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Wacko Jacko near baknrupt and possibly suicidal?

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*** WARNING ***Link to FOX News.  Liberals take necessary precautions.  Tin Foil hats, V-Chip, etc



Honestly, and I mean this in a sincere way, I hope he just offs himself. The world would be better off.


Hey Michael, you won't pull the trigger ... you child molesting bastard --- alledgely.

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Honestly, and I mean this in a sincere way, I hope he just offs himself. The world would be better off.


Hey Michael, you won't pull the trigger ... you child molesting bastard --- alledgely.



He doesn't have the balls to off himself. And anyway, he'll be imprisoned in some cushy celebrity "jail" somewhere. POS. :blink:

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Honestly, and I mean this in a sincere way, I hope he just offs himself. The world would be better off.


Hey Michael, you won't pull the trigger ... you child molesting bastard --- alledgely.




Isn't that a terribly uncompassionate thing to express?

Why would the world be better off if he killed himself? How is your world affected by him? He's nothing more than an entertainer who only enters your life as an occasional news headline. For that you want him to kill himself?


His elevator doesn't go to the top floor, but why would you wish him (or anyone) harm? I have to wonder if he wasn't a molestation victim by his father or other adult figure during his rise to stardom as a child. I can almost imagine his overly ambitious father allowing some pervert promotor or nightclub owner to have a private night with little 10 year old Michael.


If MichaelJackson is guilty of the crimes he's now accused of, he should pay the price, but that doesn't mean I wish he felt so terrible that he could kill himself? He's really a sad, pathetic figure who should be getting your prayers, not your wishes for further pain.


I've thought about it in the past, and always hoped MJ would live to a ripe old age.

It's the only way he can avoid martyr status and be glorified following death. Think about Elvis, Monroe, Cobain, etc. - All self-destructive individuals who were human beings and nothing more. But their untimely deaths have kept them forever young in some fan's minds.


If Jackson suddenly died, he would be an icon for generations to come. Elvis Presley has attained Christ-like status to children who weren't even born when he died. The myth is bigger than the person ever was. These half-baked pilgrims go to Graceland on his death date anniversary and cry for him. HOW CAN THEY MISS SOMEONE WHO NEVER EXISTED IN THEIR LIFETIME!!!!?


Elvis didn't have more than maybe 3 or 4 big hits over the last 15 years of his life. In his final years, he was living off the reputation he cultivated in the pre-army days. In a similar pattern, Jackson had the huge hit Thriller album and videos, but has done with any artistic relevance since then. I believe he had huge cash advances and he's actually lost money on the last couple of releases. I think he still owes Sony some money.


If Jackson died some tragic death today, you'd see more of him than ever on every anniversary, etc. There's probably be a whole cottage industry devoted to Michael Jackson imitators. IS that what you really want?!?!?


Long live Michael Jackson.

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Isn't that a terribly uncompassionate thing to express?


Nah, I really hope he offs himself and I know I'm not the only one.


Why would the world be better off if he killed himself? How is your world affected by him? He's nothing more than an entertainer who only enters your life as an occasional news headline. For that you want him to kill himself?


I'm just saying, if he wants to do it, he should. You know Michael can't go to jail and live away from his sick fantasy world.


It's a shame when molesters like Michael get to live and poor guys like Urkle died suddenly.

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Isn't that a terribly uncompassionate thing to express?

Why would the world be better off if he killed himself? How is your world affected by him? He's nothing more than an entertainer who only enters your life as an occasional news headline. For that you want him to kill himself?


His elevator doesn't go to the top floor, but why would you wish him (or anyone) harm? I have to wonder if he wasn't a molestation victim by his father or other adult figure during his rise to stardom as a child. I can almost imagine his overly ambitious father allowing some pervert promotor or nightclub owner to have a private night with little 10 year old Michael.


If MichaelJackson is guilty of the crimes he's now accused of, he should pay the price, but that doesn't mean I wish he felt so terrible that he could kill himself?  He's really a sad, pathetic figure who should be getting your prayers, not your wishes for further pain.


I've thought about it in the past, and always hoped MJ would live to a ripe old age.

It's the only way he can avoid martyr status and be glorified following death. Think about Elvis, Monroe, Cobain, etc.  - All self-destructive individuals who were human beings and nothing more. But their untimely deaths have kept them forever young in some fan's minds.


If Jackson suddenly died, he would be an icon for generations to come. Elvis Presley has attained Christ-like status to children who weren't even born when he died. The myth is bigger than the person ever was. These half-baked pilgrims go to Graceland on his death date anniversary and cry for him.  HOW CAN THEY MISS SOMEONE WHO NEVER EXISTED IN THEIR LIFETIME!!!!?


Elvis didn't have more than maybe 3 or 4 big hits over the last 15 years of his life. In his final years, he was living off the reputation he cultivated in the pre-army days. In a similar pattern, Jackson had the huge hit Thriller album and videos, but has done with any artistic relevance since then. I believe he had huge cash advances and he's actually lost money on the last couple of releases. I think he still owes Sony some money.


If Jackson died some tragic death today, you'd see more of him than ever on every anniversary, etc.  There's probably be a whole cottage industry devoted to Michael Jackson imitators. IS that what you really want?!?!?


Long live Michael Jackson.


Now we're comparing celebrity drug addicts to celebrity child molesters. Good times.

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Nah, I really hope he offs himself and I know I'm not the only one.

I'm just saying, if he wants to do it, he should. You know Michael can't go to jail and live away from his sick fantasy world.


It's a shame when molesters like Michael get to live and poor guys like Urkle died suddenly.



Urkel offed himself???




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His elevator doesn't go to the top floor, but why would you wish him (or anyone) harm? I have to wonder if he wasn't a molestation victim by his father or other adult figure during his rise to stardom as a child. I can almost imagine his overly ambitious father allowing some pervert promotor or nightclub owner to have a private night with little 10 year old Michael.


I'd be willing to bet something like this will come out eventually. He was never allowed to have a childhood. Probably explains why he's been regressing as an adult.

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