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IF Chef Jim came to opener - good advice for him


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If you came to the opener you should bring

Long underwear

Heavy coat

Warm boots

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Why would I bring these things in September? On second thought I don't want to know.

He should bring his imported Italian racing bike, helmet and biking shorts so he can travel quickly from tailgate to stadium and then drive on Southwestern Blvd and beat all the traffic by driving tight to the shoulder.

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Besides if I were to come I'm an old fart and would use a golf cart.

Bring some Gug-away repellent and a copy of Tom Petty's greatest hits in case Tom shows up. Nah what am I saying, Tom would never lower himself to mingling with the Proles

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Besides I wouldn't need any Gug repellent. He'd likely not want to be near me anyway. Tom-away on the other hand? This is actually good advice

Jim, be sure to bring your old back pain meds, not the new back pain meds. They are kinda old fashioned on that in NY state.

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Besides my back is find and haven't taken pain meds in two years. And I can't bring your Dr Bob's cure all with me if I wanted to.

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My advice would be to not take any advice...

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. As if I'd take advice from a slack jawed yokel. Especially one offering up 'possum hind quarter.

My advice would be to stay away from Cletus when he's drunk. He gets touchy feely

Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. What about Mrs Cletus?

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Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. As if I'd take advice from a slack jawed yokel. Especially one offering up 'possum hind quarter.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. What about Mrs Cletus?

It was raccoon.... And she's not as friendly when over served....

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And she's not as friendly when over served....


Now this is good advice. And yes I'm taking it as advice. :thumbsup:

Bring me wine or I will lock you in the outhouse with Beerball.


If I were to come I'd be packing you two bottles of Sonoma's best bubbly. Unfortunately.......................

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