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Williams speech/Alton/Philando/Dallas shootings

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These idiots are nothing but pawns being used by communists to push their agenda.


BLM is proof that out media is corrupt. They are not objective or fair in the least.


I've seen that there are people who just post all day - claiming this racial outrage and that racial outrage. Then, they get some retweets, etc. and then the stupid media writes a story about retards on twitter and quote the retards and then the retards who counter the argument.


I was thinking these uber tweeters must be getting paid. At least some of them.




Yeah... Because his father would eventually end up killing him.


Haha - true! He had some good foresight!

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"Swimming never became a part of African- American recreational culture."


Yet... Being near the water is!


Just two weekends ago, I had a pleasure craft that almost swamped on me because they tied/knotted/line fouled too low in the lock chamber when I was filling the pit (lock chamber). The boat listed and it may have swamped and filled (not gonna sink, too small) if I didn't react quickly. I immediately began closing my valves and gates while ordering my co-worker to throw the lower gates open and re-drop the pit to correct the fouled line. Anyway, one lady on said vessel starts tripping out (reasonable)... But jumps off onto lockwall while boat was still up high with pit filled... Me knowing that she could slip between boat and wall (bad, BAD siteeation! VERY BAD!), or fall since boat was gonna go low again (me calling down below to drop pit and right listing, heeling vessel)... I pleaded with her to stay w/the boat! Yet, first thing she is doing is saving the fishing rods, tackle, and her shoes (really only sandals)!!! WTF... She couldn't swim and had no PFD (lifevest) on! WTF is she doing anywhere near the water in a small boat! And in a lock right by a sign that says: "Caution! DO NOT TIE OFF TO LADDER" BTW, a boat is not suppose to "tie or dog off"... They should make one loop around and "pay out" or "pay in" as vessel is being raised or lowered. Oh, also a sign right next to that other one: "Caution! DO NOT GET OFF YOUR VESSEL DURING LOCKAGE"


But, I digress.


Cullen Jones & Simone Manuel are changing that... :-/ :-/

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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"Swimming never became a part of African- American recreational culture."


Yet... Being near the water is!


Just two weekends ago, I had a pleasure craft that almost swamped on me because they tied/knotted/line fouled too low in the lock chamber when I was filling the pit (lock chamber). The boat listed and it may have swamped and filled (not gonna sink, too small) if I didn't react quickly. I immediately began closing my valves and gates while ordering my co-worker to throw the lower gates open and re-drop the pit to correct the fouled line. Anyway, one lady on said vessel starts tripping out (reasonable)... But jumps off onto lockwall while boat was still up high with pit filled... Me knowing that she could slip between boat and wall (bad, BAD siteeation! VERY BAD!), or fall since boat was gonna go low again (me calling down below to drop pit and right listing, heeling vessel)... I pleaded with her to stay w/the boat! Yet, first thing she is doing is saving the fishing rods, tackle, and her shoes (really only sandals)!!! WTF... She couldn't swim and had no PFD (lifevest) on! WTF is she doing anywhere near the water in a small boat! And in a lock right by a sign that says: "Caution! DO NOT TIE OFF TO LADDER" BTW, a boat is not suppose to "tie or dog off"... They should make one loop around and "pay out" or "pay in" as vessel is being raised or lowered. Oh, also a sign right next to that other one: "Caution! DO NOT GET OFF YOUR VESSEL DURING LOCKAGE"


But, I digress.


Cullen Jones & Simone Manuel are changing that... :-/ :-/


I couldn't believe that that avid Canadian fisherman who died a few weeks ago (at first they thought he might have faked his death) couldn't swim - and yet went out on his boat every day!

By himself!

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I couldn't believe that that avid Canadian fisherman who died a few weeks ago (at first they thought he might have faked his death) couldn't swim - and yet went out on his boat every day!


By himself!

It is called being desensitized to the risk that surrounds you! Happens a lot nowadays!


Another story of desensitization:


In February 2005, people in NOLA were complaining about water after trees were uprooted (by the Parish doing the service) in their yards? Didn't know where it was coming from! Really, the are 8 feet below sea level, protected by dikes and serviced by ferries and they don't know where the wetness is coming from? Really?


FFW to AFTER Katrina... They start stumping high growth that was on the levees, old trees, oaks, etc... Stumping them, because uprooting undermines the integrity of the levee because of the root system. Keeping the high growth trees would topple over in hurricane and pull up root structure... You guess what happens next: levee failure.


Okay... They start stumping old high growth that should have never been there in the first place... Guess what? People start complaining the "wonderful oaks" are getting chopped down! WTF


Tom's right... People are idiots!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I HATE the people who hold the door open for me - when I'm way too far away. Now, I've got to pick up the pace or else look like a jerk. Then, they let it go so it's got momentum, and I'm actually "working" harder than if they just friggin walked into the mall.

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This conspiracy would make sense if BLM didn't do the exact same thing blockading malls, highways, conventions, festivals....


But apparently, the difference is that there were no black people involved. So it's racist to hold rallies without the minority in question... then why doesn't this requirement affect the "washington redskins" protestors?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obama, Black Lives Matter Sued for ‘Igniting a Race War:’ Dallas police sergeant wants more than $500M in damages.



The officer filing the suit, Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, is himself black, though you have to do a bit of digging to establish that as neither the story linked above, nor the Dallas Morning News story to which it linked, made that clear.

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Obama, Black Lives Matter Sued for Igniting a Race War: Dallas police sergeant wants more than $500M in damages.



The officer filing the suit, Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, is himself black, though you have to do a bit of digging to establish that as neither the story linked above, nor the Dallas Morning News story to which it linked, made that clear.

Sue! Go Unions too! "Security & Safety, safety, safety" as I like to put in my daily work log!


Ah... The poor fellas, 100% of the people they SERVE and protect don't like them? Maybe stop creating "collateral damage."



Big Gov't bad enforcement!... Silly knob slobbers those gubermint vermin that pass these lawd that have to be enforced.


FIND someone responsible! Refuse to look inward & take responsibility...


Sue Baby SUE!


"One nation under God and never responsible"


Time to lawyer up.


Did I cover all the catch phrases?

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The Tom Hagen Math Behind the Democrat response to Orlando


Tom Hagen:
Right now we have the unions and we have the gambling and those are the best things to have. But narcotics is a thing of the future. If we don’t get a piece of that action we risk everything we have. Not now, but ten years from now.

The Godfather 1972

I’ve always known how to count

Tip O’Neill


Gay Conservative Activist Milo Yiannopoulos continues to make the case that Orlando illustrates the choice the left has to make:


“I’m not talking about Islamists. I’m not talking about terrorists. I’m not talking about radical Islam. I’m talking about mainstream Muslim culture. There are eleven Muslim countries in which I could be killed for being a homosexual. The state penalty is death. One hundred million people live in country where the penalty for homosexuality is death. This is not radical Islam. This is mainstream Muslim society. Look what’s happening in Sweden. Look what’s happening anywhere in Germany, anywhere there are large influxes of a Muslim population. Things don’t end well for women and gays. T
he left has got to make a decision. Either they want female emancipation and it wants gay rights or it wants Islam. It’s got to pick.”



What Milo doesn’t get is the left HAS picked and while he and I might find this pick monstrous, when you have a party of marxists who believe in utilitarianism it is completely logical.


Regardless of what you see on TV news and talk shows the reality is over the next 20 years the percentage of LGBT voters in the US Population will likely remain static.

During that same time period the number of Muslim Americans, both by immigration and birth is going to increase dramatically.



Right now the left has the Gays and the Transgenders and the Hollywood elites & media in which they are overrepresented and they figure that’s the best things to have, but in America Islam is a thing of the future. In 20 years the children of Muslims now being raised on the tenets of Sharia law in America will be old enough to vote and Democrats going to make sure they get those votes when the time come, not now but 10-20 years from now.


And if that means more LGBT Americans have to live in fear during those two decades, well it’s small price to pay for power.


It’s not personal , it’s simply a ghastly math driven business.


Closing arithmetic: Anyone want to make book concerning what percentage US Muslim population will be when Democrats decide to throw the LGBT community under the bus to appease them?

Edited by B-Man
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