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New commercial last night during MNF with Sawyer leaning against a rock and reading from something. Like, "We were brought here for a reason!? 'Cha!!!"


The creators before said he had just been winged, and this furthers that he came out okay.



Was there only one shot?

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This was one of the better eps of the season. And it blows a little bit of a hole in the everyone-had-a-bad-father theory, somewhat. Jin lies about his father being dead, even to Sun, b/c he's a poor fisherman. And when he goes to see him, and says, "I was so ashamed of you" what is the father's response? Does he tell Jin to get lost? No. He hugs his son and gives him the good advice to stay in America and build a new life for him and his wife. The theory does survive if you tack on an -in-law, tho.


I saw it the first time around and Hurley's "Son of a B word!!" at the end when the CD player dies had me laughing ass over teakettle. Again.


I gather they're going to be showing two eps each Wed.? Will that work so they can get the whole season in before S2 starts? There were more voiceover ads last night, one with Jack, one with Locke. They're really setting up the Fate vs. It Just Happened viewpoint for some reason.

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This was one of the better eps of the season. And it blows a little bit of a hole in the everyone-had-a-bad-father theory, somewhat. Jin lies about his father being dead, even to Sun, b/c he's a poor fisherman. And when he goes to see him, and says, "I was so ashamed of you" what is the father's response? Does he tell Jin to get lost? No. He hugs his son and gives him the good advice to stay in America and build a new life for him and his wife. The theory does survive if you tack on an -in-law, tho.


I saw it the first time around and Hurley's "Son of a B word!!" at the end when the CD player dies had me laughing ass over teakettle. Again.


I gather they're going to be showing two eps each Wed.? Will that work so they can get the whole season in before S2 starts? There were more voiceover ads last night, one with Jack, one with Locke. They're really setting up the Fate vs. It Just Happened viewpoint for some reason.


This was the first time seeing the episode (as only started watching the show when the repeats started) and I was thinking odd his CD player battery hasn't died yet just before it did. In terms of the replays I saw from an online episode guide that they've already skipped a few episodes so don't expect back to back to catch up especially with the DVD release expected on Sept 6.

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I saw it the first time around and Hurley's "Son of a B word!!" at the end when the CD player dies had me laughing ass over teakettle. Again.



When I first saw that scene last season, I really thought it was an omen of bad things to come. I thought perhaps we'd see Hurley flip out or something. That didn't happen, but bad things sure did. Watching it last night, I more think that it was just a statement of Hurley's last link to the real world fading away.

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I'm sure this means nothing, but as I read it this morning on the Sports Guy's Mailbag I thought I would throw it up here...


Did you know that the numbers that are the center of a mystery on Lost (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) are all numbers that have been retired by the New York Yankees? In order, Gehrig, Berra/Dickey, Munson, Whitey Ford, Mattingly and Jackie Robinson.

-- Jeff, Owasso, OK


Sports Guy's Mailbag

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Is this considered a spoiler?



No more a spoiler than saying that 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 are numbers that you say when you count b/w 1 and 100.


Aren't 3 and 7 and a bunch of others retired too? If those were the exclusive retired numbers, it might be something, but...


On the most recent commercial I saw, it said "On the other side of the island, the survivors will discover there is a reason for everything that happens." Hmm.

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The precise wording of the commercial:


"They survived on Luck.... They survived on Instinct.... But on the other side of the Island.... They'll discover that everything happens.... everything happens.... everything.... everything happens for a REASON."



Ooooooh! I've got goosebumps! :lol:

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Dude you need a new avatar, twice I've caught myself referring to Hurley as Duey...





No way...Hurley is da man!


BTW...finally preordered the Season 1 DVDs. Still only $39 over at amazon.com, with free shipping. That's a bargain in duey's book!

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My girl was watching entertainment tonite yesterday for a bit, and they had a bit on LOST. Apparently some news outlet has an article and a video clip where something bad happens to Kate this upcomign season, and they were specualting as to whether or not the producers would kil her off. I{ certainly hope not. Shes hot, and shes a main character.


BTW - anyone know how long they plan to make this series. As much as i love it, i cant see it going for more than 3 seasons.

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My girl was watching entertainment tonite yesterday for a bit, and they had a bit on LOST. Apparently some news outlet has an article and a video clip where something bad happens to Kate this upcomign season, and they were specualting as to whether or not the producers would kil her off. I{ certainly hope not. Shes hot, and shes a main character.


BTW - anyone know how long they plan to make this series. As much as i love it, i cant see it going for more than 3 seasons.



Ramius...three season is all we're going to get. I remember an interview with the main creator from last season in which he stated exactly that.


And, it stands to reason that we will lose at least one more main character this season. I'm with you...I hope to God it's not Kate. I live for those scenes of her at the swimming hole. :P

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Dude you need a new avatar, twice I've caught myself referring to Hurley as Duey...


Yeah, I must admit that I've caught myself doing that a few times, duey, hurley, huey even!


As for the killing off of Kate. I think they'd do it. After all, they've shown that they have no fear of killing off major characters. Jack was supposed to die in the pilot, and we already lost Boone.

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Check out this nugget I just came across on the NY Post website...


September 2, 2005 -- WALT, the friendly kid with potentially mysterious powers, is missing from this new cast photo of "Lost."

When ABC recently posted the latest press photo to promote the show's second season, Walt (Malcolm David Kelley) was conspicuously absent.


Linky dinky not needed...that's all it says.


Very interesting....very interesting indeed.

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Rerun on Wed. was the Hurley-centric ep; haven't really felt like posting b/c of everything that was going on. Was good to have a distraction and to see this ep again b/c it is a crucial one. Anyone think that Lenny had played or somehow used the numbers, which caused his mental breakdown to the point they were the only thing he barely audibly said. Rousseau had the curse as well b/c she'd written the numbers on that piece of paper. Then there was Lenny's "You let it out of the box!" quote.


Anyone get the thought that Hurley might've been thinking about offing himself to solve the curse, as the woman from Australia had told him? I think he was looking for a final confirmation from Danielle and that's why he seemed so relieved. That it wasn't exclusively his problem/"fault." Loved how it ended with Hurley and Charlie. "Back in the real world, I'm worth 156 million dollars" and Charlie thinks he's pulling his chain. There are some great comedic touches in the show, and they're almost exclusively with these two characters -- probably why we like them so much.


Also noticed that in the Locke reason voiceover ad, there's a little whiff of black smoke that lasts a split second but it's there. If they are going to set up this Reason vs. I don't know what to call it... Science(?) who do you think will seperate into the different camps? The only ones I think might go with Locke would be Jin (who thinks this is a punishment; Sun is tight with Jack, tho, and I don't think she buys Jin's logic) and possibly Michael b/c Locke represents the best chance to get Walt back. Charlie and Claire seem in b/w, but I think would ultimately stay with Jack b/c of the baby, and Claire might trust her vision of Locke with that bloody cradle.

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