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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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Oh dear!



The legal team representing former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn has notified President Donald Trump’s own lawyers that they will no longer discuss the investigation currently being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller, the New York Times reports. The end of Flynn’s legal cooperation with the president’s team indicates that Flynn may be cooperating with prosecutors, or negotiating doing so. Flynn’s defense team had been sharing information related to the investigations with Trump’s lawyers, but recently terminated the agreement. Mueller has been tasked with leading a broadening investigation into Russian interference with the U.S. presidential election in 2016, and examining allegations of collusion between the Russian government and Trump’s campaign and allies.


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As he investigates Trump´s aides, Robert Mueller´s record shows surprising flaws
Los Angeles Times, by David Willman


Original Article


When he was named special counsel in May, Robert S. Mueller III was hailed as the ideal lawman — deeply experienced, strait-laced and nonpartisan — to investigate whether President Trump’s campaign had helped with Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.


The accolades squared with Mueller’s valor as a Marine rifle platoon commander in Vietnam and his integrity as a federal prosecutor, senior Justice Department official and FBI director from 2001 to 2013 — the longest tenure since J. Edgar Hoover’s. He was praised by former courtroom allies and opponents, and by Democrats and Republicans in Congress.


But at 73, Mueller has a record that shows a man of fallible judgment who can be slow to alter his chosen course. At times, he has intimidated or provoked resentment among subordinates. And his tenacious yet linear approach to evaluating evidence led him to fumble the biggest U.S. terrorism investigation since 9/11.


Now, as he leads a sprawling investigation aimed at the White House, Mueller's prosecutorial discretion looms over the Trump presidency.


On what terms would Mueller offer immunity from prosecution to investigative targets? How broadly will he interpret his mandate to look into not only the 2016 campaign but also matters that "may arise directly from the investigation"?


Will he target Trump's sprawling family business and financial empire and the years before the developer ran for the White House?





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2 hours ago, Nanker said:

Does it really matter? POTUS could pardon anyone for anything.


that's usually a last resort or someone gave $1,000 to Bill Clinton's campaigns


for $2,500 Bill arranged an Arlington burial plot for someone who didn't serve.



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13 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

A year long fishing trip with no fish caught, only an old rubber boot and gator's long lost dildo were snagged.


I posed some of this in the Trump Russia thread but it's worth restating here... it's sure starting to look like it's possible Mueller's "fishing trip" has much less to do with Trump specifically as it does with corruption in general on K-Street.


This is still speculation (wild even) but there are a lot of signs that it's headed that way. A first clear sign is in how the media is covering Mueller. This past weekend/today in the MSM there has been a sudden shift to anti-Mueller stories, perhaps because they realize now (too late) where this investigation is and isn't going. The Washington Post, the LAT and Newsweek all just ran negative Mueller stories over the past few days... 








Then of course there is this question, which has been bugging me since it went down and was the basis of my post in the Trump Russia thread:


Why would Trump meet with Mueller after Comey's firing and before the special counsel was announced? Mueller met with both White House officials and the DOJ in the interim period... why? The meeting with the DOJ makes sense, they were preparing to select him as special counsel... but why the White House? 


This is an important question to ask and do your own digging on. Reports at the time said it was because Mueller was on a "secret" short list to be the head of the FBI... which can't be the case considering Mueller cannot legally be considered for the position: 


NPR Quote:

President Barack Obama asked Mueller to continue to serve for two more years past the director's normal 10-year term, a move that required Congress to pass special legislation. Congress cited "the critical need for continuity and stability at the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the face of ongoing threats to the United States and leadership transitions at the Federal agencies charged with protecting national security."


That law stated that lawmakers had made a one-time exception and made it clear that Mueller "may not serve as Director after September 4, 2013."




Second source on the White House meeting:



What could they have been discussing? 

Image result for trump shrug gif


Who else met with Trump under odd circumstances? 



Why is that timing significant?

How does that timing line up with the FISA warrants on Trump's team? 

How did the previous administration feel about MR? 

Why is that important?


... Oh, does anyone know what branch of service Mueller served in before he became an attorney? 

Who else served in that branch in the cabinet? 

Who was the only head of the IC Trump retained? What branch does he represent? 


The answers to those questions starts to paint a potentially very different picture of Mueller's investigation.


Bottom line is this: Something smells funny, things are not what they seem. 


I'm thinking this isn't going to break the way people are expecting:

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3 minutes ago, row_33 said:

so it's unanimous on here, nothing of substance has been found after wasting tons of money and time for a year now





You forgot the indictment and guilty plea...................................that have nothing to do with Donald Trump or the 2016 election...:lol:



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27 minutes ago, row_33 said:

so it's unanimous on here, nothing of substance has been found after wasting tons of money and time for a year now



I think you can make the case that something of substance has been found - otherwise the Podesta Group wouldn't have imploded. The lobbyists and the dirty foreign money are (possibly) being targeted - which would be a boon to the country regardless of your political affiliation (if it's true). 


It just hasn't produced anything of substance in terms of collusion between Trump and Russia. Yet. 


We'll find out soon enough. But I wouldn't say it's been a waste of money and time if the real target of the investigation has shifted to the K-Street rats.

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I think you can make the case that something of substance has been found - otherwise the Podesta Group wouldn't have imploded. The lobbyists and the dirty foreign money are (possibly) being targeted - which would be a boon to the country regardless of your political affiliation (if it's true). 


It just hasn't produced anything of substance in terms of collusion between Trump and Russia. Yet. 


We'll find out soon enough. But I wouldn't say it's been a waste of money and time if the real target of the investigation has shifted to the K-Street rats.

Don’t forget that the Clinton Foundation closed its doors because the funding dried up. 

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