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One day my math teacher, Coach Hulmes, told me that if my grades reflected what kind of person I was, that he'd see me at the McDonald's drive-thru in about 5 years.


To which I responded: Free food and a teacher's salary doesn't sound so bad.

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One day my math teacher, Coach Hulmes, told me that if my grades reflected what kind of person I was, that he'd see me at the McDonald's drive-thru in about 5 years.


To which I responded: Free food and a teacher's salary doesn't sound so bad.





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There was a stoner in my typing class who completed 1/2 a page of a ten page timed typing test. I got through 9 pages with roughly 3 typos per page. His half page had no errors.


He scored a 90-something, I had a 80-something. I told the teacher, Ms Clemments, that it was unfair, and unless my grade was revisited, I "reserve the right to raise some serious hell" about it.


I was suspended for 2 days for threatening a teacher. :o

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Someone made a stupid joke one day in French class in 8th grade. I couldn't stop laughing, and the more pissed off the teacher got and the more she demanded I stop, the funnier it got and the harder I laughed.


She finally just told me to get out and I got two days detention. :o

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I got 2 days of in-school suspension for dusting off this old joke:


We had a passbook that the teacher had to sign when we wanted to go to the bathroom or just cruise the halls. I put that under my chair, and then raised my hand and asked if I could go to the bathroom.


My teacher (about a 35 yr old woman) said, "Where's your hall pass?"


I said, "Blow me!" Gasps and giggles from the class followed.


She said, "What!?!"


I repeated, "Blow me."


She was furious and told me to go right to the office. I reached down and grabbed the passbook and held it up and said, "What, it's below me!"


She didn't buy it and neither did the vice-principal. The class was rolling, though.

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I got put on lunchtime detention for 2 solid weeks for playing 'spin the bottle' and kissing 3 girls on a mini-bus on the way back from an after-school trip. :o


I also got put on report for being in the vicinity of a fight in my class - despite the fight being nothing to do with me whatsoever. :D


I got 500 lines in primary school because when we were on a school trip to a train museum, us boys were playing on some tracks. We were jumping on and off the rails. The head teacher asked us to come back on the sidewalk. We all did - except I was the one fartest from the sidewalk, so I had to cross the rails to get there. I got 500 lines for stepping on the rail, despite it being the only way back. :D

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When I was in elementary school we got some roofing nails from a construction site nearby and put them in the street reasoning that if the bus got a flat tire we wouldn't have to go to school. Well as you can imagine someone snitched on us and we got suspended from the bus for two weeks. The other kids' parents drove them to and picked them up from school every day, but my parents made me walk back and forth every day. I think it probably taught me a valuable lesson because I was never in trouble in school again and I'm glad they didn't give me the easy way out on that one.

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I got put on lunchtime detention for 2 solid weeks for playing 'spin the bottle' and kissing 3 girls on a mini-bus on the way back from an after-school trip. :o


I also got put on report for being in the vicinity of a fight in my class - despite the fight being nothing to do with me whatsoever. :D


I got 500 lines in primary school because when we were on a school trip to a train museum, us boys were playing on some tracks. We were jumping on and off the rails. The head teacher asked us to come back on the sidewalk. We all did - except I was the one fartest from the sidewalk, so I had to cross the rails to get there. I got 500 lines for stepping on the rail, despite it being the only way back. :D



You rode the short bus? :D

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I got put on lunchtime detention for 2 solid weeks for playing 'spin the bottle' and kissing 3 girls on a mini-bus on the way back from an after-school trip. :o


I also got put on report for being in the vicinity of a fight in my class - despite the fight being nothing to do with me whatsoever. :D


I got 500 lines in primary school because when we were on a school trip to a train museum, us boys were playing on some tracks. We were jumping on and off the rails. The head teacher asked us to come back on the sidewalk. We all did - except I was the one fartest from the sidewalk, so I had to cross the rails to get there. I got 500 lines for stepping on the rail, despite it being the only way back. :D


Nick rode the short bus. That explains so much.

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I put a 'Kick Me' sign on the back of my 7th grade history teacher Mr. Robertson. To this day I don't know what possessed me to do it. He didn't know about for around 5 minutes, but when he found it he knew right away it was me.


In school suspension for 2 days. ISS was the worst, you just sat there in a barren room and stared at the walls all day.

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When I was in the 4th grade, I lived overseas. The school had a big barbecue for all the families with kids in the school (American Overseas School). They had beer (free) for all the adults. Me and my friends went up and started getting beer from the line, when people would ask what we were doing, we would just say I'm getting it for my dad. We actually didn't drink any of the 6 or 7 beers we grabbed, we ended up taking them up to the playground where the K,1,2 graders would play and dug a big hole in one of the sandboxes and buried them.


About a week later, we deceided to dig them up and drink some. Unfortunately we did it during the school day, and we got caught. When the teacher that caught us was coming up we threw all the beer over the fence (which he climbed over to collect the evidence).


We all got 3 days suspension.


Funny thing was that we didn't get an official record of the suspension, because the school didn't want to admit they served alcohol.


Best part was when I got home from school my parents were waiting for me, I thought I was dead. My dad just looked at me and then put a beer on the table and said, "3 days suspension when is all you wanted to do is try a beer?" We both kind of laughed at that.


That was my first and last suspension/detention.

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I use to work as a prep cook/ diswasher till 2 A.M ,then attend highschool at 7.30A.M , and would nod off during the first class..........Another classmate would knock my books off my desk and kick my chair until I awoke, and usually there would be drool running down my face and laughter would erupt in the class......... I eventually wanted revenge, so I purchased an exlab bar, smoked a joint with this person before 1st class, and offered him some chocalate for his munchies............. Around 11.A.M he was in a study hall with approx. 300 students and wearing powder gray corduroys''levis'' when his involitary muscles gave out, and his pants changed from grey to brown.....LIQUID POOP HAPPEN'S........ 2 week's suspension.......

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When I was a senior I took a computer class for the hell of it. They gave us one assignment that they were sure would take us the entire year to complete but we finished it within the first month of the year.


The classroom was seperate from the lab, so you had to go down there to work. It was monitored by your typical no talent blowhard angry middle-aged woman who desperately needed to get laid so her outlook on life could be the least bit cheery. She also knew NOTHING about computers. Didn't even have one on her desk. She sat there and read all day. Hereafter she will be known as the "Tampax Troll."


Our class was made up of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and ONE 8th grader. Brilliant fugger named Kyle whose social skills made Baron Von Fugtard look like Ann Landers. He also dressed the part.


Anyway, Kyle managed to break into the ALL of the teacher's files and kipe their games. He was our hero (none of the seniors gave a crap about the class - it was an easy "A", plus the teacher was an easygoing type) but he ended up getting kicked out of the lab for a month as a penalty for his transgression.


After serving his time, he was back with us and we, as seniors, felt it was our right to continue to use his skills to serve our selfish purposes. Kyle eagerly accepted the challenge.


Within minutes, he had all of our games back. Of course, it wasn't long after when the "Tampax Troll" took notice and started berating the poor waif. I trumpeted "Don't worry, Kyle. Someday you're going to make a ton of money with your skills."


She screamed at me "You're going to get one because of your big mouth!"


I calmly shot back: "That's pretty ironic coming from someone who has that as their only obvious skill."


"Go to the office!"


"OK." <smirk>


Lots more unintelligible and spittle releasing screaming coming from her.


They had this intercom system that was kind of a hotline to the office. I picked up the phone on the way out and said "This is Darin. I'm on my way down. The troll has finally snapped" (still screaming in the background). Dropped the phone on the floor and whistled all the way to the office (about 150 feet).


Much laughter. No detention. The principle also happened to be the football coach. We had a very short and nice conversation, after which he let me go home early. :o

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I was walking through the courtyard of the highschol when someone rang the bell there. They made everyone who was in the courtyard stay after school, although we had no idea who did it.


Our bus driver was a real jerk and would drag the semis down Union Rd in Cheektowaga. He would let abuse and fights go on. One day after dropping off the first person on the route, someone called him an SOB. He turned around and went back to the school. While he was inside talking to the principal, the person who said it got off and walked home. None of us would rat out the person, so we all stayed after until the late bus at 4 PM.

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