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GOP mulls national right to work law...Because they love you


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Despite millions spent in opposition, this occurred yesterday.


Right to Work passes Mo. House, sent to Gov. Greitens | KSDK.com

12 hours ago




Republican gains in state legislatures across the country will mean more right-to-work laws (RTW) are coming – and this is great for young workers.

RTW gives employees a choice to join a union or not. States without RTW laws allow some job sectors to force employees into union memberships and pay union dues whether they want to or not. These dues go to pay union bosses who can make up to six figures and also go to support political candidates – almost always Democrats.

RTW simply gives an employee a choice whether or not they wish to join a union.

Millennial workers have good reason not to join a union. Major union organizations place priority on job tenure over job performance. If downsizing is necessary, unions look to cut the least tenured workers – even if they happen to be the best at their job.

Millennials have nothing to gain by contributing to such an arrangement.


Edited by B-Man
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Hey Nut...look on the bright side. The income of union workers can go up over $2K a year now that they're not forced to give that money to the union. So some of them will actually get a raise!


Plus, it's always been a liberal demand to get big business money out of political campaigns. Buy reducing the amount that unions are able to shake down from employees, this definitely helps reduce the role that big companies like SEIU plays in getting people elected.


Sounds like a great idea. You should be thrilled with it.


Oh, wait. Let me guess. How can we help the average working joe if we can't force him to belong to our group and pay us money to have a job?


Yeah. Shoulda known.


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It is an empirical fact that right to work state workers make 3.2% less or $1500 less per year.


This should be interesting and put Trump at odds with the neoliberal recalcitrant GOP old guard.




From BLS:




Total employer compensation costs for private industry workers averaged $32.27 per hour worked in September 2016. Total employer compensation costs for state and local government workers averaged $45.93 per hour worked in September 2016.

Private industry workers make almost 30% less than state and local government workers making the 3.2% a bit of a joke.

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Every time a liberal screams, ten more people vote Trump in 2020.

i wish it was that true. north carolina is a microcosm of what will happen. in 2012 when mcrory was elected the press and national collective of democrats focused their phazers on mccrory. from fake news to sensationalism to everything we see going on with trump currently.


i think there will be too much against trump in the retarded masses of this country that we will end up going back to the D in 2020 and it will likely have to be a more centralized d to take the middle ground voters from the right. there aren't many options for that - booker? hillary again!? who?

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i wish it was that true. north carolina is a microcosm of what will happen. in 2012 when mcrory was elected the press and national collective of democrats focused their phazers on mccrory. from fake news to sensationalism to everything we see going on with trump currently.


i think there will be too much against trump in the retarded masses of this country that we will end up going back to the D in 2020 and it will likely have to be a more centralized d to take the middle ground voters from the right. there aren't many options for that - booker? hillary again!? who?




I think there is a "real talk" generation coming up, that will add to the ranks on the Right. The Progressives are full of ****.

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lol. the cycle of partisan wet dreams never ends


the right will rule for a long time. oh wait its the left that will perpetually win. oh hey now im sure the right has the stranglehold


the country has changed forever! no im sure this time!

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lol. the cycle of partisan wet dreams never ends


the right will rule for a long time. oh wait its the left that will perpetually win. oh hey now im sure the right has the stranglehold


the country has changed forever! no im sure this time!

they're both the same thing, you nitwit.




I think there is a "real talk" generation coming up, that will add to the ranks on the Right. The Progressives are full of ****.

the real talk generation is too young to vote and yet to be indoctrinated in the school system farce we have and the incredible colleges we support.


those 15-25 now are so fully caught up in the rights of everyone that they forget their own rights and those whom are not marching and crying.

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lol. the cycle of partisan wet dreams never ends


the right will rule for a long time. oh wait its the left that will perpetually win. oh hey now im sure the right has the stranglehold


the country has changed forever! no im sure this time!


The only way either party ever gets that much control is if they outlaw the other party.


And I expect someone's going to try that in my lifetime. Probably the Democrats, trying to get the Republican Party outlawed as a hate group.

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The only way either party ever gets that much control is if they outlaw the other party.


And I expect someone's going to try that in my lifetime. Probably the Democrats, trying to get the Republican Party outlawed as a hate group.



And then the snowflakes will change the American flag to just be a white cloth with a picture of a puppy and a can of Play-doh.

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