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11 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

I've been successfully de-escalating situations for years professionally. Maybe if we forced all police to have a college degree, they would know how too. Instead what you get are a bunch of braindead animals who want to play GI JOE.

I want to defund the police and I don't have any private security. The right always makes the mistake of confusing leftists with liberals. It's a pretty significant one.

A piece of paper from an indoctrination center changes nothing.  I will give you that police training and evaluation needs to change dramatically but integrity and individual responsibility has been systematically removed from the world via the education "system."

Everything we're seeing today is predictable and the result of liberal "thinking". 

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43 minutes ago, Alaska Darin said:

A piece of paper from an indoctrination center changes nothing.  I will give you that police training and evaluation needs to change dramatically but integrity and individual responsibility has been systematically removed from the world via the education "system."

Everything we're seeing today is predictable and the result of liberal "thinking". 

Darin, you‘re going about this all wrong.


You‘ll never be able to reason with a Communist, because they have different values and goals that are incompatible with your own.


They want you dead.


So instead, you simply throw them out of helicopters and let the hard Earth “reason” with them.

As an aside, how tall do you think the pile of Communists would need to be before it started to break the fall of their comrades, and you’d need to start a new pile?

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11 hours ago, Commsvet11 said:

You are a great example of why forcing education on everyone  isn’t always the best solution.


You are educated, but you are also too stupid to realize intelligence isn’t just a letter grade, It comes in many forms.

If only there was an institution that  educated and trained officers that included practical training and bookwork.....


Oh there is. It’s called a Police Academy!


You mean that place where they pump out wanna be GI Joes who mentally peaked in elementary school and socially peaked in high school who spend less time learning about the law than a barber does getting licensed to cut hair? 

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1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

That is a crockofshit statement, unworthy of consideration here. To equate a college degree with the ability to do anything is a ***** farce. The older I get the less I value the teachings of some far Left kook in comparison to real life experiences. You may have a piece of paper that has some value to it but it might just be a piece of paper not even capable of wiping your ass. I've spent more years than I care to count negotiating with people and finding solutions. Never have I thought that I would have done a better job if only I had paid more attention in Psychology 101. Sometimes an Andy Renko is what's needed rather than a Henry Goldblume. You're an idiot.

Ah yes, the death of merit via the praise of anti-intellectualism. I guess when you're a far right extremist, everything appears to be a leftist conspiracy.

Spoiler, the capitalist nature of the higher education system is as right-wing as it gets outside of being a capitalist indoctrination camp. 

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21 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

Ah yes, the death of merit via the praise of anti-intellectualism. I guess when you're a far right extremist, everything appears to be a leftist conspiracy.

Spoiler, the capitalist nature of the higher education system is as right-wing as it gets outside of being a capitalist indoctrination camp. 

So, you are equating merit with getting a degree? You call me a far right extremist because I actually put a high value on life experience and actually learning from it rather than obtaining a piece of paper saying that I attended class and learned to take a test or two? I am not putting down higher education, I'm just giving it a value based on what it alone is worth. 

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19 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

Back on topic

Austin branch of organized terrorist group of police murder Michael Ramos who was unarmed and guilty of no crime.



So your contention that the intelligence they received was meaningless (911 call clearly states they have a gun) and Ramos' lack of compliance with simple orders and then getting into a vehicle and driving off is "just fine?"  What if Ramos had run over someone? 


I'm sorry, but laws mean something and choosing not to follow police officer's orders in that situation doesn't make you a victim.  It makes you an idiot. 


For all you mouth breathers:  This is a single incident I'm referring to.  It in no way means I don't believe we don't need to do something about police training, de-escalation techniques, etc.  But the idea that EVERY police shooting is AUTOMATICALLY the fault of police is just ***** stupid.

35 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

Spoiler, the capitalist nature of the higher education system is as right-wing as it gets outside of being a capitalist indoctrination camp. 

Which is only possible because of guaranteed funds from the left.  Nothing better than screwing the electorate at EVERY turn.

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4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

What life experience do you have about Trump's super spreader rallies? 


Is that a good thing? How many will he kill? 

No matter how hard you try, you can't hijack a thread that doesn't want to be hijacked. I have no experiences going to Trump's rallies, thus I'll not comment but thank you for reminding me of this scene:




SEAN: So if I asked you about art you’d probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo? You know a lot about him. Life’s work, political aspirations, him and the pope, sexual orientation, the whole works, right? But I bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You’ve never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. Seen that.

If I asked you about women you’d probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can’t tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy.

You’re a tough kid. I ask you about war, and you’d probably, uh, throw Shakespeare at me, right? “Once more into the breach, dear friends.” But you’ve never been near one. You’ve never held your best friend’s head in your lap and watched him gasp his last breath, looking to you for help.

And if I asked you about love you probably quote me a sonnet. But you’ve never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone could level you with her eyes. Feeling like! God put an angel on earth just for you…who could rescue you from the depths of hell.

And you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be her angel and to have that love for her to be there forever. Through anything. Through cancer. You wouldn’t know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term "visiting hours" doesn't apply to you. You don’t know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. I doubt you’ve ever dared to love anybody that much.

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Just now, Alaska Darin said:

So your contention that the intelligence they received was meaningless (911 call clearly states they have a gun) and Ramos' lack of compliance with simple orders and then getting into a vehicle and driving off is "just fine?"  What if Ramos had run over someone? 


I'm sorry, but laws mean something and choosing not to follow police officer's orders in that situation doesn't make you a victim.  It makes you an idiot. 


For all you mouth breathers:  This is a single incident I'm referring to.  It in no way means I don't believe we don't need to do something about police training, de-escalation techniques, etc.  But the idea that EVERY police shooting is AUTOMATICALLY the fault of police is just ***** stupid.

He ran after he was shot, likely because he feared for his life, which turned out to be an extremely valid concern given that he was murdered seconds later.

Every country has laws, yet only in the USA and other 3rd world countries do police get to act as judge, jury and executioner of those laws. 

Whataboutism is a game broken by design that I won't play. The fact that the 911 call states he had a gun, when he did not, is all the more reason for cops to not go off half cocked. Fake 911 calls resulting in police shooting someone is not an uncommon event.

In 2017, the Kansas branch of an organized terrorist police group murdered Andrew Finch on his own porch based off of faulty intel. He had no weapon and committed no crime. If their intel is this poor, it should not be trusted and police should not be allowed to fire until fired upon or a bystander's life is in imminent danger.

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18 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

During one of the body camera videos, a police officer can be heard shouting "Hell yeah! Let's get some!" and "Let's get these motherf******" before attempting to apprehend protesters.  



Everyone should have that much enthusiasm for their job!!!

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54 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

Every country has laws, yet only in the USA and other 3rd world countries do police get to act as judge, jury and executioner of those laws.

Prove it.


Your contention that cops should only fire "if fired upon" is completely contrary to your desire to have smart people be cops. 

AGAIN:  COMPLYING WITH A POLICE OFFICER IS PRETTY MUCH NEVER GOING TO GET YOU KILLED.  It's literally that simple.  The rest of your word play is just silly lefty fear-mongering, which is insanely hypocritical given how much power you mental midgets want to cede to the bureaucrats.  Welcome to "reaping what you sow."

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9 minutes ago, Alaska Darin said:

Boy, that would be an experiment I'd love to be involved in.  😁


Don't forget that the bodies wouldn't be of the Comrade Commissars who are trained to sacrifice millions of innocent lives for the cause.

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14 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

I've been successfully de-escalating situations for years professionally. Maybe if we forced all police to have a college degree, they would know how too. Instead what you get are a bunch of braindead animals who want to play GI JOE.

I want to defund the police and I don't have any private security. The right always makes the mistake of confusing leftists with liberals. It's a pretty significant one.

You have got to be kidding me. What in the world would a college degree do a for a Police Officer? You don't think police go through countless hours of detailed training sessions?  If you're an example of someone with a college degree, maybe I should return the two that I earned.

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58 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

You have got to be kidding me. What in the world would a college degree do a for a Police Officer? You don't think police go through countless hours of detailed training sessions?  If you're an example of someone with a college degree, maybe I should return the two that I earned.

Police go through minimal training. You can get a gun and start patrolling in as little as 10 weeks. I would think a degree in criminal justice or a related field would greatly help police officers understand the law, psychology and problem solving techniques that don't involve murder.


2 hours ago, Alaska Darin said:

Prove it.


Your contention that cops should only fire "if fired upon" is completely contrary to your desire to have smart people be cops. 

AGAIN:  COMPLYING WITH A POLICE OFFICER IS PRETTY MUCH NEVER GOING TO GET YOU KILLED.  It's literally that simple.  The rest of your word play is just silly lefty fear-mongering, which is insanely hypocritical given how much power you mental midgets want to cede to the bureaucrats.  Welcome to "reaping what you sow."

Proof that "only in the USA and other 3rd world countries do police get to act as judge, jury and executioner of those laws."




In the rate of numbers of absolute killings by police, the USA ranks #6 in total, and on the per capita count, every single country above them can objectively be described as 3rd world.

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Bull is the most dangerous kind of stupid.  It’s the kind that doesn’t seek to learn.  Rather, googles things that fit his narrative and extends them out as if they were Indisputable facts.  He’s never took part in an actual police academy, or any act of public service that extends into the world he so callously defends from the safety his country provides.  He adds nothing valuable to society, and condemns all who don’t share his full point of view.  He condemns the belief in God and those that offer it up (seriously, while demanding others respect everything he spews!!!).  He’s anti police and military, but gives only surface reasons that are popular among his ilk.  He has not one personal experience of why he is this way, that he has shared which tells you how sturdy the foundation is for his argument.  

He shared far-left numbers and propaganda that has already been shown to be false, and draws comparisons to failed communist states as some sort of beacon on how we should all live.  He represents the most dumbfounding and ignorant of perspectives by applauding police officers being murdered or ambushed, labeling them as “pigs that deserve to die”.  He’s truly a vile person.  The kind that talks a great game, but has nothing on his resume to show for how he came to his conclusions (except for Antifa told me to).  He has no true life experiences on anything he speaks of, or any notion of how he’s positively impacted the world around him.  He would rather sit back and condemn or  judge others for failing to live up to his self-imposed standard that he himself has no intention of upholding.  

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30 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


He wouldn't step out of the car.


Was asked repeatedly, denied vehemently.


This is what I'm talking about. They exercise no skills in de-escalation but rather escalate the situation. Is the suspect a scumbag? Without a doubt, but they also know that having interacted with him in the past directly.

Their process for getting him to comply with what they want is to repeat the same thing at him over and over again, which clearly doesn't work. Not very bright, but not escalating. The suspect is still not at all aggressive.


They then escalate the situation by yelling at him, thinking that'll probably work. It doesn't.
The suspect is still not at all aggressive.

They then escalate more  and threaten him with violence via a taser - when that doesn't work they add yelling
The suspect is still not at all aggressive.

They then escalate again by tasing him

The suspect becomes defensive but doesn't attack

They escalate again by macing him

he still doesn't attack them and pleads for them to stop screaming for help

They mace him again and wrestle him out of the car at which point he shoots them.

If you think that's a great way to get a favorable result, that's the problem. To use it as justification for why police should attack first and ask questions later is beyond ignorance. If you consider yourself a person that always follows the law, and in the event you were accused of not doing so you'd be fully compliant, I can see how you'd take the side of the officers here and just naturally assume that they did everything correctly. Maybe according to the police handbook they did - or maybe they weren't even aggressive enough.

Looking objectively at the situation though where they were in a stop with a person chronically in trouble with the law, I find it mind boggling that they would attempt to use escalating forms of violence and think that they aren't going to end up with a violent result for somebody. They pushed this guy inch by inch to be the worst person he could be.

Nobody had to die there.I'm not going to say that they caused themselves to get shot. After all another person chose to do that to them. However, watching that training in action makes it pretty clear why we're in the situation we are right now with police brutality. 


18 minutes ago, DFT said:

He shared far-left numbers and propaganda that has already been shown to be false, 

I call you a liar. Prove it. Statistics don't care what you believe.

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3 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

He ran after he was shot, likely because he feared for his life, which turned out to be an extremely valid concern given that he was murdered seconds later.


The first shot was a non lethal bean bag. He should have complied with their lawful orders.



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1 minute ago, BullBuchanan said:

This is what I'm talking about. They exercise no skills in de-escalation but rather escalate the situation. Is the suspect a scumbag? Without a doubt, but they also know that having interacted with him in the past directly.

Their process for getting him to comply with what they want is to repeat the same thing at him over and over again, which clearly doesn't work. Not very bright, but not escalating. The suspect is still not at all aggressive.


They then escalate the situation by yelling at him, thinking that'll probably work. It doesn't.
The suspect is still not at all aggressive.

They then escalate more  and threaten him with violence via a taser - when that doesn't work they add yelling
The suspect is still not at all aggressive.

They then escalate again by tasing him

The suspect becomes defensive but doesn't attack

They escalate again by macing him

he still doesn't attack them and pleads for them to stop screaming for help

They mace him again and wrestle him out of the car at which point he shoots them.

If you think that's a great way to get a favorable result, that's the problem. To use it as justification for why police should attack first and ask questions later is beyond ignorance. If you consider yourself a person that always follows the law, and in the event you were accused of not doing so you'd be fully compliant, I can see how you'd take the side of the officers here and just naturally assume that they did everything correctly. Maybe according to the police handbook they did - or maybe they weren't even aggressive enough.

Looking objectively at the situation though where they were in a stop with a person chronically in trouble with the law, I find it mind boggling that they would attempt to use escalating forms of violence and think that they aren't going to end up with a violent result for somebody. They pushed this guy inch by inch to be the worst person he could be.

Nobody had to die there.I'm not going to say that they caused themselves to get shot. After all another person chose to do that to them. However, watching that training in action makes it pretty clear why we're in the situation we are right now with police brutality. 


I call you a liar. Prove it.


I once spent three hours cuffed in the back of a Liberty County, GA's sherriff's car for expired tags while I was in the Army.


Complied, and I'm alive here today. All I lost in the transaction was three hours of my life.


Had this guy done the same, he wouldn't be getting the chair soon.




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1 minute ago, Joe in Winslow said:


I once spent three hours cuffed in the back of a Liberty County, GA's sherriff's car for expired tags while I was in the Army.


Complied, and I'm alive here today. All I lost in the transaction was three hours of my life.


Had this guy done the same, he wouldn't be getting the chair soon.




Good for you. Unfortunate for others that don't share your good fortune.

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Just now, BullBuchanan said:

They should have more selective recruiting and better training so that they don't murder innocent people.


He should have had better upbringing, not doing meth in a parking lot and obey lawful orders from police officers.


When you resist arrest and try to flee and get shot it's not murder


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Just now, Joe in Winslow said:


It's your God-given right to be wrong, and you're exercising it to the fullest in this thread.


Has a jury in the land ever sentenced a man to death for resisting arrest? What gives a cop that right?

I think people forget who pays the bills around here. For a bunch of so called libertarians, you guys are sure in a hurry to bow to the whim of authority.

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Just now, BullBuchanan said:

Has a jury in the land ever sentenced a man to death for resisting arrest? What gives a cop that right?

I think people forget who pays the bills around here. For a bunch of so called libertarians, you guys are sure in a hurry to bow to the whim of authority.


Who said I was a libertarian?


I used to be. But I'm not a member of the libertine party any more.


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12 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

The suspect is still not at all aggressive.



His lack of compliance is aggression. The law is on their side.



5 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

Has a jury in the land ever sentenced a man to death for resisting arrest? What gives a cop that right?


The law.

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7 minutes ago, Gary M said:


His lack of compliance is aggression. The law is on their side.



You fail to understand that I'm also putting the law on trial.

The murder of Daniel Shaver resulted in the acquittal of the murdering officer. It doesn't change that it was murder.



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12 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:

Apparently, they've got the guy who shot the LA County sherriffs surrounded in a barricaded house.


May God have mercy on him, because the LAPD won't.



The NBA will no doubt be holding a moment of silence for this POS if he shows up with ruffled hair.

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8 minutes ago, LB3 said:

The NBA will no doubt be holding a moment of silence for this POS if he shows up with ruffled hair.


It's the reason why the ratings are falling so rapidly for pro sports in general. 


Don't insult the audience would be rule #1 about your fans.

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