red, white, blue & blows an 18-pt lead in the AFC championsh


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Best NFL game I've seen in quite some time. So happy it happened the way it did. Not only did the Patriots lose, but they do it such assinine fashion. Blowing an 18 point lead, letting the Colts run an extra minute off the clock after the 2:00 minute warning, and then Brady throwing the interception in the clutch. Gosh, Tom, life sucks when you actually have to get it into the end zone to win a game, doesn't it? No field goals this time.


I agree. Nance called him "Captain Comeback" but really his defense just blew leads vs. the Rams & Panthers and he put his kicker in position to break some ties at the end - this was a lot different. Huge gaffe by Bellicheck/Brady with their use of time outs too.

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If the Bills win 3 superbowls in a span of 5 years, do you think Pats fans would be happy? No. Shut up and let me enjoy the few happy moments I get in watching the NFL.



Exactly... My M!@#$ bro-inlaw loved when the Bills lost 4 in a row... They are even bigger douchebags then we are being! And boy I love being a douchebag at the Patriots expense... They drew first blood in my eyes...


And to boot I can root for a team that isn't too far from here and has probably the nicest team you can ACTUALLY take a kid to and see their game... Yep, the Colts!


I wouldn't even take my kid to a Bills' game till he is 12 years old... Going to a Indy game is a RARE treat in the NFL...

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Makes the Bills better, doesn't it?


I just don't get this stuff. You hate them because we can't beat them?


no it doesnt make the Bills any better. but watching the patsy fags fall make me feel good. since the bills season is over, and i hate the pate, thats why i was rooting against them.


i havent felt this good about another team losing since gonzo blooped a single over jeter's head in '01.

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Makes the Bills better, doesn't it?


I just don't get this stuff. You hate them because we can't beat them?

Umm, isn't this pretty much the heart of why Bills fans hate the Dolphins? Oh-for-the-70s? And why it was so sweet when we did start beating them?


I hate them because they are good, because they seem to get the breaks more often than not when they need them, and because they're in our division. Add on top of that the incessant media fascination with them.


By your logic we should have just loved those 90s Cowboys teams because they were so good and did everything right, instead of hating them because they won with their !@#$ coach, Deion Sanders, cokehead Michael Irvin and golden boy Troy Aikman. That's horseshit. We're entitled to be happy the Pats lost -- and I'm happy that a Polian-constructed team won with a good guy in Dungy at the helm, and a QB who is one of the best in the game without fancying himself bigger than the game or the team (the main reason, to me, that Marino never won).


And in the meantime, why bother with the Bills if they've ruined your life so and are so damn hopeless? Or will happy Joe be back should the Bills be sniffing playoffs in December 07?

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That's just it. You've misdirected your anger.


Be angry at the organization that's been the failure, not jealous of the one that's been a success.




I must have missed a memo or something. When did you become the Pat's waterboy?


If you can't find pleasure in the Patriots defeat they you've lost touch with your roots. Perhaps you need a retreat or intervention of some kind?

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And why it was so sweet when we did start beating them?


I hate them because they are good, because they seem to get the breaks more often than not when they need them, and because they're in our division. Add on top of that the incessant media fascination with them.


We're entitled to be happy the Pats lost -- and I'm happy that a Polian-constructed team won with a good guy in Dungy at the helm, and a QB who is one of the best in the game without fancying himself bigger than the game or the team (the main reason, to me, that Marino never won).


And in the meantime, why bother with the Bills if they've ruined your life so and are so damn hopeless? Or will happy Joe be back should the Bills be sniffing playoffs in December 07?

The Bills still haven't beaten them. It's not like the end of the seventies when the worm turned. It's more like the mid-seventies, where you had five years to go before it did.


Yeah, you're entitled to feel however you like. Doesn't make it rational.


I didn't say you should LOVE them, only that you should hope the Bills EMULATE them. Follow their formula to success, learn from them, then do what they do better than they do. As for me and the Bills, all I want is for them to WIN. Just fuggen win any way you can. Lie, cheat, steal, pay off the refs, sell your souls, do whatever it takes. Just WIN.

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I must have missed a memo or something. When did you become the Pat's waterboy?


If you can't find pleasure in the Patriots defeat they you've lost touch with your roots. Perhaps you need a retreat or intervention of some kind?


Yeah, maybe I have lost touch with my roots. Somewhere along the line I got sick of having to find consolation in rooting for others to fail. I rooted against the Steelers, Eagles, Patriots, Cowboys, whoever....to try and compensate for the fact that I haven't had a whole hell of a lot to root FOR.


Maybe that makes me a terrible fan. Maybe it means I've "lost touch with my roots". That's for you folks to decide I suppose. All I know is I love the Bills, and wish they could pull of what NE has so I could puff out MY chest about some success that MY team has had.

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The Bills still haven't beaten them. It's not like the end of the seventies when the worm turned. It's more like the mid-seventies, where you had five years to go before it did.


Yeah, you're entitled to feel however you like. Doesn't make it rational.

Has love of a football team ever been rational, Joe? If it was it'd be a hell of a lot less fun and euphoric (and a lot less disappointing when the losses came).

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