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The Sham Impeachment Inquiry & Whistleblower Saga: A Race to Get Ahead of the OIG

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And how can reciting facts, not threats, be intimidation? 


Right... it can't. Unless you've already made up your mind about ORANGE MAN BAD! 




This is already a disaster for the left -- then Trump comes in and gives them a lifeline. They'll take it, thinking it helps them, when all it does is drag this out more which helps 45 in the end. 


Games on games on games.

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13 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:




Witness intimidation? It's called doing the job our supposed 'free and unbiased press' is supposed to do. 


A witness the Democrats call - The press rolls over and accepts everything they say at face value.

A witness the Republicans call - The press says something like 'well you have to remember back in 2003 it was reported this witness kicked a puppy and parked in a handicap parking spot illegally. How can we take anything they say seriously'.

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Correct -- which would mean Trump would win again. 


These hearings are helping his 2020 efforts far more than they're injuring it to this point. And little moves like this only assure Schiff continues to chase the roadrunner. 

I agree but only for those people who actually follow this shitt. The MSM tells a different story designed for the uneducated masses. Schiffs maneuvers aren't designed for the courtroom but for public opinion and as long as we have people unaware of what is really going on and a MSM to push it, we'll be in a fight.

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The Impeachment Antics 
Are All Smoke and Mirrors

by Adriana Cohen


Original Article



While Democrats pretend to care about stopping foreign interference into our elections to preserve the integrity of our democracy, they conveniently turn a blind eye to their own election meddling.


The rest of us can see with our own eyes. First, it was the #RussiaHoax manufactured by a cabal of anti-Trump foes: former FBI Director James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan and others who took Democrat-funded opposition research -- sourced from Russia and an ex-British spy -- and used the "unverified and salacious" dossier to trigger multiple criminal investigations into Donald Trump and his associates to stop him from getting elected.


more at the link 


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Breaking: White Releases Transcript of April Ukraine Call, Shows No Pre-Conditions for Meeting.


 “Testimony from the Democrats’ witnesses has suggested that a White House meeting was predicated on Zelensky making a public anti-corruption statement, which many saw as part of the so-called quid pro quo.” Of course, the Democrats’ witnesses weren’t on the call, and were reporting hearsay piled on hearsay.



Impeachment Day One:
Two Hearsay Witnesses 
Outraged by Gossip

by Adam Mill


Original Article


If you were lost in the maze of hearsay and speculation during the first day of the impeachment inquiry, you can certainly be forgiven for your confusion. The sharp contrast between the vague stream of guesses and characterizations on the one hand and the melodramatic expressions of alarm and concern on the other, as expressed by U.S. Representative Adam Schiff’s (D-Calif.) marquee witnesses, was disconcerting. Acting Ambassador William Taylor and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent were the two main actors in this schizophrenic display. Throughout the performance,


Republican lawmakers repeatedly made the point that neither witness had any first-hand knowledge of the events they described. Instead, these “witnesses” offered


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LAUGHABLE: Ari Fleischer calls Adam ‘witness denier’ Schiff out in a YUGE way for accusing Trump of ‘witness intimidation’

Adam Schiff is truly his own worst enemy. From making up dialogue that didn’t actually transpire to reading Trump’s tweets during the impeachment hearing to prove he’s trying to intimidate witnesses (it’s Twitter, Schiff-Head), the dude has done so much damage to himself and his cause.


But by all means, Democrats, keep him right where he is.


We’re not sure the Trump campaign could come up with a better ad campaign than just showing clips of Schiff-For-Brains making a total douche of himself over and over again during this so-called investigation.


Ari Fleischer let Dip-Schiff have it:


More at the link 




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6 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:




If Schiff hadn't read the tweet into the record, then it would have been impossible for her to have been intimidated about it.

Also, she, in her answer responding to the tweet, didn't sound too scared.



5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

And now Schiff won't let Stefanik speak. 


Even though the Majority did this during the first 45. 


Schiff is full of Schiff. 


And some people who come around here think this is a laudable process.  Stefanik will eventually get to vote on articles.  Shouldn't she fully inform herself?



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