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Why we will beat the Patriots this Sunday...by 10 pts

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I refuse to get into a football debate with the Pats fan. Don't get me wrong, I despise the Patriots. We are 15 years plus with no playoff game and counting. We all know what the cheatriots oops I am Patriots have done in that period of time. Simply put, he has all the ammo and I'd be firing blanks. No thanks.

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It always makes me smile when I see people making the argument that we did poorly in such-and-such a phase of the game last week so we'll do well there this week. 'Cause we'll be motivated.


Works out pretty nicely that way for those determined to see wins next week. If they do well in, say, the run game, you predict they'll do well again next week because they are obviously playing well. If they do poorly in the run game you predict they'll do well anyway because they'll be angry.


But says more about what you want to see happening than anything about what will actually happen.


Here's hoping, though.

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That loss to Miami really boiled my blood. I think ALynn tried to out maneuver the Fish by attempting a passing attack rather than sticking to our bread and butter (run and stop the run).


That's why this Sunday we will beat the Patriots by 10 points....as follows:


1) Run and stop the run: Our O Line is relatively healthy. They have been solid all year (mostly). They felt embarrassed by the Miami game. The O Line will get together and assure this does not happen again (especially at home). We have a healthy Gilislee and J Williams. TD Mike can score on long runs up the middle.


1b) Stop the Run - Rex will look to stop the run first. Blount and White will have to be contained by our LB's. If the Miami game has a silver lining it is this: You have to stop the run first and foremost. Rex took a 200 yd rusher against his D personally...as he should. This won't happen to the Bills D this week.


2) Pressure on Brady - Shaq Lawson popped his cherry. Lorax and Brown are playing lights out. KW and Washington are also healthy. KW will inspire the troops. Dareus may play.


3) Our CB's played their second worse game of the year (after Jets). Ed Reed and Rob Ryan will have a gameplan for our secondary that will limit Brady while he feels pressure. TWO INTS. this game.


4) Special Teams - our punting game and kicking unit are playing well. Edelman has slippery fingers as a return man. We are gonna hit NE hard.


5) The X Factor: Patriots have won games they shouldn't have won this year (without Brady) and are due for a loss they should win. The entire National Media will be singing the praises of T Brady all week...until after the game when the Bills walk away with the win.


6) Tyrod - ALynn will call a manageable game for TT. Passes to the TE's Clay and O'Leary, Hunter for red zone calls and designed runs for TT. He will return to normal form.


7) The Bills are Home team dogs by 6 pts. 'Nuff said.


Go Bills!!!



I was a little off.


So much for being an optimistic Bills fan. I will change my strategy next time.


Just a little. There might have been a tiny amount of flawed logic in your OP. Just a dash of homerism, maybe.

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