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06-07 Buffalo Bills

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I am guessing you mean "drivel" and "segue.." But maybe, based on the overall analysis you offer, that is giving you too much of the benefit of the doubt....  :lol:



But I think he really did mean "ulcerous," although for the life of me I can't figure out what that means.

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A. I disagree I think the Bills are full of potential talent, but I think 80 posts have been enough to see how many people agree and disagree with you.


B. Talents or not I feel like we're simplifying things, Talent is essential to a winning team but so are so many factors. Talent + Drive + Coaching + Strategy + Attitude + Experience etc....you get the idea. I think if the bills fail this year I don't think it's from lack of talent.


But do clarify do you mean lack of current talent or lack of potential talent as in if young players (All but four bills are >30 I think) would you still say this.


Oh and just because I can.... :lol:

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No bells ringing...not even a cowbell.

What is it?



It's an active form of Rock-Paper-Scissors, Cowboy beats Bear, Bear beats Ninja, Ninja beat Cowboy, except in case of a tie you can win a style point. For example Ninja-Ninja if one guy just said ninja and the other did a scissors kick and did a somersault, he would win a style point.

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It's an active form of Rock-Paper-Scissors, Cowboy beats Bear, Bear beats Ninja, Ninja beat Cowboy, except in case of a tie you can win a style point.  For example Ninja-Ninja if one guy just said ninja and the other did a scissors kick and did a somersault, he would win a style point.


It sounds a little more entertaining than your standard R-P-S game.

I guess playing it in a public place might be interesting. :lol:

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Last week, I posted that the Bills are void of talent.  Guys/ ladies like 'Darin From Alaska' and other board luminaries, were enraged at the idea that I would put forth such a suggestion.  But when you look at the teams in the league and compare ours with them, we look like the worst around IMHO.


A reasonable person would say the the worst teams in the NFL are:


San Fran; Buffalo; Houston; Titans; Cleveland; Raiders; New Orleans; & Detroit


When we diagnose the above teams, we can see that they have loads more of talent than us, with the exception of San Fran.  Talent is defined as pedigree, potential, ability, play, performance and pro bowl potential.  We start with:


San Fran:  QB Smith; I see no other talent on this team that stands out.


Buffalo:  Clemens; Moorman; Whittner


Houston:    Carr; Dom Davis; Moulds; Andre Johnson;  Donta Robinson





Actually, San fran has Vernon Davis too. A TE who is a freakin beast. He throws people off like he's wrestlin with a bunch of midgets and he ran a 4.37 40-yard dash at the combine.


We have Spikes, Fletcher, McGee, Clements, Whitner, Schoebel, Evans, Peters, McGahee, and Price (Hold the laughs because he played great here before).


And for Houston you forgot to add the Incredible Hulk, I mean Mario Williams.


Overall we're no where near the bottom of the league in talent I believe. We just have to have people come together in the right system, people play their positions the way they should within that system, and have a QB that manages that system well like Dilfer did for the Ravens a few years back. We probably wouldn't win the Super Bowl, but we'd most def make the playoffs. :lol:

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ROSCOE P. COE TRAIN's 07:45 PM Thread, Worst thread on TSW?



Yes but we are feeding the troll. I know it is hard, but if you ignore the dumb stuff it will go away, or at least seem like it while you are ignoring it. Someone who can't spell two of the three players he lists as talented and leaves off McGee, Spikes, Schoebel, Evans, McGahee probably can just be ignored and we can save our energy for worthwhile discussions.

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Disagree!  Patriots had:


Ty Law








These are pro bowl types with GREAT TALENT AND pedigree.  That Patroit team had talent....

No Patriots player appeared in the February 2001 Pro Bowl. As of that September, Seymour (a rookie) and Vinatieri had yet to play in one. UDFA Andruzzi still hasn't.


And you didn't really compare #13 overall pick and two-time Pro Bowler Spikes to Mark Pike in a later post, did you? Tell me I didn't read that. I realize the last names SOUND similar, but still...

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The American College Dictionary defines 'dribble' -- as meaning drivel; slaver (1970 Page 367). You and RJ are probably two high school english teachers, with glasses as thick as bullet proof glass and pocket protectors, who go on this board-- while on lunch break eating a hot pocket or leftovers-- and attempt to assert what "wit" you think you have.

How do you two losers rationalize the definition of the word 'dribble' -- you attack above? You can't. Like the post I put forth re: the talent level of the club, you two twits are focused on smoke and mirrors and not the substance. Once again, the post is about talent and a sober look at that. Speak to that. Stay out of the gutter and barbs and yarns. And if you want to use the barbs and yarns, please consult a dictionary first. I am sure there is time before you two start teaching Robert Burns poetry to the sophmores today.

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Your talent analysis is based on your presumption of suckiness.


Your claim of objectivity is based on smoke and mirrors and gloom.


Your estimation of me is as far off the mark as it could be.


You have nothing worthwhile to add to any conversation.


This conversation is over.




The American College Dictionary defines 'dribble' -- as meaning drivel; slaver  (1970 Page 367).  You and RJ are probably two high school english teachers, with glasses as thick as bullet proof glass and pocket protectors, who go on this board-- while on lunch break eating a hot pocket or leftovers-- and attempt to assert what "wit" you think you have. 

How do you two losers rationalize the definition of the word 'dribble' -- you attack above?  You can't.  Like the post I put forth re: the talent level of the club, you two twits are focused on smoke and mirrors and not the substance.  Once again, the post is about talent and a sober look at that.  Speak to that.  Stay out of the gutter and barbs and yarns.  And if you want to use the barbs and yarns, please consult a dictionary first.  I am sure there is time before you two start teaching Robert Burns poetry to the sophmores today.


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No Patriots player appeared in the February 2001 Pro Bowl. As of that September, Seymour (a rookie) and Vinatieri had yet to play in one. UDFA Andruzzi still hasn't.


And you didn't really compare #13 overall pick and two-time Pro Bowler Spikes to Mark Pike in a later post, did you? Tell me I didn't read that. I realize the last names SOUND similar, but still...



Ooooh....get 'im, Lori! Let me get my popcorn first, I want to watch this beat-down... :rolleyes:

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A. I disagree I think the Bills are full of potential talent, but I think 80 posts have been enough to see how many people agree and disagree with you.




Someone actually agrees with this window licker?

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Last week, I posted that the Bills are void of talent.  Guys/ ladies like 'Darin From Alaska' and other board luminaries, were enraged at the idea that I would put forth such a suggestion.  But when you look at the teams in the league and compare ours with them, we look like the worst around IMHO.


A reasonable person would say the the worst teams in the NFL are:


San Fran; Buffalo; Houston; Titans; Cleveland; Raiders; New Orleans; & Detroit


When we diagnose the above teams, we can see that they have loads more of talent than us, with the exception of San Fran.  Talent is defined as pedigree, potential, ability, play, performance and pro bowl potential.  We start with:


San Fran:  QB Smith; I see no other talent on this team that stands out.


Buffalo:  Clemens; Moorman; Whittner


Houston:    Carr; Dom Davis; Moulds; Andre Johnson;  Donta Robinson





I frankly think you're full of it. Talent does not always require the "can't miss" tag in college. Besides the three Bills you mentioned, there is Peters, whom observers say is much better now than he was last season when everyone, who could actually see, saw that he was doing a solid job blocking even very good defensive ends. There is Terrence McGee whom observers at camp are calling the best corner on the Bills. Translation: better than Nate Clements. There is Willis McGahee, whom observers are saying looks like he has finally overcome the last lingering effects of his devastating college injury, is playing lighter and faster like his college days, and according to Steve Fairchild will be used to run outside where he was effective in college. Note: Mike Mularkey saw him as a battering ram and used him mostly up the middle. There is Lee Evans, whom most observers say was among the top two rookie receivers in his rookie year.


I will grant you that there are a lot of unknowns on this team, and a lot of things have to pan out for the team to have a successful year. (I'm predicting 7-9 or 8-8.) There is however quite a bit of talent on this team. I think in 2007 Buffalo could be a more than solid contender for a playoff spot, and depending on what happens in NE and Miami a division championship. The biggest question continues to be the QB spot. Future success ultimately hinges on JP Losman "getting it." I think there is at least a pretty good chance he will.

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Your talent analysis is based on your presumption of suckiness.








Okay, so you are a lawyer in manhattan making $250K who lives in a 500 sq rat infested apartment. Fine, you are not an english teacher. So what about the definition? You forgot to address that. See Page 367 (1970).


Good enough. NO hard feelings. Kumbaya my brother. This post will continue to explore the talent with or without you. We could use your knowledge of the team. I hope you will come back to the flock and participate. Other are, adn it seems to be a worthwhile overview. No hard feelings.


I will no head down the thread and continue the dialoge abouthe talent. We are reviewing the PAtroits super bowl team. Participate. .. it is an honest approach. WE are all bills fans. You and you the "cyber lynch mob" here tried to shut down my approach. we are past that. The post lives on, now lets all get along and talk some NFL. cool?


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Because you are a Bills fan, Roscoe, I know there is some good in you. That good obviously does not lie in either your interpersonal skills or in your talent analysis, but I find that easy to forgive. :doh:


I will leave the further discussion of your straw man talent issue to others.


As for the definition, I do not have that edition handy, but I can tell you that "dribble" is a verb, as can be "drivel," but when one wants to use the term to describe idiotic blabberings, the proper word to use is the noun, which is "drivel."


I notice you ran up the white flag on "segue," which shows that you are capable of exercising good judgment :rolleyes:


Have a nice day, and Go Bills!




Your talent analysis is based on your presumption of suckiness.



Okay, so you are a lawyer in manhattan making $250K who lives in a 500 sq rat infested apartment. Fine, you are not an english teacher. So what about the definition? You forgot to address that. See Page 367 (1970).


Good enough. NO hard feelings. Kumbaya my brother. This post will continue to explore the talent with or without you. We could use your knowledge of the team. I hope you will come back to the flock and participate. Other are, adn it seems to be a worthwhile overview. No hard feelings.


I will no head down the thread and continue the dialoge abouthe talent. We are reviewing the PAtroits super bowl team. Participate. .. it is an honest approach. WE are all bills fans. You and you the "cyber lynch mob" here tried to shut down my approach. we are past that. The post lives on, now lets all get along and talk some NFL. cool?



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Excellent post, Roscoe. You gotta love a guy who spews ridiculous, inane, baseless, extreme thoughts strictly for the sake of getting everyone upset. That's really tough to do, but you succeeded in tremendous fashion.


Good job. Keep up the good work. I look forward to you spending the rest of the season reminding us how right you were.

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