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Bills in the 2016 Playoffs?? Yep.

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Why is Seattle more important than Jacksonville? As far as making the playoffs as WC, it's WAY more important. As far as winning the East, the 2 Fish games are even more important.


I'm not scared of any of these teams. We got Rex and Hotrod :)

I wasn't saying Seattle was more important. I was bolding the games that are going to be against playoff caliber teams.


Not scared either, but it will definitely be a much tougher stretch than what we've seen so far.

Edited by Talley56
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We simply have no business talking about playoffs. Especially as a Bills franchise. We've had better records and in better positions in the past. We are the losingest franchise in all of sports. Can you feel the BBFS?


This week has proven how close we can get to losing it all. Shady goes down, we go down.


With that, I've already stated when I will change my screen name. As of right now, Rex is 12-10 as our head coach. He's shown improvement these past few weeks, but so have other coaches who didn't make it. We've also just come off a streak where we haven't played a legit quarterback. That's not our fault, but it just means we haven't been fully tested yet.


Again, happy to be wrong. But this team does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. They don't get to fall into statistics showing that we have a good chance at the playoffs.


Until we have actually clinched a playoff spot, I will not change my tone on this. And there is absolutely no excuse that will serve as acceptable to bail out Rex. I don't care who gets hurt, what game we almost won, this is his team, his roster, and his result.


But RexOverLips does have a nice ring to is

great points!


Chan Gailey and Dick Jauron both had longer winning streaks and what happened to both of them?


In 2008 the Bills opened the season 4-0 and went on to 5-1 before crashing badly going 2-8 over the next remaining games and that year Brady went out for the season in the Pats first game!


In 2011 the Bills were 5-2 until Fitz broke his ribs and Gailey kept playing him. Once the starting center went on IR so did the entire team going 8-1 to finish the season 6-10. That was after starting 5-2!


This current team is a run first team who is led by LeSean McCoy who is about 70% of the offense and when he brings his A game this year the Bills don't lose. It's very doubtful that McCoy even plays and last time I looked last year's savior is currently on the Steelers practice squad.


In 2014 all the Bills needed to do to make the playoffs was win against a 2-11 team and yet the Bills lost that game because they forgot how to run the ball against a team who was 32nd in run defense. It was a pathetic to see the Bills leading rushing team in the NFL from a year previous to rush 13 times for 13 yards. Kyle Orton was forced to carry the team on offense with his arm.


In 2004 all the Bills needed to do to make the playoffs was win against the Steeler backup players as they were resting the starters for the playoffs. So, those backups played better than the Bills starters and won 24-29.



This is the Buffalo Bills we are talking about and so many wanted Rex fired after starting the season 0-2. Let's see how the season ends, shall we?

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great points!


Chan Gailey and Dick Jauron both had longer winning streaks and what happened to both of them?


In 2008 the Bills opened the season 4-0 and went on to 5-1 before crashing badly going 2-8 over the next remaining games and that year Brady went out for the season in the Pats first game!


In 2011 the Bills were 5-2 until Fitz broke his ribs and Gailey kept playing him. Once the starting center went on IR so did the entire team going 8-1 to finish the season 6-10. That was after starting 5-2!


This current team is a run first team who is led by LeSean McCoy who is about 70% of the offense and when he brings his A game this year the Bills don't lose. It's very doubtful that McCoy even plays and last time I looked last year's savior is currently on the Steelers practice squad.


In 2014 all the Bills needed to do to make the playoffs was win against a 2-11 team and yet the Bills lost that game because they forgot how to run the ball against a team who was 32nd in run defense. It was a pathetic to see the Bills leading rushing team in the NFL from a year previous to rush 13 times for 13 yards. Kyle Orton was forced to carry the team on offense with his arm.


In 2004 all the Bills needed to do to make the playoffs was win against the Steeler backup players as they were resting the starters for the playoffs. So, those backups played better than the Bills starters and won 24-29.



This is the Buffalo Bills we are talking about and so many wanted Rex fired after starting the season 0-2. Let's see how the season ends, shall we?


This is 2016. BBFS!!!

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I find it amusing that people take such issue with believing in your team, and rooting for them to make the playoffs. Nope we can't enjoy the season and talk about the playoff picture until we are confirmed to be in! Ridiculous.


I also find it funny how people talk about the failure of the Bills to win that Raiders game in Week 16. The thing is that all of you negative nancy's gave up on the teams playoff run long before that after the Week 10 Miami game. We had just come off a loss to the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Miami Dolphins, and went from 5-3 to 5-5. People quickly wrote off the season and made fun of those who still believed we had a chance because we still had the Broncos, Packers, and Patriots to play against.


We end up going 4-2 in that last 6 game stretch and suddenly the negative nancy's remember how we botched the raiders game in Week 16 when they clearly gave up on the team in Week 10.


The point is that both sides show unwarranted optimism, and unwarranted pessimism, but only one of those is being a real fan of the team and enjoying the game. The other seeks to take potshots, and belittle the team.

Edited by What a Tuel
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This is 2016. BBFS!!!

Oh, I'm very infected.

I find it amusing that people take such issue with believing in your team, and rooting for them to make the playoffs. Nope we can't enjoy the season and talk about the playoff picture until we are confirmed to be in! Ridiculous.


I also find it funny how people talk about the failure of the Bills to win that Raiders game in Week 16. The thing is that all of you negative nancy's gave up on the teams playoff run long before that after the Week 10 Miami game. We had just come off a loss to the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Miami Dolphins, and went from 5-3 to 5-5. People quickly wrote off the season and made fun of those who still believed we had a chance because we still had the Broncos, Packers, and Patriots to play against.


We end up going 4-2 in that last 6 game stretch and suddenly the negative nancy's remember how we botched the raiders game in Week 16 when they clearly gave up on the team in Week 10.


The point is that both sides show unwarranted optimism, and unwarranted pessimism, but only one of those is being a real fan of the team and enjoying the game. The other seeks to take potshots, and belittle the team.

Being BBFS infected, I'm happy you aren't. I'm not trying to bring anyone else down and wish I could share your optimism. Those two season I referenced kinda ruined me and set the bar high for getting optimistic like that again.


Be the fan you want to be and more power to you. This is why we have this forum, to talk it out.


Trust me, I wish I could have the optimism so many others have.

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As many of you i read that and got excited, after i stopped trying to understand that first graph, and read the actual article. Then of course i reminded my self of the last couple of seasons the Bills started out hot, only to fall. I then reminded myself of 2004 and the 'we got to beat the Steelers backups' last game. Point is, of course the Bills can fall completely apart. I did notice that when i read over the list of teams, specifically the AFC teams, not one jumped out at me. Of course there are a bunch of teams on there that can beat the Bills. Heck the Bills could lose to Miami this weekend and we all will think the sky is falling. I have a different feeling about the Bills this year. I have this cautious optimism that the team has bought into what Rex is selling. That is about 75% of what it takes to be a winner in the NFL or any sport, heck business. When management and coaches can get their team and staff listening and carrying out the tasks and assignments, things go good usually.

Bills have their deficiencies, there is no Tom Brady to rely on to throw the perfect pass after 59 mins of bad play to win the game. No, for the Bills it is going to take every man pulling in the same direction, lifting each other up, or stepping up when one man falls down. This makes me think about the city itself that this team plays for. The city has not had it easy for a long time. While the Bills did have a great QB in Kelly, Kelly had other greats around him. Buffalo has always been a great community that takes pride and rallies around each other. Just like for the Bills it will take a great team to win. I think Whaley has done a pretty darn good job working with Rex to build that team. Now as a fan i will enjoy the ride. Relish in the wins, curse the loss'. I will watch up until the end. I think the Bills could finally be on the verge of something big.

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This chart is off.. How can a team end up 9-6, but have no possibility of getting 9-7? Isn't it a 16 week league for teams?


Let's all create false threads.

Also this is bad voodoo for the Bills predicting they'll b in playoffs, just let it run its course.

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I find it amusing that people take such issue with believing in your team, and rooting for them to make the playoffs. Nope we can't enjoy the season and talk about the playoff picture until we are confirmed to be in! Ridiculous.


I also find it funny how people talk about the failure of the Bills to win that Raiders game in Week 16. The thing is that all of you negative nancy's gave up on the teams playoff run long before that after the Week 10 Miami game. We had just come off a loss to the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Miami Dolphins, and went from 5-3 to 5-5. People quickly wrote off the season and made fun of those who still believed we had a chance because we still had the Broncos, Packers, and Patriots to play against.


We end up going 4-2 in that last 6 game stretch and suddenly the negative nancy's remember how we botched the raiders game in Week 16 when they clearly gave up on the team in Week 10.


The point is that both sides show unwarranted optimism, and unwarranted pessimism, but only one of those is being a real fan of the team and enjoying the game. The other seeks to take potshots, and belittle the team.



Some feel talking about the playoffs after six weeks is a bit early given what's happened with this team over the last 15 years. You aren't any more of a Bills fan simply because you think they will make the playoffs this season after only six weeks. Ten weeks to go and so many things can happen in those ten weeks.


Nobody here is belittling the team and only reminding those optimists the history of the team. I also don't feel the need to call you a derogatory name because of that optimism.


Like I suggested, let's see how the season is going to end before we talk playoffs.

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