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Turkey Coup!

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So the Celebrity cruise ship we're taking in 2 weeks and that is set to sail this Tuesday for a similar cruise and visit Turkey has dropped going there. I'm sure ours will be as well.

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The fallout continues: Turkey coup arrests hit 6,000 as Erdogan roots out 'virus'




The conspiracy theory you tossed out on this one is looking pretty good. Arrests and calls for the U.S. too extradite the Pennsylvania man ....hard to believe anyone else has benefited from this as much as Erdogan.

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The conspiracy theory you tossed out on this one is looking pretty good. Arrests and calls for the U.S. too extradite the Pennsylvania man ....hard to believe anyone else has benefited from this as much as Erdogan.


More articles that lend (some) support this theory if you're interested:









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Don't know that the last two articles support that. The third, certainly, is pretty much just normal - when you stage a coup, you don't tell every PFC down the line. That's a good way to get shot before your coup starts.

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Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been 'staged' by Erdoğan regime

Elaborating on the idea that Erdoğan may have staged the coup attempt, Aslandogan said Friday’s events did not match the pattern of previous coups.

“The coup appears to be poorly planned,” he said, “very poorly executed and everything seems to be playing into Erdoğan’s hands. There are many big question marks of how [this attempted coup] was executed.”

Supporters of Gülen expressed frustration over the accusations against the leader.

“This is a usual conspiracy against Gülen,” said Harun Gultki, who volunteers at the center and lives in a nearby town.



From what I've been reading Erdoğan has been purging the army and other centers of power for years and the coup was a last desperate act to reverse things which is why it failed as they were already so weakened - plus the reasonable secular are always at a disadvantage against fanatics who don't mind either killing or dying.

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Kerry, you !@#$ing idiot. Just run your mouth, overturn two centuries of Western foreign policy on a whim, and announce to Putin that you're going to give Russia the Eastern Med. :doh:

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Kerry, you !@#$ing idiot. Just run your mouth, overturn two centuries of Western foreign policy on a whim, and announce to Putin that you're going to give Russia the Eastern Med. :doh:


Yup. Idiotic.



Then there's this. Patsy or real?

Turkey ex-air chief Akin Ozturk 'admits' to coup plot


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WikiLeaks to release Turkey power structure documents

"Get ready for a fight as we release 100k+ docs on #Turkey's political power structure," the whistle-blowing organisation said on Monday via its official Twitter feed.

The organisation also claimed that the Turkish government will attempt to censor the distribution of the documents, and urged the Turkish public to be ready to bypass any government attempts at blocking access to the material.

Edited by ALF
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