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Bus driver beats up kid

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Do I find crying kids in movie theaters annoying?  Sure I do.  Do I find children smashing crackers at the next table distracting?  Of course.  But I don't shrivel up in the fetal position hoping that parents will keep their kids out of my way because I simply don't have the capacity to deal with it.  Kids (and the annoying things kids do) are part of society, keeping them bottled up at home away from those with limited patience isn't going to teach them the things they need to know to get along in society.  To do that they need (gasp!) extensive social interactions, in a variety of settings (like, for instance, a restaurant)



So the answer is to just suck it up in the restuarant, say nothing, and hope that they'll become socialized by your response?


The answer (?) is to let them out but keep them in check. That was the difficult dilemma faced by the bus driver. If as an earlier poster had advised he had just gone back to his seat, said nothing more, and called the deputy, jeering chaos would have erupted behind him. He would never be able to control those kids again (not that what he did will work out any better).

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It's so ridiculous when people make a sweeping generalization of the way kids are raised today. I'm sure the parenting of baby boomers was so exceptional that the 50 year old ass hole doesn't exist in today’s society.


Bad parenting has existed since people started humping and the only reason it looks so rampant today is the expansion of the media. When people suggest banning certain age groups from activities it even gets more laughable. I wonder if these people exited the womb at 35, do they forget that they were once that 6 year old causing ruckus?


But it all makes sense, let’s ban old people from driving, young people from eating in restaurants; hell lets just make life perfect for a specific age group and hell for everybody else.

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It's so ridiculous when people make a sweeping generalization of the way kids are raised today. I'm sure the parenting of baby boomers was so exceptional that the 50 year old ass hole doesn't exist in today’s society.


Bad parenting has existed since people started humping and the only reason it looks so rampant today is the expansion of the media. When people suggest banning certain age groups from activities it even gets more laughable. I wonder if these people exited the womb at 35, do they forget that they were once that 6 year old causing ruckus?


But it all makes sense, let’s ban old people from driving, young people from eating in restaurants; hell lets just make life perfect for a specific age group and hell for everybody else.



Cripe, bad parenting has existid forever, and becomes an art form these days. Uh, the "D" word...


Iif you think that loudmouth behavior is a public venue was the norm before you were hatched, you are a perfect example of the power of propaganda.


And WHO is suggesting banning? Name him or them, please..

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Cripe, bad parenting has existid forever, and becomes an art form these days.  Uh, the "D" word...


Iif you think that loudmouth behavior is a public venue was the norm before you were hatched, you are a perfect example of the power of propaganda.


And WHO is suggesting banning? Name him or them, please..



It would be difficult to know what was or wasn't normal before I was born, but I just don't agree that this behavior is the "norm" nowadays. It's all over the media, the media is everywhere, it just makes things look worse then they really are.


30 years ago you wouldn't have known this event happened, now you have video cameras in every possible location and the second something like this goes down it's everywhere. I'm sure things are different then they used to be, but I just believe the media has altered people’s perceptions and made this into a bigger problem then it really is.


As for the banning comments I was under the impression that it was being suggested in this thread, it was not directed towards you and if nobody mentioned that then forget I even said it.

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Later on that kid played some xbox live  :(


"I want my CHOCOLATE MILK!!! WHY? That's BULLS***!!!!!"


Seriously, if I was in charge of that kid I'd go back, rip the XBOX out of the wall, and slam it to pieces on the driveway.


Then I'd tell him to get his own chocolate milk.

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As a former school bus driver I can say he went to far, however the attitude among the kids is the real problem. They will spit at you tell you to "Fock off" and they know that you can't do much about it. They have 0 respect for the driver so I think they should share in the blame. I've had inner city kids tell me their parents are going to sue me for telling them to sit down when the bus is moving.

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As a former school bus driver I can say he went to far, however the attitude among the kids is the real problem. They will spit at you tell you to "Fock off" and they know that you can't do much about it. They have 0 respect for the driver so I think they should share in the blame. I've had inner city kids tell me their parents are going to sue me for telling them to sit down when the bus is moving.


Well, we don't want to hurt the little people's self esteem with discipline, do we?


Friggin' Benjamin Spock. I'm almost tempted to dig him up and kill him again (kidding, touchy feely people). <_<

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Serious question....... NOT a flame!!


Does anybody here view this as a need, or even an advantage for bus drivers to be Teamsters?

I say this because imo, a good shop steward would have been able to at least try to avoid this kind of incident, which will probably cost the Bus Company millions in settlements and legal fees.


As a shop steward, I would have advised drivers, when faced with this kind of situatuion, to stop the bus, call the police and alert school officials as to the conduct of the students, thus putting the ball in their court.

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Those kids deserved worse. The driver showed considerable restraint. He should have made the little bastards so scared they would have been glued to their seats.


Little f*ckers should get the living crap beat out of them if they are that disrespectful and that obnoxious to an elder.


The bus driver is now my hero. Those bratty kids should be bruised and beaten.

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That is exactly what I would have done.....I wouldn't have moved that bus until they settled down....


And if that took an unrealistic amount of time.....bring in the authorities to cover my ass......



I mean...can you imagine how much those kids are going to twist what happened (not that the truth is going to be far off) that bus driver is going to have to be in fear of his life from parents who think their kid can do NO WRONG.....

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Serious question....... NOT a flame!!


Does anybody here view this as a need, or even an advantage for bus drivers to be Teamsters?

I say this because imo, a good shop steward would have been able to at least try to avoid this kind of incident, which will probably cost the Bus Company millions in settlements and legal fees.


As a shop steward, I would have advised drivers, when faced with this kind of situatuion, to stop the bus, call the police and alert school officials as to the conduct of the students, thus putting the ball in their court.



I'm betting that buses are safer with drivers that smack kids, than with security cameras. Thinking back to the day, I can't remember a bus driver that didn't smack somebody if they got out of line. Of course back then the parents would back up the driver, and the kid would get hit again once the parent heard about it.


Unionized or not, the advice isn't bad from a bus drivers standpoint

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While a old time like the Driver feels smacking one is OK thier parents are dialing Celino andf Barnes.



Has anybody heard what happened to Celino and Barns? All the billboards are being changed to just Barns.

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Exhibit A on why this country is fugged...and I'm not talking about the bus driver.



I guess I must be a closet liberal cause' I'd have that bus drivers' ass tossed on the curb as well. There's no way an adult should act as bad as that kid was...two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how obnoxious/offensive the kid's behavior.


Don't get me wrong, I hope that kid was banned from any further tax payer-supported bus transportation for at least 1 year. But I also hope that red neck bus driver is cleaning toilets or riding shotgun on a chain gang right now....

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**language that might not be appropriate for work**



Dum, De Dum Dum (where's Joe Friday when you need em!)




Two students, bus driver arrested



May 21. 2005



CHARLOTTE COUNTY -- A school bus driver slapped a middle school student onboard his bus Tuesday afternoon, escalating a fight that led to the arrests of the driver and two students, sheriff's reports say.


During a verbal confrontation with rowdy students, driver Albert Taylor slapped 15-year-old student Mark Ernest Dickinson in the face and grabbed his throat, according to deputies. Dickinson and his younger brother, Corey Gene Hendershot, 13, then pushed and punched the 66-year-old driver, the report says.


According to the report:


The fisticuffs occurred about 3:30 p.m. after Taylor stopped the bus because a few students were being disruptive. The school bus was equipped with seat belts, and Taylor walked back and buckled a seat belt on a student who had refused to wear it.


Taylor phoned the Sheriff's Office. The students got more rowdy. The bus driver ordered Hendershot, who was sitting in back, to come to a seat up front. Hendershot refused. Taylor walked to the back of the bus toward Hendershot, but Dickinson got in his way and cursed at him.


Taylor then slapped Dickinson, sparking a struggle with both boys, records state. Deputies arrested Taylor on Wednesday on a misdemeanor battery charge. They charged the students with assault on a school official, a felony.


Taylor, of Punta Gorda, is a substitute bus driver who has worked for the school district for three years, district spokesman Mike Riley said. He is suspended without pay and will face disciplinary action from the district when his court case is over, Riley said. Action could range from a verbal reprimand to termination of his employment, Riley said. Hendershot and Dickinson will also face disciplinary action when their court cases are over, Riley said.


Taylor was scheduled to make his first court appearance Thursday. Court officials declined to release information about Hendershot and Dickinson because they are minors.


A videotape on the bus caught the incident. Sheriff's spokesman Bob Carpenter said it will be used in the court case. "They'll determine whether they provoked it or he provoked it, but you can't touch a kid," he said.


Riley said the district expects its employees to be able to defend themselves in case of attack, but they are at fault if they instigate the confrontation. "He is the adult in charge of the bus, and it is a privilege to ride the school bus, Riley said.


The boys' mother could not be reached Thursday for comment.


The bus was in the Cleveland neighborhood east of Punta Gorda when the incident occurred, sheriff's records show.

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