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[closed]Should the Bills draft Watson or Cahomes which do you prefer

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What do pats "fans" even discuss on their online forums? Punting?

I have a mental picture of it being like the SNL Chicago Bears super fan skits minus the football knowledge and likable fans.

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I have a mental picture of it being like the SNL Chicago Bears super fan skits minus the football knowledge and likable fans.


God I loved those skits. One of my favorites was when (Norm from Cheers, idk the actors name) was tiptoeing a line on the street as he adorned a Bears/Chargers jersey he combined with the glue like strength of Nacho Cheese. This was when Ditka left Chicago and he was lost in the transition. Too funny...

SNL has really fallen off the map. I've been trying to give it another chance but damn.

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Sure I like Cahones but not as much as I like Glitch Mywhiskey and I hear lots of good things about Dayone Rizer. I'd stay away from Bad Kaarma though, he seems too unlucky for me. Nathan Betterman is my sleeper pick and for nostalgic reasons, I would be happy if we could nab Rad "future inmate" Kelly in the later rounds.

That actually was funny to me

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Mine makes the 20th post in this thread. Far too many for any reasonable person to read through. Shall I start a new one? I'll title it "IBM's Watson or The Ramones, which QB would YOU take at 10, and why?"

See, if I emphasize YOU it's an entirely different thread, right...

All this reading is getting me dizzy. I wish there was an option to jump to a page of my choice or even to the end of the thread.

God I loved those skits. One of my favorites was when (Norm from Cheers, idk the actors name) was tiptoeing a line on the street as he adorned a Bears/Chargers jersey he combined with the glue like strength of Nacho Cheese. This was when Ditka left Chicago and he was lost in the transition. Too funny...

SNL has really fallen off the map. I've been trying to give it another chance but damn.

If you want a laugh check out the old SCTV videos Great one was half wits. Youtube it. You will love it
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Could you even imagine what would happen if the bills already had a legit franchise QB? The thread total on this board would go from like 1000 to 5.


What do pats "fans" even discuss on their online forums? Punting?

What kind of pipe tobbaco they smoke and if they should wear white after labour day

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