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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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Here's the opposing view and this is my opinion. Trump wanted to go into office hoping to develop a better working relationship with Putin like Bush and Obama did at the start of their terms. The intelligent agencies


"Intelligence agencies."


There are no intelligent agencies.

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Here's the opposing view and this is my opinion. Trump wanted to go into office hoping to develop a better working relationship with Putin like Bush and Obama did at the start of their terms. The intelligent agencies along with Congress wanted to make sure that didn't happen. As far as Trump being "pro Putin", you don't speak ill of somebody you're about to negotiate with. Trump's mindset at the time (and probably still is) in his own words was, "Wouldn't it be great if we got along with Russia?"


As far as Manafort goes, I believe that Trump's campaign was so chaotic and inexperienced they never bothered to vet Manafort. Either that or they didn't care about his Russia connections because they knew he'd be gone shortly after the convention. Your argument would hold more water if Trump was an experienced politician who expected to make it that far in the Republican primaries.


The main question I have is why would Manafort take the chance and join Trump's campaign knowing this could be the end result?



This has never been about collusion, it's always been about the USIC and MiC's agenda and budgets.



"Intelligence agencies."


There are no intelligent agencies.



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Here's the opposing view and this is my opinion. Trump wanted to go into office hoping to develop a better working relationship with Putin like Bush and Obama did at the start of their terms. The intelligent agencies along with Congress wanted to make sure that didn't happen. As far as Trump being "pro Putin", you don't speak ill of somebody you're about to negotiate with. Trump's mindset at the time (and probably still is) in his own words was, "Wouldn't it be great if we got along with Russia?"


As far as Manafort goes, I believe that Trump's campaign was so chaotic and inexperienced they never bothered to vet Manafort. Either that or they didn't care about his Russia connections because they knew he'd be gone shortly after the convention. Your argument would hold more water if Trump was an experienced politician who expected to make it that far in the Republican primaries.


The main question I have is why would Manafort take the chance and join Trump's campaign knowing this could be the end result?

Trump the strategic geopolitical thinker? Please! Trump cares about Trump, he can care less about the United States and its foreign policy. Look at the condition of the state department.


Putin and Trump are tied together somehow. Manafort's ties to the region could very well be a mirror image of Trump's.


If you run with the dogs you get fleas



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Just now, B-Man said:


This whole 'investigation' is bullsh*T


Well, that's assuming the target for the investigation hasn't shifted more towards K-Street... 


Total, complete and absolute speculation but one thing about the "he's wearing a wire" angle bumps me. I can see him wearing a wire to get close to Trump associates, that makes sense. But it makes no sense to do so in order to get Trump. You can't get close to a sitting president while wearing a wire, I imagine it's darn next to impossible...

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19 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Well, that's assuming the target for the investigation hasn't shifted more towards K-Street... 


Total, complete and absolute speculation but one thing about the "he's wearing a wire" angle bumps me. I can see him wearing a wire to get close to Trump associates, that makes sense. But it makes no sense to do so in order to get Trump. You can't get close to a sitting president while wearing a wire, I imagine it's darn next to impossible...

And probably 100% illegal for very good reason.

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U.S. investigators are focusing on an enduring mystery of the 2016 election: whether Trump campaign officials made the Republican Party platform more friendly to Russia as part of some broader effort to collude with the Kremlin, according to congressional records and people familiar with the probes.

Congressional investigators have interviewed ex-Donald Trump aides and advisers including J.D. Gordon, the national security policy representative at last year’s GOP convention, about the campaign’s push to remove proposed language from the 2016 Republican platform that called for giving weapons to Ukraine. People involved with crafting the platform also were expecting interest from special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, such as witness interviews or producing documents, some of those sources said.




Key evidence of collusion 

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James V. Grimaldi
Shane Harris and 
Aruna Viswanatha

Nov. 10, 2017 5:33 a.m. ET


WASHINGTON—Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating an alleged plan involving former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars, according to people familiar with the investigation.




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Putin is upset! Oh my! 

Guilty people act guilty 


President Trump says he was once again reassured by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow did not engage in election meddling while the two had a brief interaction on the sidelines of the APEC summit on Saturday. “You can only ask so many times... he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One. The Russian president seemed “very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country,” Trump said. The president said he had “two or three” brief chats with Putin in the Vietnamese port city of Da Nang. “He (Putin) said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again,” Trump said. He did not directly address whether he believes Putin’s assertions but said he “really” believes “that when he tells me that he means it.” The comments come days after special counsel Robert Mueller’s team produced its first indictments in the ongoing Russia investigation. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and his business partner Rick Gates were hit with charges in connection with the probe last month.



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DANANG, Vietnam — President Trump said on Saturday that he believed President Vladimir V. Putin was sincere in his repeated denials of interference in the 2016 presidential elections, calling the investigations into Moscow’s meddling a politically motivated “hit job” that is hindering cooperation with Russia on life-or-death issues.


“He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again,” Mr. Trump told reporters traveling with him aboard Air Force One. “You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did."


“Every time he sees me he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. He says, ‘I didn’t do that.’ I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country.”

Trump 1974: "Nixon said that he absolutely was not a crook, so they should shut down the fake news Watergate investigation."


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The three people who created the false "Russian hacked the election" narrative are all known and proven liars. 


But they're being forthright about this one... right, guys?! :lol:

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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