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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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1 minute ago, gatorbait said:

All the deep state, hezbollah cocaine **** aside, the public perceived the Obamas to be pretty good people.


Yeah. Treason, illegal spying, and helping a group which kills American for sport import drugs into this country... just put that aside and THEN you see Obama is a good guy. 


That's because people have been LIED TO. For years. By the people they were told to trust the most. 


Give me a break, Tibs. Go back to your other account. 


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2 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

The memo is not a silver bullet, it's the beginning of a long look down a dark tunnel which needs to be illuminated, which will exonerate President Trump, and implicate many big state actors. 


However, for political reasons the release cannot come from Trump.  Is has to come through other channels.


I agree with this.

If the memo is legit, and if the whole mess is provable (still two really big "ifs"), then Trump can't come out and step on everyone's neck and kick them in the head.  If he does that, then everyone who screamed "Authoritarian Regime" will appear to be correct.  It just wouldn't be politically wise. 


He's be better off releasing it in drips and controlling the flow of information to keep his opponents (both Dems and Republicans) at bay.  First, punish the Democrats before the midterms, then use the info to stave off impeachment (if the midterms go poorly) and gain re-election.  Not that I support any particular course of action, just my two cents.


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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Yeah. Treason, illegal spying, and helping a group which kills American for sport import drugs into this country... just put that aside and THEN you see Obama is a good guy. 


That's because people have been LIED TO. For years. By the people they were told to trust the most. 


Give me a break, Tibs. Go back to your other account. 


Wow you get triggered easily. Eat a fat dick. I said the public thought the Obamas were generally good people. Not a lot of people dabble in the crazy **** you do so excuse their ignorance. 

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Just now, Cugalabanza said:


Richard Jenkins would be on gaitorman's side though.  Just sayin'.


:beer: He would. But even he would be tired of him switching accounts to get a rise out of people. It's clear every time he does it. Tibs gets strings of posts without a response then suddenly, poof - there's gatorbait trying to sound different - yet falling back on the same tired antics and insults. He's a waste of an account. 

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5 minutes ago, gatorbait said:

Where is ground zero if you don’t mind me asking, California?


All the deep state, hezbollah cocaine **** aside, the public perceived the Obamas to be pretty good people. Today, I don’t think many people look at the Trumps as good people or deserving respect. That could have something to do with it.


Honestly, my life hasn’t changed at all, I’m actually going to get a raise and lower taxes so I don’t understand why people waste their time hating Dotard Donnie. 

In many ways I judge a person in how they treat other people. Back in 2013 we had a government shutdown and Obama did his mightiest to weaponized it and make it as miserable on people as possible. Obviously he wanted to maximize the political ramifications for the R's, believing that they would get the blame for the shutdown. In this latest shutdown Trump truly sought to minimize any affects on people. Trump certainly has his rough edges but what matters is what he does, not what he says.

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


:beer: He would. But even he would be tired of him switching accounts to get a rise out of people. It's clear every time he does it. Tibs gets strings of posts without a response then suddenly, poof - there's gatorbait trying to sound different - yet falling back on the same tired antics and insults. He's a waste of an account. 

You’re an idiot.

6 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

In many ways I judge a person in how they treat other people. Back in 2013 we had a government shutdown and Obama did his mightiest to weaponized it and make it as miserable on people as possible. Obviously he wanted to maximize the political ramifications for the R's, believing that they would get the blame for the shutdown. In this latest shutdown Trump truly sought to minimize any affects on people. Trump certainly has his rough edges but what matters is what he does, not what he says.

I can’t argue with any of that. Trump’s policies are a lot easier to take than his tweets or what comes out of his mouth. I love a strong military and economy, but if we could just fix education and infrastructure too America would truly be back to being great. 

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32 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




Love the comments...



And I wonder if Schiff realizes that the request to release the memo includes the request yo release the supporting documents?

Replying to @nameredacted5 @LRarey and

Libs are not known for their intelligence.

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Just now, gatorbait said:

Where is ground zero if you don’t mind me asking, California?


All the deep state, hezbollah cocaine **** aside, the public perceived the Obamas to be pretty good people. Today, I don’t think many people look at the Trumps as good people or deserving respect. That could have something to do with it.


Honestly, my life hasn’t changed at all, I’m actually going to get a raise and lower taxes so I don’t understand why people waste their time hating Dotard Donnie. 


I'm on the East Coast end of ground zero.


TDS started very early for the opposition and went off the charts after the election.  Plus, it was always personal against Trump.  That's why no matter how good things get in his Presidency, they will never acknowledge it because it's associated with Trump.    ODS was never at this level, and most of the criticism was about his leadership & lack of accomplishments.  Only racists had a personal dislike of Obama & family.


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11 minutes ago, gatorbait said:

You’re an idiot.

I can’t argue with any of that. Trump’s policies are a lot easier to take than his tweets or what comes out of his mouth. I love a strong military and economy, but if we could just fix education and infrastructure too America would truly be back to being great. 

Fixing education may not mean we need more money. D.C. schools are some of the worst but have nearly the most spent per student. In order to spend more money on the military and infrastructure we needed to get the economy going again. He knows what he is doing.

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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


That was rather homophobic...

You’re joking or being sarcastic right? This is PPP.... the Sparta of message boards. 

Just now, 3rdnlng said:

Fixing education may not mean we need more money. D.C. schools are some of the worst but have nearly the most spent per student. In order to spend more money on the military and infrastructure we needed to get the economy going again. He knows what he is doing.

I wasn’t saying Trump is responsible for fixing everything, just that those two things should get more of our budget. Over 600 billion on defense, more than the next 7 countries combined, just seems a little too high to me. Maybe throw 50 billion of that to teachers or infrastructure projects. 

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1 minute ago, gatorbait said:

You’re joking or being sarcastic right? This is PPP.... the Sparta of message boards. 


What, in my extensive history of posting sarcastic jokes, makes you think I'm not completely serious and triggered and ****?



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