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The LA Rams 2017 Turnaround


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On 11/17/2017 at 4:15 AM, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

who follows the rams?

I follow by Fantasy Team!

4 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:

This isn't a one-year turnaround. It's a team that's been putting together very good personnel for a while now.


They have drafted really well the past few years. Were generally considered a QB away from competing for the Super Bowl. Has coaching helped make Goff look much better? Yeah, absolutely. Has Goff's second-year improvement made the coaches look much better too? Yup, without question.

Not to mention they have the Best DT in the league on their team...Guy has 3 sacks and would have had more if not the coach sitting him down after the 3rd quarter.

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19 hours ago, Jay_Fixit said:

The Rams.


Were they on last years team?


Really simple question.


Really simple.

jeebus dude he's giving credit to McVay for improving the talent on the roster. Something he also could have done the offseason 2 years ago if he were the head coach then instead of Jeff Fisher. 


Because McVay > Fisher, get it? McVay is a good coach because he turned last year's Rams into this year's Rams.

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2 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:

Must hurt to see so many bills players do better on other teams. You can add TT to the list next year. 



....can't hate the lad for trying....if he lands elsewhere and succeeds in a new environment with proper coaching designing a system that fits him, so be it....who the hell would want him to fail?....

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