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[closed]Raiders in Vegas. Yay? or Nay?

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As a Bills fan who really cares, but don't forget Ralph helped the Raiders with money at one point so there


is sorta an odd connection with the silver and black. Seems like the NFL preaches about being all about family/community etc,


but when there is a chance to make huge money (only a chance..it may not work) they move one of the storied


teams in the league. I don't really respect Terry P. for voting on it. I understand there is a chance to make big money, but it just feels weird. I know its hard to really care, but curious if any of


you have any thoughts.

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If I weren't a Bills fan I'd definitely be a Las Vegas Raiders fan. The move just makes too much damn sense for the team. I'm not usually a supporter of franchises moving, but Mark Davis made the only play that he had left. His team was dead last in revenue generated. That doesn't improve without a new stadium. Oakland simply wasn't going to make that happen. So why not let Las Vegas pay for the majority of a new stadium for your team? It sucks, but that's the reality of the business side of the NFL. I think the Raiders will thrive in Vegas.

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