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When did this board get so bitter?


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Exactly JSP - despite the fact that we also dominated the NFC in the regular season during that era. The Bills were 14-2 against NFC teams in regular season from '91-'94.



and those "2" were season closers that didn't matter....to us...

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29-August 01.



Is that when Greggo began his reign of infamy? The day Ralph fired Wade Phillips on trumped up charges was the beginning of bad karma on the Bills.


Perhaps the much maligned Dickie J will be the solution to Bills fans woes? :doh:

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Is that when Greggo began his reign of infamy?  The day Ralph fired Wade Phillips on trumped up charges was the beginning of bad karma on the Bills.


Perhaps the much maligned Dickie J will be the solution to Bills fans woes?  :doh:


No, it was "The Day After" SDS created the board.

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There may have been a couple questionable calls, but why is everyone going conspiracy theory on this game?


Why can't we as football fans be happy for a team winning theSuper Bowl? A team that was clearly better and was clearly going to win the game. Remember, if Big Ben doesn't throw that int (terrible pass by the way), this game ends in a rout.


This board and a lot of Bills fans have become so angry over the past year. Just relax. Enjoy the off-season and get ready for better football under Marv next year.


"This board"? Ain't just this board, or Bills fans. It's all over the league. Must be you missed this:

Fan reaction from around the league


Posted by primal at 2/5/06 9:05 p.m.


First off, my condolenzes (sp)

That was the sorriest display of officiating in SB history IMO

I visited a few teams sites just to check out reaction from around the league.

The consensus is your boys got screwed!


Here is my list. Any teams not listed were ones that I couldn't find an active site for. Every team that had an active forum thougth you guys were screwed!


Colts board







Patsfans.com #1

Patsfans.com #2










Buffalo Bills






















KFFL General Forum








Tampa Bay Bucs











Atlanta Falcons







Kansas City Chiefs



Cleveland Browns




ESPN board

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"This board"? Ain't just this board, or Bills fans. It's all over the league. Must be you missed this:


And we all know how knowlegeable MB ("you want fries with that") posters are. :doh:


Look at Florio, the grand poobah (or is that just poo) of posters--he created his own board just so he could impress himself with his boundless knowledge.

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That was the day after I setup the "wwwthreads" software... A conversion to IPB kept that date.


"The board" was in place since 1998.


So what I meant to say was three years before SDS created the board. :doh: Obviously, I was just going by the "member since date", but I should have known better. I was even around well before the "29-August 01".

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So what I meant to say was three years before SDS created the board. :doh: Obviously, I was just going by the "member since date", but I should have known better. I was even around well before the "29-August 01".


Though you weren't nearly as "fair and balanced".

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Look, I'm sorry some of you had a lot of money or a good chunk of your ego invested in the Seahawks ,and I'm not trying to insult you by saying this, but you sound like a bunch of fools.



A good number of people who had no money or ego invested in the Seahawks thought the officiating was obviously biased as well.

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A good number of people who had no money or ego invested in the Seahawks thought the officiating was obviously biased as well.



And many of the media types (Florio, et al) claiming "fix" won't profit by attracting more eyeballs to their sites?

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And many of the media types (Florio, et al) claiming "fix" won't profit by attracting more eyeballs to their sites?


Florio (et al) are inconsequential. Those guys talking about it don't make it true. It's true becuase it obviously happened.

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And many of the media types (Florio, et al) claiming "fix" won't profit by attracting more eyeballs to their sites?



Who's Florio? Who even gives a sh-- about Florio? I'm talking about the 80% of the tens of millions of viewers last night who not only know the difference between a block and a tackle themselves, but now know that NFL officials don't. :doh:

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Who's Florio?  Who even gives a sh-- about Florio?  I'm talking about the 80% of the tens of millions of viewers last night who not only know the difference between a block and a tackle themselves, but now know that NFL officials don't.   :doh:



Ah, the old 80-20 rule. Or is that Bell Curve? :lol:

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Yes, I've heard of what happened in 1919 because they got caught, which is exactly the point of my post. If the NFL was fixed, they would have been caught a long time ago.


Pittsburgh has suffered population loss, job loss and lack of growth that mirrors Buffalo. But my point is, if the NFL was going to "pick" a city to win the Super Bowl there are sexier choices than Pittsburgh. Why not pick the Cowboys or the Giants? Bigger cities, bigger fan bases and more exposure for the league.



Because they can't get too greedy... They take what they get sometimes. Doesn't mean they don't give the Pats, 'Boys, and Gints an competive edge though.


And believe me... Indy they wanted, they just shot themselves in the foot.


The NFL HAS TO back away from train wrecks in fear of getting caught.


It is called moderation... Know when to hold 'em, fold 'em, walk away, and know when to run!


We've come a long way since 1919... People know who to "buy." It is a science.



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Quite so. There is a lot of $$$ in Pgh. I was living there when Big Steel went down, but when I left in 1990, they were resurging nicely with tech and medical advancement.


Cincy has a pile of dough, too. Being on a viable waterway is a great plus. When the Welland Canal was constructed, Buffalo's fall from being the terminus of the Great Lakes raw material trade was pre-ordained. And the prevailing and still-existing Democratic party machine did little to adapt to that, choosing to expand the public sector to keep themselves ensconced.


Any Buyers? (a pun for those with some knowledge of Bflo. politics in the '60's and 70's). :blush:



I agree.


The Wellend was constructed in the 1800's... Updated in the 1900's. So there was a lot of time to get things squared away and see the writing on the wall before the SeaWay put a final nail in Buffalo's coffin in 1959.


People saw it all along... Even pushed for novel ideas like an All-American Canal to rival Welland.


You can blame the Dems, they do bare a brunt of the blame. But, look at the Republican administration along with Canada during the 1950's that pushed the SeaWay... There is a lot of blame to go around. And a total abandonment by war corporations after WWII really cornered the local pols.


Buffalo is a lot like NOLA... The feds owned this town during the war years and abandoned it in the following years. Unlike NOLA, that got killed fast and hard... Buffalo was left to die a long slow ecomonic death. For what? Supporting New Deal policies, supplying the war's economic workforce and being too loyal to the feds during these years?


The ensuing republican administration/corporations of the 1950's would see that this "treachery" would be delt with. I fault the dems for being so naive.

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Florio (et al) are inconsequential.  Those guys talking about it don't make it true.  It's true becuase it obviously happened.




It's true that the refs blew numerous calls in this game, many adversely affecting the Seahawks.


It's true that the Seahawks aided in their own loss by playing like crap in the biggest game in franchise history.


What I don't understand about all this hysteria is how anyone can say it's true that the game was "fixed". Unless you have some sort of evidence to illustrate this theory (bad calls are not evidence of anything other than the same incompetence we've seen in officiating all season long), what's true is that it was a poorly officiated game. Nothing more.

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  it was a poorly officiated game.  Nothing more.


It was just too much. It was too one sided. As much as the Bills have been screwed in the past, it was never like that.


Of course this is all just my opinion. Doesn't bother me in the least if no one thinks the same. But as for me, there isn't a doubt in my mind that the Seahawks were purposefully screwed out of that game.

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