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24 premiere...


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what did he get injected with, i remember that the torturer said that one more dose would kill him but i guess it wasn't a lethal enough dose for tony.  who knows what these writers come up with


I was thinking it was something like an adreniline shot, similar to the scene in Pulp Fiction where they need to give it right to the heart. Tony I think was trying to "wake up" Henderson before he would killed him.

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I was thinking it was something like an adreniline shot, similar to the scene in Pulp Fiction where they need to give it right to the heart. Tony I think was trying to "wake up" Henderson before he would killed him.



bah, i don't know if i liked it alot. honestly it's the first episode i've watched on tv since i used to just download them and watch them one after the other. i think i should watch it without commercials because it kills the suspense.

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All I know is that they need to bump off Kim and the dweeb she is with.



For some reason, I think that "dweeb" is a bad guy. Perhaps it would have been better had Jack killed him when he was choking him last night.


Also... on a different note: I do think that Tony is alive. He's such a strong character surviving a gun-shot in the neck a few seasons ago and an explosion that killed the person (Michelle) he wrapped his body around to protect... one little needle isn't gonna kill Tony Almada!!


The Non-Silent clock is the clincher. He's not dead....


But if he's not dead, then why did Jack take it so rough? I guess Jack really does love Tony. Also that line when Tony said, "She's gone Jack" means that he has lost the will to live.... now that's sad.

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Other than Jack and Kim, he's the only one left from Season 1.  He has to be alive.



Aaron Pierce has been in every season. That leaves only him and Jack as surviving cast members who appeared in each of the 5 days (of course, I still think Tony's alive).

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Aaron Pierce has been in every season.  That leaves only him and Jack as surviving cast members who appeared in each of the 5 days (of course, I still think Tony's alive).


Mike Novak? He may have taken a season off, though.

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I love when she said to the shrink; "what's with you and the breathing? Is that your answer for everything?"    Hilarious...


I noticed some people online call her "Chloe Dynamite" after Napolean Dynamite.


"I'm hacking into the mainframe as fast as I can, Jack! GOSH! IDIOT!"


It's basically a perfect match. :(

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Tony can't go out like that. If he goes down, he needs to go down in a blaze of glory. Even the friggin hobbit got to die a hero.....VIVA LA TONY!!!




But Tony is NOT a hero. He and this President are the two most disgusting characters on this program. Jack may disobey orders...but he does it because he's trying to save people's lives...he does it for selfless reasons.


Tony is the ULTIMATE fuc#up. He puts millions of lives in danger for selfish reasons...REPEATEDLY. If he's not dead, he needs to be tried for treason.

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Tony is the ULTIMATE fuc#up.  He puts millions of lives in danger for selfish reasons...REPEATEDLY.  If he's not dead, he needs to be tried for treason.



Perhaps that's why Jack was so emotional at the end...he loves Tony, but knows he's a FU who's gonna catch sh-- from whoever has to clean up the mess (the Homeland Security foks).

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I noticed some people online call her "Chloe Dynamite" after Napolean Dynamite.


"I'm hacking into the mainframe as fast as I can, Jack!  GOSH!  IDIOT!"


It's basically a perfect match. :P




she never was mean to jack, personally i think chloe loves jack but she was a B word to every other human being alive

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I love when she said to the shrink; "what's with you and the breathing? Is that your answer for everything?"    Hilarious...


She also had that quote to Kim, something like "Yea, I'm really good at getting information" - such a Chloe line right there

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But Tony is NOT a hero.  He and this President are the two most disgusting characters on this program.



I love the Logan character. The fact that things still get done even through his incompetence makes the show that much more interesting to me. Palmer was a great character, but he was almost too good. He always did the right thing while in office (other than his personal life) and basically was perfect. Logan has a much more human side which is far more entertaining, to me anyway.

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I love the Logan character.  The fact that things still get done even through his incompetence makes the show that much more interesting to me.  Palmer was a great character, but he was almost too good.  He always did the right thing while in office (other than his personal life) and basically was perfect.  Logan has a much more human side which is far more entertaining, to me anyway.




I agree. And the actor playing Logan has begun doing a good job of fleshing out his character too. Last season, he was a stock weakling. This year, while still a weak figure, he is a bit more human -- and even compelling.


As for Tony, I am afraid that I think he is, in fact, dead. The official 24 website even lists him as "Deceased". For a character as important as Tony's I would have rather had a more interesting demise than another former agent getting the better of him and sticking him with a needle.


Also, how contrived was it that Robocop wasn't even in any kind of restraints?

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As for Tony, I am afraid that I think he is, in fact, dead. The official 24 website even lists him as "Deceased". For a character as important as Tony's I would have rather had a more interesting demise than another former agent getting the better of him and sticking him with a needle.



NBC had a story on Today about the body count from various shows this year, that they use the deaths to build interest. Tony's was one mentioned, along with Edgar and Lynn. But I won't believe it until someone actually says he's dead on the show.

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