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Samuel Alito IS Awesome

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Many Biden Democrats are feigning outrage over the Alitos flying an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at their New Jersey home. Like the American flag, George Washington's American revolution flag is too patriotic for too many Biden Democrats who hate America. Notice how none of these Biden Democrats have any problem with Democrat Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan's daughter raising millions off her father's unprecedented trial of Trump, which clearly requires Merchan's recusal under New York statute.



wrote a great piece, pointing out how Democrats cheered when Ruth Bader Ginsburg wore her "dissent collar" at the Supreme Court the day after Trump's 2016 victory. She certainly didn't recuse from Trump cases. Instead, she served as the Democrats' tip of the spear against Trump.



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"A Flagging Campaign Against Justice Alito/The ‘ethics’ attack having failed, the left turns to flag etiquette"

by Kimberley A. Strassel


"Any pretense of seriousness evaporated last week with the New York Times's expose of the Alitos' breach of flag etiquette...."


"While Justice Alito has stated that he had nothing to do with this flag hoisting, the incident, we are told, somehow amounts to evidence that the Alitos supported Donald Trump's 'stop the steal' campaign. Where does that connection come from? A search of the Factiva news database turns up no articles containing the phrases 'stop the steal' and 'upside down flag' before the Times report on May 16.


Rather than retreat in humiliation, the Times doubled down this week with a follow-up report of yet another flag... spotted at the Alitos' vacation home in New Jersey.


The left tells us that the 1775 Pine Tree flag was spotted among Jan. 6 protesters! And moreover, that its catch phrase, 'an appeal to heaven,' derives from a radical character —John Locke. The Times somehow fails to let readers know that the flag is a longtime symbol of independence; that it was designed by George Washington's secretary; was flown on ships commissioned by Washington; has been honored, commemorated and flown over state capitols; and is the official maritime flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts...."






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3 years.


Why WaPo Waited So Long to Publish the Alito Flag Story





The media has been trying to gin up a lot of mileage regarding a report from the New York Times about an American flag being flown upside down outside of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's home. Looking further into the details, that wasn't something that happened recently. In fact, the photo of the flag was taken more than three years ago, shortly after the Capitol Hill riots. So how did it take so long for us to hear about it, assuming you're even concerned to begin with?


As it turns out, the Washington Post had the photo and the story almost immediately. But as the Associated Press pointed out yesterday, the editors at the Post opted not to run the story. This all sounds like much ado over (almost) nothing, but given all of the current antipathy on the left toward the conservative members of the court, we're probably going to keep hearing about it, so we should dig a bit further into the details.


This episode raises questions about how the media has handled this story at various stages and whether or not the underlying incident was really all that big of a deal to begin with. The WaPo claims that they originally examined the story but concluded that "it appeared Alito’s wife was responsible and that it was not clear the neighborhood argument was over politics." 


But if that was true three years ago, then how did the New York Times determine it was an appropriate story to run now? The Gray Lady is claiming that they only acquired the photo "recently." Does that sound very likely? If someone has what appears to be a potentially hot bit of gossip about a Supreme Court justice and it went to the Post, how would it not also be slipped to the Times? I would argue that both of the papers had the story three years ago, but elected to keep it in their back pockets. But now that we're drawing close to a presidential election where Joe Biden is trailing and trying to warn people about the potential of Donald Trump appointing more justices in the mold of Alito, the MSM probably sees more usefulness in putting the story out there. The AP piles on a bit by posing the question, "Should a public official’s family be held to the same standards as that official themselves?"


Whether Alito or his wife hung the flag like that probably doesn't matter all that much. If Alito did hang it himself in sympathy for the January 6 rioters, then he's making up a story now to cover his tracks. If his wife really did hang it, unless he never went out of his front door, he would have seen it. If it bothered him that much he could have taken it down, but apparently he didn't.


More at the link:  https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/05/29/why-wapo-waited-so-long-to-publish-the-alito-flag-story-n3789238




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Posted (edited)
On 5/18/2024 at 6:15 AM, BillsFanNC said:

I don't know about you, but the mere suggestion that the always reliable paper of record would do such a thing is just shocking.



greetings. I wasn't aware that an upside down flag means peril. Yes it clearly is a sign of protest of SOMETHING


I realize I am swimming in dangerous waters in these threads so I come in peace. 


The message of flying an American flag upside down is IMOa rebuke of our country. It IMO is not an obvious SOS message as this thread implies rather a dislike of America AND our country itself . excuse my French but **** *** NOT YOU THE POSTER the diss on America.


While people can even burn the flag and that's okay I guess this expression is too. But I don't have to like it



Edited by muppy
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1 hour ago, muppy said:

greetings. I wasn't aware that an upside down flag means peril. Yes it clearly is a sign of protest of SOMETHING


I realize I am swimming in dangerous waters in these threads so I come in peace. 


The message of flying an American flag upside down is IMOa rebuke of our country. It IMO is not an obvious SOS message as this thread implies rather a dislike of America AND our country itself . excuse my French but **** *** NOT YOU THE POSTER the diss on America.


While people can even burn the flag and that's okay I guess this expression is too. But I don't have to like it



You have the right to not like it at all, in fact Justice Alito would likely wholeheartedly defend your right in that regard--the question centers around some people who would prefer a different decision that he might make in cases that he might participate in.  





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