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you can definitely punt it after a safety

Oh, I'm sorry. When he mentioned "free kick" I thought he was talking about the "Free Kick" rule. That's what I was thinking about. That if Dallas had stopped Seattle and forced them to punt from the endzone, and the Cowboys got a fair catch. You can free kick, without a rush, and if it goes through the uprights it's 3 points. But you cannot punt it.

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I think there was a game many years ago, with the Fins. I am not sure whether it was Jimmy Johnson or Don Shula, but I think Johnson. And late in the game he took a deliberate safety, and then kicked an onside kick and regained the ball. It was a brilliant move and people were screaming what the hell is he taking a safety for? But it brought the ball out to the 30 or so.

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To me what added to the drama/amazement on that last play was thet the replays I saw - it seemed clear to me he had every intention of stretching the ball out and diving - but just at barely the last instant he seemed to lose control of the ball as he started his motion to move the ball forward, which also messed up all his forward momentum. Game of inches....

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Oh, I'm sorry. When he mentioned "free kick" I thought he was talking about the "Free Kick" rule. That's what I was thinking about. That if Dallas had stopped Seattle and forced them to punt from the endzone, and the Cowboys got a fair catch. You can free kick, without a rush, and if it goes through the uprights it's 3 points. But you cannot punt it.

That is correct. The receiving team - if they've called a Fair Catch - can do a place kick - or a drop kick and if it splits the uprights - it's 3. I know it can't be rushed by the opposition (which I believe is why it's called a "Free Kick", but can the defense stand up at the line of scrimmage?

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That is correct. The receiving team - if they've called a Fair Catch - can do a place kick - or a drop kick and if it splits the uprights - it's 3. I know it can't be rushed by the opposition (which I believe is why it's called a "Free Kick", but can the defense stand up at the line of scrimmage?


The defense must be ten yards off the LOS. The place kick must be done without using a tee.

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which brings me back to the play just before the muffed kick.


The on-field call was first down. the replay booth over-ruled. To me the replay was inconclusive from every angle on whether Dallas made the first down or not.


Just what did the replay booth see that would over-rule the on-field call?

I though there had to be irefutable eveidence to overturn an on-field officials decision. :pirate:

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I think there was a game many years ago, with the Fins. I am not sure whether it was Jimmy Johnson or Don Shula, but I think Johnson. And late in the game he took a deliberate safety, and then kicked an onside kick and regained the ball. It was a brilliant move and people were screaming what the hell is he taking a safety for? But it brought the ball out to the 30 or so.



Acutually, I think it was Shanahan with the Broncos, unless it happened twice?

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yeah at first I thought so too, but when they kept showing the replay, it was really hard to tell.


While the exact spot might have been hard to tell, I think it was pretty easy to tell that the official running in making the spot was way ahead of where the runner actually was. There was no way they could allow that spot to stand up.

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Man im looking at the replay...and was he real close to that first down or what....


looks like he might have been just short...

Did you notice how he was running with 2 hands on the ball???-that slowed him enough so he couldnt get in.

As much as i hate the cowgirls---i felt sorry for the guy.

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which brings me back to the play just before the muffed kick.


The on-field call was first down. the replay booth over-ruled. To me the replay was inconclusive from every angle on whether Dallas made the first down or not.


Just what did the replay booth see that would over-rule the on-field call?

I though there had to be irefutable eveidence to overturn an on-field officials decision. :rolleyes:

I saw one angle that was totally conclusive. From the sideline, looking straight across the field, you could clearly see the 1 yard line hash marks, and also clearly see that the ball never progressed all that close to that, which is what was needed for a first down. I was wondering why no one pointed that out, to me it was obviously at least 1 to 1.5 ft short, which is where they eventually spotted it.

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He was 1/2 yard short. But what got me is the announcers never even acknowledged that there was a first down possibility on the play. He'd have had it if the Seahawk hadn't triped him from behind.


There was no fumble. Seattle got the ball back on the 1 1/2 yard line.

I was also surprised that both announcers, and the article today in USA today, did not mention that he had a first down possibility at the one yard line. In the paper they said a couple of times that he fell just short of making it in for the touchdown. He was way closer to getting the first (which probably would have sealed the game what with ability to run the clock down), but nobody mentioned it. Go figure.

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No. He was short of the first.

Dallas lost yesterday.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas lost.

Dallas still lost. Romo didn't make it, and Dallas lost.


Isn't it fun to see Dallas lose ! I just love watching them lose !

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