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Which is the lesser of two evils?


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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo... :(

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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo...  :(



Tough call, because I happen to respect Cowher a lot, but I guess that I would hope to see him lose.

Besides, having an owner such as Paul Allen is likely to end all "misery" for the Seahawks Fans anyway. ;)

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I just DO not understand this LOVEFEST for the Pittsburgh Steelers...cmon wake up Bills fans please!!!!


Who cares of the AFC wins? Does that mean Willis McGahee can strut around and brag "Were part of the AFC, were 5-11 but who cares, its partly our win too" Please...has ZERO relevance...plus Seattle WAS an AFC team at once time...does this conference stuff really matter that much???


But I guess since sports radio and the media have brainwashed us into believing it does, I guess it does.


I hate the Steelers. Always have. The fans on the bars here in NJ are OBNIXIOUS period. ALWAYS getting on me about the Bills..




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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo...  :(



I would like to see the Steelers win just so I don't have to see the TV camera's tuned into the Bill Cowher Scowl for 3 freaking hours!

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I just DO not understand this LOVEFEST for the Pittsburgh Steelers...cmon wake up Bills fans please!!!!


Who cares of the AFC wins?  Does that mean Willis McGahee can strut around and brag "Were part of the AFC, were 5-11 but who cares, its partly our win too"  Please...has ZERO relevance...plus Seattle WAS an AFC team at once time...does this conference stuff really matter that much??? 


But I guess since sports radio and the media have brainwashed us into believing it does, I guess it does.


I hate the Steelers.  Always have.  The fans on the bars here in NJ are OBNIXIOUS period.  ALWAYS getting on me about the Bills..




was this in response to my post or voices in your head? :(

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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo...  :(



I am supporting Pittsburgh cos they repeatedly make playoffs and seem to have character players who play their hearts out always.


My liking of the Steelers has nothing to do with them being an AFC team or if their fans are (Supposedly) obnoxious. Who cares ? I like the product they put on the field and their lack of controversy off the field.

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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo...  :(


Considering where I live (and how many Steelers fans I work with), I figure a Pittsburgh win on Sunday - combined with the Bills' current level of mediocrity - will make said co-workers unbearable for oh, about the next ten years or so...


Go Seahawks.

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The theme of this post is "misery loves company"...


Is it better to wish Cowher blow another big game (and thus cement his place in the Hall of Fame), so that Steeler fans across the nation can experience that agony once again.


Or is ot better to wish for Seattle to lose, less another miserable franchise (see Baltimore, Tampa Bay, St. Louis) wins a Super Bowl before Buffalo...  :(


Pitt failing again to get one for the thumb is my hope.

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I would like to see the Steelers win just so I don't have to see the TV camera's tuned into the Bill Cowher Scowl for 3 freaking hours!


That's exactly what I want to see! An epic meltdown by The Chin. The spitting and snarling, maybe even a few playsheet throwdowns for good measure. He has been relatively calm through this whole playoff run, but he really has yet to face some adversity. I think he' a good coach, but he is a better comedic character when he is on the losing side of things.


I will say, if the Steelers do win, I would be extremely happy for Bettis, he has been a class guy throughout his whole career, just wish there was a way Bettis could win and Cowher could lose...

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That's exactly what I want to see! An epic meltdown by The Chin. The spitting and snarling, maybe even a few playsheet throwdowns for good measure. He has been relatively calm through this whole playoff run, but he really has yet to face some adversity. I think he' a good coach, but he is a better comedic character when he is on the losing side of things.


I will say, if the Steelers do win, I would be extremely happy for Bettis, he has been a class guy throughout his whole career, just wish there was a way Bettis could win and Cowher could lose...


Gotta admit -- it is amusing to watch Cowher when he gets angry, and said Chin starts jutting out further... and further...


I think one of these days he's actually going to dislocate his jaw.

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Gotta admit -- it is amusing to watch Cowher when he gets angry, and said Chin starts jutting out further... and further...


I think one of these days he's actually going to dislocate his jaw.


Like when O'Donnell threw those picks in the Superbowl against the Cowboys. I thought Cowher was going to run out onto the field.


I hate the Steelers, and I hate Cowher. My "misery index" will go down when the Steeler's misery goes up.


Go Seahawks.

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The seahawks are the lesser of the evils.


I dont want to deal with obnoxious steeler fans. pats fans are bad enough.

I dont want to see that ugly big ben with his pathetic attempt at a beard all over TV.

The media masterbation over the steelers and that fatass jerome bettis will be almost as unbearable as it was with the pats.

I'd love to see cowher choke...AGAIN.

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I have many friends and relatives in Western PA, so I'm rooting for the Stillers.


The team's more important than any coach/individual (that the Bills fans' matra, isn't it :( ). That said, the Rooney's are class acts, and I'd like to see the old man win another one rather than Paul Allen.

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NO MORE EXPANSION TEAMS WINNING IT ALL BEFORE THE BILLS.  Those of you rooting on the Seahawks should be stoned to death. 0:)


I don't see how this is a valid complaint...just because this is a team's first trip to the Superbowl doesn't mean they should lose so us Bills fans can be happy. This concept doesn't bother me because the Bills were - in my opinion - the best team of the early 90s. Not winning the Superbowl doesn't change that for me.


Frankly, I'm happy to see Seattle get to the game. Like Buffalo, this is a city that has gone without winning anything for a long time. Think about how you'd give anything for the Bills to win one...Seattle's in the same boat. If they win, then great.


So, in answer to SDS's question, I think I'd rather see the Steelers lose again. As much as I like & respect Cowher, it would be nice to see all of the bandwagon Steelers fans sit down again. They knew winning in the 70s, so it's time once again to see them experience a loss in the big one. There is some retribution...Giants fans got to experience losing the big one (and badly, too) in XXXV.


What I'd *really* like to see in this game...a missed FG to lose the game, so Scott Norwood isn't the only kicker to live through the hell. ;)

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