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Im a Dad

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Congratulations! I have two and it is the most amazing gift that just keeps getting better. It is a lot of hard work, but man are you paid back time and again. My little boy is only 19 months but already we watch Sportscenter together and Sabres game ... you just can't beat it. Enjoy it and pass my congrats on to your wife and little one.

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Congratulations on the Blue chip off the old block (I know, The Dean beat me to it, but it's all I got).


(LA-third pic looks like the kid has been hitting the bottle, very cute)



Congrats Blue Chip!


(nah. That's the photo LA shot right after he told the little guy about BF and the picklejuice. He's not so sure that dad maybe just fed him retatta!) :w00t:

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Good job, Bluechipper. You're going to have a lot of fun. Can't believe my first is gonna be 3 years old in a couple weeks, and he's getting a little brother about the same time. (Hey what can I say, I get frisky around July 4th :w00t:)



R.Rich, your day is coming soon my friend..


You're going to try to impregnate R.Rich?


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My wife and I had our first baby on March 1st- a boy and we named him Kaiden. Its the most awesome experience you can have. Funny thing is that Miro Satan (former Sabre and current Islander) had a baby the next day, saw him a few times at the hospital and we talked. Really nice guy. His wife must be from Buffalo area. Kaiden is home resting in one of his many Bills sleepers as we speak.



Great news!!



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